Meitner i upgrades

New i upgrades are available for Meitner DACs. It’s an extensive upgrade requiring a trip back to the factory in Calgary, Ontario and dealers are facilitating the process. I should be getting a return authorization number soon to send in my MA3. Cost for the MA3 upgrade is $3500. I believe it will be a noticeable improvement for a not outrageous cost (by hi-end audio standards). Details are on the Meitner website.


Showing 3 responses by spenav


If I were to be honest, I would say upgraditis. I went to an MSB Premier. I could live with either one. I haven’t listed my MA3 yet. I probably will this week. Thanks. 


I think the Premier is a little more resolving than the MA3 and also more dynamic. That’s probably what is being addressed in the update. If I knew about the update at the time, I probably would not have purchased the Premier. However, the Premier can easily be someone last DAC purchase. It’s a solid presentation that leaves nothing to be desired. That has nothing to do with price since I felt the same way about the LUMIN X1. I couldn’t keep it however because I needed a USB DAC. Happy listening.