Opinions on efficient bookshelf speakers 95db?

I'm interested in people's opinions about efficient bookshelf speakers. My application will be as room fillers along with full range floor standers or in a small room as stereo speakers. So the need for them to go deep in the low end isn't as critical. I'll be driving with a low watt tube amp, which is why I'm interested in high sensitivity speakers. Here are a few I'm considering.

Tekton Lore Surrounds, Mini Lore Surrounds , or Enzo Surrounds
Zu Cube or Omen Bookshelf
JTR Single 8HT or 8HT-LP
Omega Hoyt Bedford Type I
Decware DM945 or DM946


BEst to read (and listen) also before you buy but also take all specifications with a grain of salt. Does not necessarily mean they are wrong or inaccurate, just limited, usually in a manner that works to the vendor's benefit to attract more customers.
"03-12-15: Analogluvr
Wow that is an incredible difference Vapor! THats what I hate about this hobby, it seems you can't trust anything you read."

You don't read audio equipment, you listen to it. Read a book. Works better that way.
Wow that is an incredible difference Vapor! THats what I hate about this hobby, it seems you can't trust anything you read.
Duke, as usual, is correct. Crossovers in fact will (almost always) make a pairing of drivers easier to drive than they would be without crossover induced transfer functions. And crossover 'losses' are another often perpetuated myth, .05-.1db loss is irrelevant.

Hoffmans Iron Law is always in effect, it's a Law afterall. Unfortunately many manufacturers take liberties with their claimed sensitivity and bass extension specifications. Not to pick on the Ref 3a which is a nice speaker, but just to illustrate that point - and that Hoffmans is unbreakable - this link shows how a claimed 93db sensitive speakers is in fact only 86.7db sensitive.

"... very easy to drive due to lack of complex xover."

Actually it is the impedance curve (both phase and magnitude) that the amplifier sees and interacts with; the amplifier has no idea how "complex" the crossover is, nor does it care. Intuitively we would think that a complex-looking crossover presents a more difficult load than a simple-looking one, but we really don't know without seeing the impedance curves.


I picked up a pair of used Klipsch RB-75's last summer and I could not be more pleased. Real wood veneer, 1.75 inch horn titanium compression tweeter, 8 inch woofer. Very efficient at 97dB and spec'd at 42Hz extension at -3dB. I am driving my pair with a Yamaha A-S1000(90w/ch) integrated amp but have heard others that have experienced great results with low wattage tube amps. Expect prices to range from around 500.00 to $600.00 on the used market. These 20 inch tall 32 LBS "bookshelf" speakers scream with volume but excel also with delicate musical pieces.

The Tektons have gotten great reviews from all. I think I'd go with them...

Reference 3a are not quite 95 but are very easy to drive due to lack of complex xover.
Check out Coincident Speakers I think they are 94 db but Ive heard them on a set amp and they sounded excellent.