New Omega E Mat from Perfect Path Technologies

Many of you own or have read of the highly-regarded PPT Omega E Mat, one of Tim Mrock’s revolutionary signal-enhancing accessories. Just prior to his untimely passing, Tim had finished developing a new generation of his Omega mat, soon to be available. Krissy Mrock has asked a few of us to introduce this new mat, here given the working title of The Double Omega.

In distinguishing the Double Omega, we know the original Omega, herein called the single, as a 7.5” by 10”, rather heavy and somewhat pliable mat, a bit more than 1/8” thick and with a vinyl-like feel. One face is glossy white, displaying the PPT logo and Omega name, while the other is black, smooth and magnetized. Sandwiched between these faces is the active material that causes components to reject the EMI that saturates everything in our surroundings. The Double Omega is much the same, with one important difference: the magnetized face has the finely-textured feel of around, say, 220-grit sandpaper. This texture, it is presumed, comprises yet a second active layer of EMI rejection. Presumed—because working details of the Double Omega are not well understood—better yet to know how to apply it.

With the understanding that the single Omega E mats generate field effects from both faces, mats have typically been placed under and over components and vertically over circuit breakers. How you apply the Double Omega will depend on best use and experimentation. In my case, I have removed two single mats, lying side-by-side, from the top of my large Wadia CDP and have replaced those with two Double Omegas. The Wadia is a one-box player that contains a pre-amp, so I wanted that second, strong field effect exerting downward as well as upward. I also have several singles placed underneath, just as before. Going straight to amps, this player is my only source, so I want it fully protected from EMI. Your priorities will differ.

As of this writing, I am only thirty-hours in on placing these Double Omegas, and I can already tell you they are powerful in their prevention of EMI within my digital source. Yet another veil has been lifted—all instruments and voices are even more sorted out in the aural space with new information heard within that space. There is much more decay heard against a new silence behind and between the musicians. I am already so pleased and excited about what the Double Omega E mats are doing. As Krissy told me, Tim was really stoked to have these new mats available. Rather than wait for the the fourteen-day window of improvement, I want to get this intro out so others can relay their experiences sooner.

Geoff, I'm not sure either what Tim meant when he said the mats are solid state and not "crystals".  Are the crystals you know of transmitters? Receivers?  
solid state    (Crystals are from a noun standpoint, solid state)

noun: solid state
  1. the state of matter in which materials are not fluid but retain their boundaries without support, the atoms or molecules occupying fixed positions with respect to each other and unable to move freely.
adjective: solid-state
  1. (of a device) making use of the electronic properties of solid semiconductors (as opposed to valves).


This post was a pure advertisement. It even states that. Given it is an advertisement, the discussions of price, whether it works, whether it can work, etc. are all reasonable.

No, Audiogon is just like every other forum, no more or no less respectful, and given that some posters have not been moderated out of existence, I would say less respectful as it is almost impossible to have a discussion here without it becoming a bunch of ad-homs.

One of my favourite forums (non-audio) has a simple rule. Attack the post, not the poster. I suggest people stick to that, and maybe, just maybe this would be the respectful utopia you want it to be.
Gee, thanks, atdavid.  For a minute I thought the mats had a gaseous or liquid center---and maybe even tubes!  
To the OP
With respect to all I have read and re-read your initial OP and I have a hard time labeling it as " an advertisement".
I do not see any verbiage that appertains to any pricing or deals or purchase outlets.
What I see is a description of it’s physical appearance and a best guess as to how it works.
And then a report of how it is affecting your system and your listening pleasure.
If that is an advertisement it’s a pretty poor one IMHO.

I would say it is very similar to a lot of other threads where someone discovers a tweak or a piece of equipment they are impressed with and then posts it as a topic for all to see .

But what do I know.......
Excellent Wikipedia cut & paste job by you know who. You’ve still got it! 🤗
Solid state could mean a lot of things, it depends on what was intended. I suspect it was intended to mean no moving parts, but who the hell knows? What is it? An alloy? A mixture? A plastic? A composite? Graphene infused? Quantum dots?  Is it alien technology? Which, by the way, was my specialty when I got out of school. But I’ve said too much.
Post removed 
Post removed 
Post removed 
BTW Jafreeman
My last post was not meant as any dig over your OP.
Just stating my opinion that it did not read like an advertisement to myself.
Despite claims to the contrary made numerous times by certain posters here.
That's all.

Happy Thanksgiving to all and family.
And I do mean all, life's too short to waste on Ill will to fellow man.

Turkey time!
Okay ... its time to get this thread back on topic.

My friend Robert just left. He came over to have me burn a couple of CDs for a friend of his. One was a two-disc set of Neil Diamond's "Hot August Night." 

Robert has a real penchant for finding really great recordings, and this set of Neil Diamond's was exceptional. I have the Mobile Fidelity two-album set of this music on vinyl and it doesn't hold a candle to the two CDs I just burned for Robert. 

These new Omega+E-Mats have breathed new life into recordings that I haven't listened to for years. The "Hot August Night" album is no exception.

Amazing, really.

Happy Thanksgiving to all ...

"He came over to have me burn a couple of CDs for a friend of his."

Is that even legal?

Who was the poster talking about posting questions on this thread being a crime?

Oh, oregonpapa. Nevermind.

With respect to all I have read and re-read your initial OP and I have a hard time labeling it as " an advertisement".

I do not see any verbiage that appertains to any pricing or deals or purchase outlets.

All those Coca-Cola ads on TV, and wherever else, have not been advertisements at all.

Who would have thought?

Where is the return policy stated on the web site? I looked and can't find it. I am considering giving one of the mats a try, but want to verify that there is a return policy if I am not satisfied. Thanks.

All those Coca-Cola ads on TV, and wherever else, have not been advertisements at all.

By that rationale then every thread here where enthusiasm is shown for a new product whether it be equipment or a tweak is an advertisement.

Who would have thought it......
Are you familiar with the term cognitive dissonance?

"has asked a few of us to introduce this new mat, here given the working title of The Double Omega. "
Are you familiar with the expression, “If the rule you followed brought you to this, of what use was the rule?”? 

csmgolf ...

The following is from the Website regarding the Omega + E-Mat:

  • "Revolutionary technology to the extreme!
  • Those who have tried the original emat know the strength of a single side.
  • SUPER powerful.
  • Now we are pleased to offer a double-sided mat!
  • Double the power!
  • Even more of our patented “perfect path effect”!
  • Clarity, depth and warmth TIMES 2!
  • Same 90-day warranty"


And by the way, where it says that the "Plus" mat is double the power, there are those of us who are convinced at this point that it is more powerful than that. Indeed, it brings more in the way of realism for sure. Not that the original mat is any slouch, but if you want a real jolt (no pun intended), get two of the Plus mats and put them in your circuit breaker box.  

Check this out:


glupson and atdavid,

You have beaten the horse you rode in on to a pulp. Nobody with any authority to do anything about it shares your view that this thread is an advertisement. Audiogon is in the business of taking advertisements. If they concluded that someone was trying to advertise their products here, without paying for it, they would shut it down. The fact that they don't agree with you, and haven't, deeply offends you, so you act as self-appointed enforcers. You spend great time and effort flooding this thread with off-topic provocation, in order to get it shut down, or at least disrupt it. I'd tell you to grow up and move on, but I’m sure it would fall on deaf ears.

glupson sez ...

  • Who was the poster talking about posting questions on this thread being a crime? Oh, oregonpapa. Nevermind.

I believe I was referring to the criminal mindset of those who would, for whatever reason, attempt to burn legitimate businesses down.

Again, glupson ... what is your intent here? Spit it out, junior.


Is a legitimate business defined as one not breaking any laws? What about advertising laws?    ... There appears, based on Glupson's search, to be no "patented perfect path effect". Beyond words on paper, there is no substantiated "Double the power".  "Warmth" in audio is almost exclusively recognized as a bias towards low frequencies / de-emphasis of high frequencies. Does this product act as a tone control or otherwise attenuate high frequency content and/or increase low frequency content? If so, should be easy to validate that.

I won't comment on what moderators do or do not do, but their perception is just one perception. At least 2 people, I expect more see the OP as nothing more than an advertisement.


Copying CDs for another person is not criminal mindset. It is actually an act.

In just one post, you showed you are willing to do things that are not right/legal making honesty of all your claims very doubtful.

In that same post, by announcing your misdeeds on an open Internet forum, you revealed very unusual, but definitely poor, judgment.

And readers are to believe your claims about the mat? Santa Claus is way more believable. He does not steal.

Just a reminder, that this thread is about New Omega E Mat from Perfect Path Technologies. All other non relevant Posts will be removed. 
Audiogon Official ...

^^^ Thank you, Mod.

Please move forthwith in removing any posts in this thread that are not relevant to the Omega E Mats. Especially anything that hints of being demeaning to another member.

Thanks ...

Frank, thanks for your reply. I was really looking more for the terms of the policy. What can I return the product for, and what can't I return the product for? Is it a satisfaction guarantee? If I find to not work as stated, do I get a full refund of purchase price? It is not clear on anything I can find on the site.
csmgolf ...

It is a no questions asked, full refund if you’re not satisfied with the product.

All you have to pay for is the return shipping. This applies to all PPT products except the "Total Contact" contact enhancer paste.

And by the way, it is my understanding in speaking with Krissy, that to date, nothing has been returned so far.

If it were me, I'd start with two "Omega + E-Mats" placed into the circuit breaker box, and enough of the "Stop-Its" to cover all unused electrical outlets in your house. This will give you a real taste of what these products do, and give you the confidence to proceed. Then get the Total Contact (which doesn't have the 90-day return policy attached to it) and paste away.

In my opinion, the Crown Jewel in the line is "The Gate," but granted, it is expensive. It seems that as you move through the line, each item builds on the rest ... and the final result is truly amazing. As you know, plenty of satisfied customers have reported the results I'm alluding to here on A'gon.

Take care ...

It is modus operandi for skeptics to troll threads that are discussing controversial or new tweaks. Dreaming up as many ridiculous arguments as they can. But much of what was posted by “skeptics” on this particular thread is reminiscent of the famous Einstein and Heisenberg debate on the dodgy subject of quantum mechanics. God does not throw dice, Einstein steadfastly declared. Of course, Heisenberg, who was the author the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle, at age 26, argued the opposite, you know, since quantum mechanics, even at that point in time 1926, expressly declared that the atom, subatomic particles and solid objects all obey physical laws that are probabilistic, I.e., the opposite of what Einstein argued. Einstein refused point blank to accept the uncertainty principle and tried to think up cases where the principle would not hold. Even when Niels Bohr could not shake Einstein. This went on for many days until Einstein’s friend Ehrenfest intervened and chided Einstein, telling him his arguing against quantum mechanics was as irrational as when people argued against his own relativity theory. Nevertheless, Einstein stubbornly refused to change his views, then or any time until his death many years later. That’s the way it goes sometimes.

Above posts make me wonder.

If a brand new, fully legal and copyrighted, CD can be had for less than $20, isn’t Omega+ Mat overpriced at $600?

For example, Neil Diamond’s Hot August Night can be bought for a few dollars on Discogs and brand new for around $13 on Barnes & Noble website.

Is it really necessary to pay $600 for the Mat to enjoy the CD that costs tiny fraction of that money?

From everything I know it is a full refund of the purchase price, if you are not satisfied for any reason. The best thing to do is to call and speak with Krissy, she can give you the details.
"...Einstein stubbornly refused to change his views until his death many years later."
He changed it then???
Glubson ...

One of my favorite quotes came from Tesla ...

“I don’t care that they stole my idea... I care that they don’t have any of their own” ― Nikola Tesla

But more appropriate to you would be this one ...

“If your hate could be turned into electricity, it would light up the whole world.”
Nikola Tesla



I do take other's ideas and often evaluate them.

I am questioning the validity of paying $600 for Omega+ mat while saving $2-3 by not buying a CD legally.

Does this product act as a tone control or otherwise attenuate high frequency content and/or increase low frequency content? If so, should be easy to validate that.
Given that you think it would be easy to answer your question, why don’t you undertake the task yourself? It’s strange how you often proclaim that the testing and research you seek is so easily accomplished, but then expect others to tackle the task for you. Nobody here owes you any testing to suit your sensibilities.

Remember, the product is sold "no questions asked, full refund if you’re not satisfied." So you risk nothing.

glupson ...

  • "I do take other's ideas and often evaluate them."

That may be true, Glupson ... but you certainly can't take a  hint. 

Easily recognizable
As in "even more of our patented perfect path effect."

There. No too hard is it. 
Remember, the product is sold "no questions asked, full refund if you’re not satisfied."
Is it? The only place it says so, that I could find after reading other poster's question about it, is one post on this thread. There is no "return policy" specified I could find on the PPT website. Where exactly is it?


"That may be true, Glupson ... but you certainly can’t take a hint."

That may also be true, but hints can fool you. That is why I have been asking for facts about Omega+ Mat. If they exist, they have not been forthcoming so far.

The owner of the company has been made aware of the omission since the new site went up and I believe is resolving the issue. All one has to do is call the number and talk to a real person for return policy verification.
That may be the first positive and useful thing to come out of this thread.
This thread has been providing nothing but facts about the effects of the Omega + mat by experienced users since its inception. Now, if one is referring to facts pertaining to what mechanisms the Omega + mat employs to function as it does, it has been stated over and over that no one on this thread is privy to that information. Just personal opinion as to how it may function. Asking the same questions over and over is not going to change that fact.

This thread has been providing nothing but facts about the Omega + mat by experienced users since its inception.

 Just personal opinion as to how it may function.

At least that is clear.
There appears to be no "P A T E N D E D perfect path method". There is a patent on the contact fluid. There is not evidence found so far of any other patent. Patents are not "secret".

There. Not too hard is it?
thecarpathian764 posts11-29-2019 1:50pmAdjective
Easily recognizable
As in "even more of our patented perfect path effect."

There. No too hard is it.