Need help choosing preamp for streaming


I recently purchased a new pair of JBL HDI-3800 speakers. I have an old Aragon 8008 amplifier that I would like to use with them. I would like to stream music from Tidal and also listen to YouTube videos through them. I have never streamed music, so I have no idea exactly what I need.
I would like to be able to use my iPhone 15 to choose the music to stream. I have no intention of playing CDs or LPs, so I don’t need anything with those capabilities. From what I’ve read I imagine I need a preamplifier, and perhaps a BlueSound Node. If that’s the case, I don’t want to spend much more than $1,000 on the preamp. The preamp must have a remote control. If purchasing an integrated amp is my best option, I would not want to spend much more than $2,000 on an integrated amplifier with a remote control. I don’t mind purchasing used, but I prefer new because of the warranty.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Thank you for the recommendation. Would you happen to know if that product would work okay with my decades-old amp? That’s where some of my concern is. 

a cheap solution for you would be to get a wiim pro for $200, which streams very well and can function as a remote preamp--you can always upgrade it with an external dac. the bluesound node 2 can be used the same way but costs around $500. you might also look at something like the arcam st60 or cambridge cxn.

As recommended above, an Eversolo DMP-A8 (with a better DAC than the A6) would do everything you’re looking for, but they’re a relatively new company and their customer support doesn’t seem to be all that great if that’s important to you. Personally I like keeping things separate and would prefer something like a Schiit Freya+ preamp with their Bifrost or Modi Multibit DAC and a BlueSound Node for its user-friendly interface (as a streamer only as its DAC is only so so). You can also upgrade the power supply (Teddy Pardo, etc.) of the Node later for a meaningful and relatively cheap performance improvement. For around the $2000 range I think this would give you a lot of performance/$ and allow flexibility for future upgrades if desired. Hope this helps, and best of luck.

Thank you for those recommendations. I was thinking about a tube preamp with the Node rather than Eversolo. I just don’t know if there would be a problem using a newer preamp with my old Aragon amplifier. I guess I should call Schitt to see what they say. 

The input impedance of the 8008 is 22k Ohms and the output impedance of the Freya is <1k Ohms so they should be perfectly fine together as long as the Freya’s sonic characteristics match with what you’re looking for — just read some reviews for that.  It’s nice you have the option with the Freya to run tubes or not depending on your mood or which sounds best to you. 

Great! That’s exactly what I wanted to know. I really appreciate the help. I’m leaning towards the Freya with the Node. 

I’ve decided to go with the Freya+ and the Node. Is it recommended to purchase the tubes from Schitt, or would I do better purchasing them elsewhere? If purchasing them elsewhere is my best bet kindly recommend where that would be. 
Thank you. 

For Posterity: Moon Ace is a good all in one solution for streaming and can be had for around $2K

If not too late, another recommendation would be Rogue RP1. Great value on a used market and a very nice sounding preamp. You can upgrade it’s performance by rolling some nice tubes in. 

Is it recommended to purchase the tubes from Schitt, or would I do better purchasing them elsewhere?

I was going to type that it would probably be shipped with tubes, but I just went to Schitt’s site and saw the same thing that I guess you did. If it was me, I think I’d let Schitt pick the first set of tubes. They ought to know what sounds good in it. You could play around with rolling tubes a bit further on down the road. Enjoy! (Those JBLs look like fun. Is that Aragon a pretty beefy amp to handle that 4 ohm load?)

@jbuhl  Thank you for the recommendation. The Moon Ace appears to be an integrated amp/streamer. I’ve decided that I want to try a system using my Aragon 8008 for now. If whatever I choose to use at this time doesn’t work out I’ll look into the Moon Ace further. 

@audphile1  It's not too late, so thank you for the recommendation. I'm still trying to decide. I'd like to purchase something new that I can have in my hands by this Friday, the 5th. The Freya would not get here by Friday that's why my hunt continues. I obviously need to purchase something today. 

@immatthewj  Thank you for that information. Given your recommendation, if I were going with the Freya I would definitely have Schitt supply the tubes.

The Aragon is a dual mono-block amplifier which produces 400 watts into 4 ohm loads. I also have an Adcom GFA-555 II amplifier which has been rebuilt. 

I just ordered the Arcam ST60. I hope it goes well.

Many thanks to everyone who offered their help.

@zlone  I would have gone with the Freya+ and the Node if I knew that I would have received the Freya+ by Friday. However, I was not confident that I would. 

Thanks again.  

LOL you forgot the dac

you need a streamer

a dac

a preamp 

if you buy all in one solutions you will be buying Chinese made boxes with cheap op amps.

get a Schiit DAC and Schiit Preamp they will sound better! Then a decent streamer for the money is a real ROON Nucleus One..!!!


no china junk in your budget 

@pennfootball71  The ST60 does have a DAC.  To me, the biggest downside is using its volume control that’s probably not very good instead of a dedicated preamp, but that can be added later if desired. 

@pennfootball71  Thank you for those suggestions. I will look into those components. 

@loomisjohnson  Yes, I will report back here once I get it all up and running. Thank you. 

I'd second the recommendation for a WiiM streamer. I have a Pro and a Mini. They sound good and are among the easiest digital products I've ever encountered to set up and use.  They also have a Pro Plus which has a better DAC and they are weeks away from releasing the WiiM Ultra, though it has extra features you may not need.  WiiM has control apps for both Androids and iPhones that will work with Tidal and allow you to select and control what you play, including adjusting volume.  WiiM pricing is quite low for the quality of product they deliver.