Need some help- Speaker choice for Schiit Aegir+ Freya+

Hello, my first post on the forums.

I recently acquired an Aegir and Freya+ pre-amp for my 2 channel stereo system. My current pair of speakers are Paradigm SE Atom monitors, which I am looking to upgrade. Been reading stuff all over the internet trying to narrow it down. 

My budget is $2500 or less. The room is 17x15 and I am in a condo unit, so I cant really crank up the volume too much. 

Knowing that the Aegir is only 20 watts into 8 ohms, I'm looking for a speaker that will sound good at low listening levels. I mostly listen to classic rock. So far I have come up with these:

Wharfedale Lintons, Omega Alnico or Super Alnico, Fyne F500, NSMT model 25/Chorus, and possibly Klipsch.

Also, I am going to need to purchase without actually listening to the speakers. I live in the US but I'm far from any hi-fi store.

Best choice from what I have listed? Or is there another speaker that would be a better match?





The KEF LS50 META is something to consider for your room. I used an older LS50 (not META) with a Freya+ and Benchmark AHB2 and it was really good. I also added a KEF KC62 sub ($1500) and it works so nicely with the Freya+. In your room that combo would be rather good. My room is too big for the LS50 but it is not my main system.


Opps, I did not realize the amp you have is 20 watts. In that case, the LS50 would not be my choice. It needs more power.

Look for a gently used pair of Fritz speakers (any of the models).  They can be powered by a 300B SET headphone amp, as was demonstrated a few years ago at an audio show, and they sounded wonderful.

If you're not familiar with Fritz, do a search on this site.

I have a pair of Ohm 1000s in a room a shade larger than yours and use an Aegir with a Lyr as a preamp and am very pleased with the sound. While I'm not in a condo, I'm not a head-banger and 85 dB or so is my max volume. The Aegir gets there nicely with room to spare.  I also have a pair of Golden Ear BRX's in the bedroom and the Aegir also works nicely with them.

A pair of new Ohm 1000s is just over your budget at $2,700 but the GE BRXs at $1,600/pair would be under by quite a bit. I think both sets of speakers are great buys at their price points.

Fritz seems like they would be a good match. Having trouble finding where I can purchase them.

I have not seen or heard of Ohm speakers. Also seems like a good match. My budget could be stretched, although I would rather not.

Thank you for the input.

ETA: I see Fritz is direct sale. I can't find any negative reviews online. I'm going to contact him.

Ohm Speakers has been in business since the 1970s and have a devoted following. They have a unique design and are direct sales only. However, they offer a 120 day home trial -- you just pay shipping if you send them back.  Their web site is


Check out Tekton Impact Monitors. Very efficient, neutral and transparent to let the nice Schiit gear shine.

Any of the ZU AUDIO speakers, new or used would work very well.


To search for used speakers try

They gather ads/auctions from various sites (including Audiogon).



I love the Aegir (in mono), maybe the JBL HDI-3800 would work well being a fairly efficient speaker.