Responses from gnobber
Meitner i upgrades My streamer is an Innuous Zenith Mk3. I have it in Roon mode. | |
Meitner i upgrades I use it as a pre also. I had a PS audio BHK pre, but found it sounded better by eliminating the outboard pre. | |
Meitner i upgrades I also had my unit upgraded to the MA3i version. I concur with all of the positive comments above, a very worthwhile upgrade. Improvements in my ability to locate instruments in space, hear the reverb decay, improvements in ability to detect the... | |
DSpeaker Anti-Mode 2.0 - Where in Signal Chain? I had the dual core between my dac output and amp. At that time I had decided I preferred no preamp and was letting the dac control volume. My dac is an exasound e20. The dual core did very well in controlling some severe bass modes I had. | |
ceiling acoustic treatment From the photos, I would suggest first working on side wall reflections before worrying about the ceiling. I have a cathedral ceiling and did eventually put 6 2x4 panels up there of Owens 705 with Ready Bags from Ready Acoustics Co. I did angle th... | |
DNM Stereo speaker cables-experiences? I recently changed out to DNM interconnects, replacing MIT cables. Initially I wasn't sure about what I thought was leanness in the bass, but over time I came to like the DNM bass- quicker, more articulate. On the mids and highs they are very clea... | |
Are some songs on HDTracks different mixes? Don't know how common this is, but I had a similar experience on Steely Dan's Two Against Nature (96kHz FLAC)-- the female background vocals were very faint, and most of the horns were also. Other parts sounded fine. On the other hand, Steely Dan'... | |
Amarra 2.3.2 vs Puremusic 1.82 playback software Anyone compare the junior or mini versions of Amarra to PM? More even comparison price wise | |
MIT line-higher models I moved up from the Shotgun 3.3 to the Shotgun MA. The MA is much richer, less harsh, well worth the extra money. | |
Conrad Johnson 17LS Power Cord Recommendations I have a 17LS2. I tried a Shunyata CX cord, which made the sound brighter and edgier. In the end I went back to the stock cord- more natural sounding, less fatiguing. | |
Martin Logan Prodigy with Sonic Frontiers Power I have Odysseys. Upgraded from Classe CAM200 monoblocks to a CJ premier 350. Huge improvement in power, resolution, tonality, bass... everything. | |
Dumb question? WHAT IS YOUR SEAT/ CHAIR? The seating seems to make a very large difference.I orignally was using a chair from Plummer's (a cheaper knockoff of the Ekornes style), but I found that some of the internal springs buzzed during loud bass passages. Then I moved to a leather sof... | |
Budding Audiophile in San Diego Needs Help There is a great group in SD called the San Diego Music and Audio Guild (SDMAG). They meet monthly. Contact Jan at Next meeting is on 4/29. There have been several talks on room acoustics. Lots of good informal advice and conta... | |
Resolution Audio Opus 21 questions I tried running mine straight into my amps. Very clean sound, less sibilant vocals, but lacking personality and depth. I stayed with running from the Opus into my BAT VK30 preamp, and consistently like it better. A little more noise, but much more... | |
preamp tube hiss from my SF Line 1 Thanks for you reply, Snipes.In my case the problem came on suddenly, so I would think it would be one tube vs. two. Do you think 2.5 years is 'getting up there in age?' I probably do 5 hrs per week, so maybe 700 hrs at this point? |