Plant/Krauss Tour

Went to their show in Chicago Tuesday night. Great show with some unusual arrangements of older songs, including an almost orchestral version of When the Levee Breaks - two violins and two electric guitars soaring in unison. Speaking of soaring - Alison's vocals were fantastic, playing off Robert's husky voice which is still very strong for his age. Both are "singers" and seem to enjoy the back and forth between them depending on the song. Tempo was a little slower than I expected with a hint of dirge in many songs. Played many songs from Raising Sand as well as their new album, adding a few Led Zeppelin standards. Battle of Evermore was exceptional, with Alison easily matching Sandy Denny's (?) delivery. Drummer was fantastic, but I would suggest that Robert's Band of Joy lineup was a touch better at taking led Zeppelin songs to another level. Overall a very fine show, with Alison projecting a more sultry and bluesy delivery vs. her traditional folk /country sound - and she looked fantastic! Robert is Robert, always the showman while at the same time deferring to the band for energy. 


@russ69 Plant is an interpretive singer with his own style. That's why he was so good in LZ.

Quite so. In a joint interview with Alison in a UK publication discussing their recent collaboration he said it was really hard.

Along the lines of that she is a very *precise* singer, and he is not.  Very fatiguing for Plant.

A couple months ago I watched a one on one chat with Plant and Brian Johnson, he of AC/DC. Perhaps BBC, or maybe not. Dunno. Filmed a couple years ago in the area where the footage of Plant’s visual from The Song Remains The Same was filmed.

It was a bit of a friendly get together, talking rubbish, life philosophy, old times, new times and everything in-between. Plant was fit, articulate and suitably fruity.

Probably for fans only, and even I found it all a bit awkward. Like when you are trying to talk when walking and a bit out of breath - pushed.

"Plant's been tired of LZ stuff for decades now. Hence, all his other various projects with Allison Krause and others.... "

Thanks for the enlightenment, larsman-never would have imagined. Brilliant observation!

Plant is an interpretive singer with his own style. That's why he was so good in LZ. When you go see him it will be a unique performance and probably unlike anything you are expecting. Just sit back and enjoy his song stylings. 

@tablejockey - Plant's been tired of LZ stuff for decades now. Hence, all his other various projects with Allison Krause and others.... 

I have their two albums on constant rotation. Glad to hear their live performances are just as good.

Plant being 73, is probably tired of any LZ tunes-like most musicians, they want to explore new, uncovered territory. 

Looking forward to seeing them in August-LA.

Admittedly, I look forward to hearing  the Plant/Krauss interpretations of  some of the classics.