New Omega E Mat from Perfect Path Technologies

Many of you own or have read of the highly-regarded PPT Omega E Mat, one of Tim Mrock’s revolutionary signal-enhancing accessories. Just prior to his untimely passing, Tim had finished developing a new generation of his Omega mat, soon to be available. Krissy Mrock has asked a few of us to introduce this new mat, here given the working title of The Double Omega.

In distinguishing the Double Omega, we know the original Omega, herein called the single, as a 7.5” by 10”, rather heavy and somewhat pliable mat, a bit more than 1/8” thick and with a vinyl-like feel. One face is glossy white, displaying the PPT logo and Omega name, while the other is black, smooth and magnetized. Sandwiched between these faces is the active material that causes components to reject the EMI that saturates everything in our surroundings. The Double Omega is much the same, with one important difference: the magnetized face has the finely-textured feel of around, say, 220-grit sandpaper. This texture, it is presumed, comprises yet a second active layer of EMI rejection. Presumed—because working details of the Double Omega are not well understood—better yet to know how to apply it.

With the understanding that the single Omega E mats generate field effects from both faces, mats have typically been placed under and over components and vertically over circuit breakers. How you apply the Double Omega will depend on best use and experimentation. In my case, I have removed two single mats, lying side-by-side, from the top of my large Wadia CDP and have replaced those with two Double Omegas. The Wadia is a one-box player that contains a pre-amp, so I wanted that second, strong field effect exerting downward as well as upward. I also have several singles placed underneath, just as before. Going straight to amps, this player is my only source, so I want it fully protected from EMI. Your priorities will differ.

As of this writing, I am only thirty-hours in on placing these Double Omegas, and I can already tell you they are powerful in their prevention of EMI within my digital source. Yet another veil has been lifted—all instruments and voices are even more sorted out in the aural space with new information heard within that space. There is much more decay heard against a new silence behind and between the musicians. I am already so pleased and excited about what the Double Omega E mats are doing. As Krissy told me, Tim was really stoked to have these new mats available. Rather than wait for the the fourteen-day window of improvement, I want to get this intro out so others can relay their experiences sooner.

It’s a little strange nobody has mentioned mu metal. What’s up with that? It’s an absorber. It’s a shield. It’s two mints in one! 👯‍♂️

Thank you for your response!  Unfortunately, I haven't been able to find any "real world" reports/reveiws (besides from pros) from Qpoint users. The Omega Mats seem to work very well on electrical circuits (AC). Considering that I am using power conditioners and have fairly clean power, do you think the Omega Mats would bring further noticeable improvements?

Thanks again


No wonder I had no clue. I have been shielded from it all my life, but now I absorbed it like a Kleenex.


Thanks for the offer. I will pass. I never liked playing in a sandbox. Much less, if I would have needed to pay for it. Hope you find a good use for your JCB without me.

EDIT: Wow. I am envious. I just saw pictures of some yellow JCB machines. Very exciting. I had something similar when I was a kid. No wonder you are proud of it. Who would not be?
JCB is a brand name of heavy equipment, like Caterpillar in N.A., JCB is to digger, like Kleenex is to tissue.
Such negativity emanating from the folks who have never seen the product, felt the product or used the product. Such positive accolades emanating from those who have. 

I just finished another listening session tonight ... my mind has been boggled once again. 


This was the exact quote that told me that you hadn’t tested anything similar and that You are unfamiliar with the basic technology, or what frequencies may be of interest, or even what products to use.

You used "rfi/emi shielding SHEETS". There is a very large difference between an rfi/emi --Shielding-- sheet and an emi/RFI --Absorbing-- sheet. People who understand these products and technology would never confuse the two or the terminology, so it looks like you bought the wrong thing and hence Your experiments hold no related validity.

You see carpathian, you didn’t use the word absorbing till after I started using it. You used Shielding. Completely different product. Again, no one at all familiar with these products or even someone who has researched them and bought them would confuse the two.

So, you see, and I will type it slower, No Actual Personal Experience. You should quite while you are behind. It is embarrassing .... for you.

thecarpathian752 posts11-26-2019 10:27pmDirect quote from my post made on 11/23/19-
"I have personally purchased and used rfi/emi shielding SHEETS, covering the spectrum of frequencies and placed THEM both inside and outside my gear."
So, wrong again!
And I stated I heard no appreciable difference. Terribly sorry I don’t have the exact frequency coverage for you. I didn’t know there was going to be a test. See, personal, physical experience. I’ll type it slower this time....
I speak from a position of experience. You speak from a position of complete ignorance. Honestly, quit while you’re behind. It’s embarrassing.....

"It would be accurate to say though that they would NEVER reveal the design to you or Gluppy."
I will take that as a compliment. Would they at least reveal the patent to the patent office?


I am actually your adoring readership.

I am not much of an audience for anyone here, atdavid included. Despite the name, audiogon forum does not allow me to be an audience. It is only readership.

How is your refrigerator doing? Got it fixed? How much was it?

You never answered what JCB is.

I will not ask you why you enjoy renting by the hour.
Direct quote from my post made on 11/23/19-
"I have personally purchased and used rfi/emi shielding SHEETS, covering the spectrum of frequencies and placed THEM both inside and outside my gear."
So, wrong again!
And I stated I heard no appreciable difference. Terribly sorry I don't have the exact frequency coverage for you. I didn't know there was going to be a test. See, personal, physical experience. I'll type it slower this time....
I speak from a position of experience. You speak from a position of complete ignorance. Honestly, quit while you're behind. It's embarrassing.....
Post removed 
But it is quite accurate to say that one in the hands of someone with some basic RF knowledge and tools could figure out pretty accurately what it is
Well there is your answer then.
Not that I think Krissy would sell you one now but you can ask nicely.
Then you can give your verdict to your adoring audience.
Well Gluppy anyways......
And again ... you have 0 idea what the Omega+ mat does, since you the manufacturer supplies no specs, and you have no measurements for it.
Post removed 
So, now you know how many emi absorbing sheets I used??! Are you psychic as well as an expert on a product with which you have no experience? I’m sorry, can you tell us again what experience you have with the product? I must say, when you get your a** handed to you, your responses sure are weak....
But it is quite accurate to say that one in the hands of someone with some basic RF knowledge and tools could figure out pretty accurately what it is ...
uberwaltz8,510 posts11-26-2019 9:54pmActually Atdavid, it might not be quite accurate to say nobody knows how the mats work.
It would be accurate to say though that they would NEVER reveal the design to you or Gluppy.

Do you have any RF measurement or design experience? No?  Then you have at best conjecture. You tried One-1 EMI absorbing sheet and I expect you are not qualified to evaluate an EMI absorbing sheet data sheet.

Given the extremely low volume these are sold in, do you really think that PPT has the manufacturing technology to make something like this?  .... or is it much more likely they are marketing something off the shelf and rebranding it. Perhaps they are bonding two low cost sheets together, but that is not evident.
Actually Atdavid, it might not be quite accurate to say nobody knows how the mats work.
It would be accurate to say though that they would NEVER reveal the design to you or Gluppy.
"So pretty much sounds like an off the shelf EMI absorber sheet..."
THAT is conjecture. And since you have absolutely no idea what the mat is atdavid, you are in absolutely no position to claim what it is or is not. I, on the other hand, speak from a position of experience. I have tried BOTH emi absorbing sheets and the Omega+ mats. I have first hand knowledge of what both do. Tell us, do you? Oh, that’s right. You have no clue. You are speaking from a position of complete ignorance when it comes to experience with this product. Yet, you somehow feel you know more than I do about it. What a joke. So yeah, I don’t have to know what the mat is to draw my accurate conclusion. I just have to know what it isn’t.

Since you have absolutely no idea what the mat is thecarpathian, you are in absolutely no position to claim what it is or not, however, based on the construction that oregonpapa my hypothesis is reasonable.

Wide bandwidth isn’t terribly difficult and does not push the cost past $100 at all. It is a matter of particle composition, size and density embedded in the mat, and often a few layers are used to cover wider frequency ranges. Again, since you have no idea the frequencies that the Omega mat works at (or even how), any claims you make w.r.t. is just conjecture.
What a licensing windfall that would be, if only it could be licensed.
Already told you went that route and the mats aren't that. And if you want to cover a lot of frequencies, it's a heck of a lot more expensive than $100.
The emi/rfi absorbing sheets did nothing for my system. The Omega + mats have a profound and positive effect.
That's it!
It's Killer Klowns From Outer Space.
All enacted out for our edification right here.
So pretty much sounds like an off the shelf EMI absorber sheet (as little as $20, <$100 for really good one this size). They are made with and without metal backing. When they have a metal backing, they RF reflects off the back and passes through the absorber material twice, so double the absorption. The usual place to use them is inside equipment especially RF equipment to control stray RF and improve sensitivity.

oregonpapa3,635 posts11-26-2019 8:33pmglupson ...

Just so you’ll understand ... The original mats were made using the same material used for refrigerator magnets. You know, those cute little things that people stick to the front doors of their fridge? They were used for convenience and not for effect. The Alpha cards were made the same way, then Tim switched to a metal backing for those. The new Omega + E-Mats don’t have any magnetic properties at all that I can tell. None of the other products are magnetic either. I liked the magnetic Alpha cards. I have them plastered vertically to the sides of the PC that I use for the bedroom system.



I get it now and I did imagine it was something akin to a refrigerator magnet. I made a mistake by assuming everything stayed the same except that it doubled in efficacy, which is quite emphasized on the website. My mistake. I should read between the lines.

Having a magnet would definitely make it more convenient, but it would expose it to even more technical questions about magnetic influence on, pretty much, everything around.
glupson ...

Just so you’ll understand ... The original mats were made using the same material used for refrigerator magnets. You know, those cute little things that people stick to the front doors of their fridge? They were used for convenience and not for effect. The Alpha cards were made the same way, then Tim switched to a metal backing for those. The new Omega + E-Mats don’t have any magnetic properties at all that I can tell. None of the other products are magnetic either. I liked the magnetic Alpha cards. I have them plastered vertically to the sides of the PC that I use for the bedroom system.

The bedroom system consists of the PC, two Audioengine +2 speakers and I stream via Spotify. For headphone listening, I have a pair of Grado RS-1s and an Audioengine DAC. Of course, everything I could possibly get at has been treated with Total Contact. The little rig plays big and is a delight to listen to.

In all seriousness, would Kohler Numi heat better with the mat? It should.

I believed the website that said it has double the power, double the patent, double this and double that from the original Omega Mat which says...

"It is equipped with a full magnetic underside, which can be attached to any ferrous cover."

I may stand corrected due to unclear description on the PPT website. I apologize.

No, I have not tried it in my system. It is so mysterious that I will keep the mystery forever. The only way to truly enjoy it. Different strokes for different folks, $600 buys a fair amount of ice-cream. Maybe for whole playground. If you come, you will get one, too.
glupson ...

  • "I pick "magnetic field". That is the only one we are sure exists in this story. The thing has magnetic coating." 

180 degrees out of sync. I detect no magnetic properties in the new Omega + E-Mats. Have you detected magnetic properties in the + E-Mats you've placed into your system, Glupson? 

Shear velocity of the component parts of the TC..are low. At least the ones I know of.Tom
Considering shear waves are waves propagating in the material (as opposed to purely surface) and are mechanical in nature, why would you need super expensive contact cleaner with limited mass as opposed to cheap paint or similar?

theaudiotweak1,854 posts11-26-2019 6:11pmTim and I often discussed shear waves and their interfering energy in all solid materials. I can see and hear how Total Contact will reduce this interference. With the mats and the Gate I still feel there is a correlation and there is a reaction and influence on wave energy. Not sure the how or why. Tom

Tim and I often discussed shear waves and their interfering energy in all solid materials. I can see and hear how Total Contact will reduce this interference. With the mats and the Gate I still feel there is a correlation and there is a reaction and influence on wave energy. Not sure the how or why. Tom
I pick "magnetic field". That is the only one we are sure exists in this story. The thing has magnetic coating.

I am proud of you. You are a good student, you cannot ask for money back from me. I taught you well. You are still using my trick with money back from school.
So, you’re sticking with that one, huh? I can’t say I blame you. The rest of your routine is pretty blah. If I were you I’d march right down to whatever podunk school you went to and demand your money back. 
Mr. Originality. Also Mr. Smarty Pants 👖 His best quote, “I looked for it but I couldn’t find anything.” That’s gold, Jerry, gold! To think, people say I enjoy shooting fish in a barrel. Poppycock! Come on, atdavid, I know you can do it. Say something clever. 
Is that all ya got! Out of ammo? My promise still holds to let you win one sometime.
Post removed 
jafreeman OP
"Impacts: Electric field, magnetic field, EM wave (RF), gravity, or purely mechanical. Pick 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5, but you don’t get to pick 0."

You can rule out mechanical. I have mats lying on the floor under my speakers, under my gear not touching anything. Gravity? The mats aren’t very heavy, man. 🌎

>>>>>Somebody missed one. No. 6. Sadly it’s the one that’s probably the right one. I’ve already mentioned it. See if you can find it. 🤗 I’m giving somebody an A for effort, though. Yes, I know what you’re thinking, “I’ve looked everywhere and those are the only ones I found.” 😀 Coming up next, an angry rant telling us nobody understands.
You have no found "anything" I just pointed out the options available to you ... so go through and discuss what the likelihood of any of those and the impacts.
"Impacts: Electric field, magnetic field, EM wave (RF), gravity, or purely mechanical. Pick 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5, but you don't get to pick 0."

You can rule out mechanical.  I have mats lying on the floor under my speakers, under my gear not touching anything.  Gravity?  The mats aren't very heavy, man.  🌎