Need some help- Speaker choice for Schiit Aegir+ Freya+

Hello, my first post on the forums.

I recently acquired an Aegir and Freya+ pre-amp for my 2 channel stereo system. My current pair of speakers are Paradigm SE Atom monitors, which I am looking to upgrade. Been reading stuff all over the internet trying to narrow it down. 

My budget is $2500 or less. The room is 17x15 and I am in a condo unit, so I cant really crank up the volume too much. 

Knowing that the Aegir is only 20 watts into 8 ohms, I'm looking for a speaker that will sound good at low listening levels. I mostly listen to classic rock. So far I have come up with these:

Wharfedale Lintons, Omega Alnico or Super Alnico, Fyne F500, NSMT model 25/Chorus, and possibly Klipsch.

Also, I am going to need to purchase without actually listening to the speakers. I live in the US but I'm far from any hi-fi store.

Best choice from what I have listed? Or is there another speaker that would be a better match?





Showing 1 response by twoleftears

Look for a gently used pair of Fritz speakers (any of the models).  They can be powered by a 300B SET headphone amp, as was demonstrated a few years ago at an audio show, and they sounded wonderful.

If you're not familiar with Fritz, do a search on this site.