Preamps in general

Ok, I know the story, Lexicon (which I own) is a great HT piece, and does 2-channel great (IMO) but there are better 2 channel units out there. From all I have read, and all my logical prowess, I can only assume that with dvd-a and sacd-multi, Lexicon will be among the best for those formats. Am I wrong?

I am mainly into this hobby for 2-channel, but can't ignore the onset of future formats. Do you all agree that the decoding power of Lexicon will make it wonderful for the multi-channel music formats? What preamps do you guys consider better...Anthem AVP-20, Tag, EAD...etc???

I like opinions, but facts and experience are better;).

Showing 3 responses by mdomnick

I am using the DC-1 v.4 and am looking to upgrade. I love Lexicon stuff, but I'll be honest, when I bought it, I merely spent the money based on their reputation, and the recommendation of my salesman. I am now asking myself if there is a better preamp that will do 2 channel, as well as pull off HT. When I upgrade, I am thinking the MC1...the 12 series is WAY out of my price range, but I would buy it if I could. So for >$3000 (which is what I can buy a used MC1 for), what else is there that performs well, or IS Lexicon the sh*t in this price range?
Thanks for all the input guys...I think I may try the MC1, but out of curiosity (this may be a dumb question) is it possible to use 2 seperate preamps, 1 for HT and 1 for 2-channel with the same amp/speakers? I can't think of how that would work, but there is lots in this world I can't figure out:)

I can't commnet on Sunfire as I have not heard any of it. I think Bob Carver is a dedicated audiophile and I respect him as a designer (however I did own a Carver amp, TFM35X, which wasn't musical at all, but I'm not sure Bob was affiliated with Carver at the time of production). I would like to hear Sunfire, as it has gotten good reviews, but I would also check out Anthem AVM20 and the Tag Pre/Pro. I wish to God I could sit down with all these pre/pros and do A/B testing. Anyone A/B demo-ed some of these things? I may scrap Lexicon in favor of Anthem or Tag. Just too many decisions to make:/