Optical digital cables?

I'm moving my KEF LS50 Wireless into another room and will have a turntable connected via analog so I'm going to need an optical cable for my Node 2. The two I'm looking at are:
-BlueJeans w/Mitsubishi ESKA fiber
-Lifatek Toslink

I need about 20"-24". I've had very good success with BJ cables before but is the Lifatec worth the $60ish premium for my application?

Thanks for any input.
For me, glass optical cables have always sounded better than plastic. Of those two, I'd personally opt for the Lifatec for this reason.
I think either would work. If you read about the blue jeans cable on their site it' s built for durability and can be used in long runs up to 50 feet. If you get glass get it long enough to avoid any sharp bends. 
I've had good luck with the AudioQuest optical cables but to be honest I don't do a lot of comparison of digital cables. 


The Lifatec had excellent SQ in my system from both my Mac and transport to DAC.
Never tried the BJ.
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Another option is to go to a commercial optical cable like what the internet providers use and have it terminated to your required size. These cables are very well made and made to an industry spec not to mention relatively inexpensive. find a local cable shop and ask then to cut and terminate a cable for your use. You do not need fancy audiophile optical cables go with the industry standard with appropriate specs
The Blue Jeans toslink, which is Mitsubishi ESKA, is just like all the other low cost mono-filament toslink cables.  It's basically a single plastic element that transfers the light.  These plastic mono-filament will sound dull and low-resolution compared to the better glass fiber cables.

The Lifatec is the best bundled glass fiber cable for the money.  If you're on a budget, buy the Lifatec.  It performs much better than Blue Jean or the other mono-filament. 

Other alternatives are the Wire World Supernova 7.  Or, if you want to get really expensive, the Audioquest Diamond.  They are all just bundled glass/silica fibers, so I don't expect much difference between them.  Lifatec will cut and terminate each cable to your order (you can order custom lengths).  Wire World is a manufactured cable that comes in set lengths.

Thanks everyone,

I'm going to go with the Lifatec. I don't expect any sharp bends outside of the back of the KEFs to the back of the Node 2. I think I'll be fine with 20" but will go 24" for a cushion.
Good choice. I have both the Lifatec and the Blue Jeans cables. Not only does the Lifatec sound better but it will also pass a 24/192 signal, unlike the Blue Jeans which tops out at 24/96. 
I might be overthinking the length I need for the Lifatec. I can get by with 20" but was going to get 24" for a small cushion. Now I’m thinking what if I move things around later, should I get 36"? Any disadvantages in lengths this short? It’s only $10 more to go from 20" to 36" and I’ll have more flexibility placement wise down the road if I change things up.
No, there isn't any real difference between 2 feet and 3 feet for optical cable.  The disadvantages for short cable length come into play when we are dealing with digital COAX or USB/HDMI type cables, where the minimum length should always be 5-6 feet.
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Thanks everyone,

I just bought a 36" Lifatec and am looking forward to it with my LS50 Wireless speakers in my new setup.

I appreciate all the excellent replies.
Definitely check out WireWorlds offerings. A lot of research went into materials an connector