Pl advise on Amp for listening to AOR on Klipsch RF7 Mk II via a custom built R2R NOS DAC

Looking for tight (controlled) bass, pronounced mid-range and soft high (highs should not be shrill).
Options (shortlisted) are:
Burmester 036
Classé CA-2300
Gryphon Diablo 120
Hagel H390
Krell KAV 2250
Mark Levinson 23
Pass Labs 250.8
Bryston 4B
Any other recommendation?

Thank you.


I may completely switch over to the tube amps.

It's not your gear and changing to smoother gear will not correct the problem. A crossover upgrade and perhaps a tweeter diaphragm change is what you will need to do. Talk to the experts at Crites or GR Research. 

+1 Black Ice Audio Fusion integrated in your price range. I've had the RF-7 in my home and also found the Fusion F22 with EL34 output tubes to be ideal. I even ran my DIY SET 300B monos (8W); no problem driving these speakers to high levels in a fairly large room. The nice thing about the Fusion F22 and F35 is that, with the built in and easy to use bias meter, you can roll in EL34, KT77, KT88 or 6550. I've been playing around with quads of Gold Lion KT77 and KT88 I purchased from Jim McShane on my F35. You can't get this variety of sonic and power output options with any solid state amp.

BTW, Black Ice is raising all their prices by 20% on March 1, so if you're on the fence, this would be a good time to pull the trigger.

Good luck.

Many thanks to you all for kindly guiding me. At the moment, I have three amplifiers viz. Concept 16.5, Krell KAV 250a and NAD C326BEE. All three amps provide decent performance (perhaps a little bright) to my ears. I am thinking 'bout adding a valve based preamp to the Krell. How would it be? Or as advised, I may completely switch over to the tube amps.

your amp list are all too good for these loudspeakers

This was my 1st thought. FWIW at 100 db efficiency you should try a lower watt tube amp like the Black Ice or Bob Latino’s ST 70 or 120. I had the later running on my 93.5 db Sens. speakers with very good results. The 35 wpc replaced a 250 wpc behemoth from a very noted mfg. With speakers like you have high wattage is not really as good as low power IMO and others.


I actually have a Black Ice Audio Fusion 22 for sale over on U.S. Audio Mart which would be fun to try with these speakers. That's how I ran across the GR Research video. It is not my desire to try to push equipment in the forum but the Klipsch were a potential speaker to match up with my F22.

your amp list are all too good for these loudspeakers 


you just need  a good tube amp or a hybrid  unison researchs unico series are perfect very smooth very punchy


Dave and Troy

Audio intellect NJ

unison research dealers


Topping PA5 - $349! 110wpc@8ohms clipping. Why spend more?



I think he wants a little more than the topping is able to give.


The Paradigm Signature S8's are wonderful! I nearly bought a pair. They are 92db and +-2db@39hz but play down to 24hz. They could be a bit bright depending on the electronics and your room but with good electronics they're really nice.

Oh! Did not know that. As I don't have tuned ears, it sounded great to me when paired with a Krell and a Concept 16.5 separately. Perhaps because I did not have much exposure to listening to different speakers side by side. By the way, how are Paradigm Signature S8?

I don't want to criticize your speaker choice but have you seen this video?


Actually in the radio biz, it was called Album Oriented Rock because one track could be 23 minutes such as Pink Floyd Echoes.

Adult Oriented Rock also called Melodic Hard Rock e.g., Andy Rock, Find Me, Free Spirit, Lionville, Raintimes, White Widdow (spelt with an additional 'd'), etc.