Power supply for ethernet switch?

Hi, All,


LOVING my DENAFRIPS Hermes/Pontus combo! WOW what a difference adding the Hermes made. I could not have been even hopeful for the improvement this made!


I just bought the TP Link TL-SG105 Ethernet Switch. I have been contemplating so many different paths here, including the setup from Small Green Computer with the Optical Module, power supply, etc. Very intriguing. But that's a little expensive and a lot of added wires,components, etc. I was also looking at the Silent Angel Bonn N8 switch...Would love to get some opinions on just adding a power supply to my new TP Link switch or would one of the other paths mentioned above be better?


If adding a power supply to the TP Link would be a worthwhile improvement, any recommendations, maybe even the 5V power supply from Small Green Computer?

Thanks in advance for your time and advice😊


Hi, All!

So after digging, reading, searching, comparing, and just as I was about ready to pull the trigger on the Silent Angel, while watching Hans' review I came across his review of the EtherREGEN. Decision made, I'm going with the EtherREGEN! 


Maybe I'll add a power supply down the line as well...


Just want to thank all who took the time to respond and offer advice!

30 day money back guarantee, nothing to loose to try it.


In the first 3000 Alex has sold I believe he has had 4 returns (going off of memory)

I am one of ones who didn't return it. 

There may quite a few used ones coming up for sale when the Gen 2 etherregen is released, estimated to be this June, just to let you know. 

The official Uptone threads are on this forum: 


Let us know!

@mclinnguy Thank you! I did see that Gen2 was in the works. Might wait for that one, though if there’s a jump in cost over the original not sure if I can swing it. But no harm in waiting I guess. But the EtherREGEN is absolutely the route I’m going. The reviews (especially Hans’) totally tipped the scales. For now my Trendnet switch will hold the fort. I’m also going to hold off on a power supply for now until I pull the trigger on the EtherREGEN. The 30 day guarantee is nice but I totally think I’ll also add to the list of keepers of this unit.


Thanks for also providing the link!

@kingbr, I use two network switches in cascade in between my CAT-6 router and a Network Acoustics ENO Ethernet System filter that feeds my music streamer. The first is a cheap D-Link DGS-105 five port switch, and the second is a business grade Cisco SG250 smart switch. I use an iFi iPower SMPS on the D-Link switch and an iFi Elite X switch mode power supply with the Cisco. Both are plugged into an AudioQuest Niagara power conditioner. Many folks would ask why would anyone use expensive power supplies on inexpensive network switches for streaming music from the internet? My answer is that having the cleanest power possible running into and through any listening chain is crucial if you want to hear everything on a piece of recorded music.

Despite the well-meaning intentions of those who wish to help prevent us from spending money unwisely, I recently purchased the Reiki Audio switch and upgraded power supply through Liquid Hifi. (See: reikiaudio.com) It seemed more thoughtfully designed and built than the others I considered, other than the one from Taiko.

Newly installed, it brought a sizable and unmistakable improvement over my previous switch - the English Electric.  

I don’t think expensive network switches are for everyone. They range from an expensive accessory to very expensive accessory. And I can imagine some home networks will benefit more than others, some less, based on the many variables present. Nevertheless, for me, it was an entirely reasonable and worthwhile investment.