Our Responsibility

As my music system competes with fireworks in the background (4th of July, after 9 pm) I’ve been reflecting on John Darko’s recent post (linked below). Specifically this section:

"Being a hi-fi enthusiast isn’t about the gear we own, the music we listen to or in which format. It’s about how we listen: attentively and mindfully, to the music AND to others."

Perhaps the significance and import of this very special day in our national history has opened up a window within me, to explore this further.

I’m asking our community: What is it that we can do to share and expand our interest and hobby, and this special love of music, with others?

From Darko.Audio: https://darko.audio/2019/07/the-know-it-all-audiophile-threatens-community-expansion/
Snake oil is the lubricant that greases the tracks for the train headed for the Promised Land. All aboard! 🚂 Toot! Toot! 
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Our understanding of the electromagnetic force is, in fact, 100% complete.

So why then are all our electronic components imperfect?
My entire family thinks I'm bat-crap crazy. None of them, including my grandkids, even have CD players. How do you share music with people like this? 
Wise words ...

"The bitterness of poor quality remains long after the sweetness of low price is forgotten."
@oregonpapa Was that before of after you spent five big ones on The Gate? 😉
None of them, including my grandkids, even have CD players. How do you share music with people like this?

Frank, I'm confident that at least one of your Grandkids will channel their audiophile Grandfather in the future and have fond memories and a connection to you regarding this and more. Keep sharing your love of the hobby with your family.
 david_ten ... 

Thanks, I appreciate the thought, but ... the new generation isn't into this stuff. Totally addicted to their phones and I-pads though. They are so busy with their careers, there isn't much time for them to listen anyway. 

noromance ...

"The Gate" is worth every penny of that five grand. To get the kind of upgrade in SQ allowed by "The Gate," one would have to spend many times that amount. Doing things over again, "The Gate" would be my first upgrade. I'd love for you to hear my system at this point. It is quite remarkable. 


noromance ...

My folks (parents) almost disowned me when I started playing Bebop jazz back in the 50s. They had a Garrad turntable, a Fisher tube receiver, a couple of AR speakers and a pair of Koss headphones. It sounded good, but all they played was Herb Alpert, The Smothers Brothers, and Burl Ives. They just didn't get Charlie Parker and Diz. *lol*
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You sell a lot of snake oil. You make ludicrous claims about it; claims that aren’t supported by ANY kind of science. Then when you’re challenged you go off of the logical fallacy bandwagon like a flat earther. You entire post up there is a rant in support of logical fallacy winning the day. Let’s go through it point by point, shall we?

>>>Uh, I have a degree in theoretical physics, Koost. You, on the other hand, should have listened to your mother and stayed in school. 
Our understanding of the electromagnetic force is, in fact, 100% complete.

So why then are all our electronic components imperfect?

>>>>>Actually, that’s an excellent example of someone use a long scientific term pretending to be scientific. In fact, the electromagnetic force has precious little to do with audio.

Michael Green employed a similar logical fallacy by stating there are four fundamental forces, including the electromagnetic force so, by virtue of that fact, his argument must be correct. 
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Hello Quality

‘Originally’ it was listening in a fixed place in a room, dominated by someone, then your own room. Fixed place leads to a naturally improving system.

You could bring your LP’s to any dedicated room. Reel to Reels, also portable, was a rich man’s game, experienced by very few. WWII military in Asia had access to affordable reel to reel, but pre-recorded content was minimal and pricey. Home recordings were very possible. Recording radio was a big thing. ‘Free Content’.

I inherited my rich uncle’s system, otherwise I might never have experienced reel to reel, my favorite format still.


Format Change, Mono, Stereo, ……

I am 71, a USA baby boomer. I experienced FM making it into car radios, then homes; mono to stereo: home equipment, phono, portable ‘suitcase’ music systems, tubes to transistors, development of sealed enclosure loudspeakers, affordable decent home audio systems, …. And the simultaneous development of access to reproduction/recording equipment for musicians, thus garage bands, …. The 60’s oh boy. Reduction in size, thus portability of that equipment was a big factor.

Tube to Transistor was a huge factor in portability and reliability. Operated without much knowledge.

Then the equipment quest, the audio industry, dedicated publications: late 60’s, 70s, 80,s. I stopped paying any real attention to equipment mid 90’s.

Back to tubes, lps, reel to reel, content. I listen to my friend’s high end system, his digital content, sounds terrific, but it’s not for me.


Hello Portability/Hello Compromise

****8 Tracks were the Beginning of the End***.

A physically horrible design, never intended for music. They were invented for advertising on radio stations. A small amount of tape (thus less stress on the whole system), to only last the length of ‘that’ ad campaign, then into the trash can.

But, now, for the first time, we, the masses, could listen in our cars, our friends cars (very important to teenagers then), anyone’s hangout, share our content. Goodbye LP’s, goodbye quality, goodbye quality speakers, hello lousy car speakers, …. , repeat, the beginning of the end.

Cassette, originally for dictation, words, not music, increased in quality and portability to kill 8 track.

The Walkman then added Isolated Individual listening, even in crowds and noisy distracting environments to the portability and sharing, and home recording/sharing was a rocket.

Content, reduced size, reduced cost to free unlimited quantity, totally portable.



Where does that leave us?

Compromise is what most of us avoid, then, avoiding compromise, we seek perfection, what a curse.

Propagate the curse, good luck with that.




"What is it that we can do to share and expand our interest and hobby, and this special love of music, with others?"

1 Demonstrate that it is fun and worth all the trouble and expense.
2 Expose the all too many snake oil salesmen (yes, it’s usually men), who are determined to prove, for their own gain of course, that it isn’t.

Expose the all too many snake oil salesmen ...
There is a noisy minority on this site that proclaim this as a personal mission. But they never bring a court case to prove their claims of fraud and malfeasance, which makes me wonder what their motivation truly is. It obviously isn't to expose the truth.
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... that’s not how the law works". Can you imagine what the world would look like if it functioned as your broken logic suggests? ...
You claim science is on your side as you allege "snakeoil," which is a form of fraud. So prove your case. Or, perhaps, stop insisting here that others are obligated to provide data to suit your sensibilities.
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Laws are meant to be broken. That includes the laws of physics. Heck, I just broke three of them without turning around. 🤗

Ignorance of the law is no excuse. - Old audiophile axiom

pop quiz time! 🤗 We know light cannot escape a black hole. That’s why black holes appear black. But does that mean photons have mass, that the photons are prevented from radiating outward by the extreme gravity of the black hole? 
dseltz ...

To answer your question, "The Gate" is a device that is placed into and connected to, your circuit breaker box. It will transform your system like nothing else. Go here for information:


... a small clique of fanatics consistently spew their sideways, indefensible opinions ... The radical magnification of relatively nuanced things ... fervent assertions surrounding completely nonsensical snake oil "tweaks" ... radical, nonsensical, out-of-touch-with-reality garbage ... the legitimacy of flat Earth science or Church of the Subgenius theology ... you get your rocks off trying to explain reality with broken logic and pseudo-science, and would prefer to not face scrutiny ... becoming a creationist might better fulfill your needs ... Stop trying to kill this hobby and confuse new converts with idiotic claims and snake oil.
You obviously have your own sense of reality and brand of religion, and a very colorful - even bombastic - way of expressing it. Sadly for you, others are free to particpate here provided they remain within the forum rules. It’s unfortunate that this distresses you to such an extreme.

Beware the audio guru. I started that thread just for guys like you.
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Gosh, I was wondering what all those fires 🔥 🔥 🔥 on the horizon were. They are audiophiles’ houses going up in smoke. Poor little audiophiles. Must be those audiophile fuses.

Thanks!  I was having trouble finding it.  I used the link and of course now see it.  A big difference?  I have very stable power and dedicated 12 G wires to dedicated breaker.  I assume you have similar and this improved your SQ even further? (Not to steal this thread)  Anyway, thanks for the info and perhaps I will need to try in my own system to answer that question

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No problem, Koost. In the overall scheme of things, somebody has to be mid fi so it might as well be you. Good luck in your quest for mediocrity.