Luxman L-509X as a preamp

I have an Ayre VX-5 that I really enjoy. I am considering an Ayre KX-5 preamp to pair with it. I currently use a Rogue RH-5 and it sounds great. But I am thinking the KX-5 will have more synergy. I also have been kicking around the idea of having an integrated amp and like everything I see and hear about the Luxman L509X. I thought of picking one up and using it as a preamp for the VX-5. Has anyone else used this integrated as a pre? If so, what are your thoughts?


I just tried my 509x with a musical fidelity 308cr power and wow. The extra power gives the sound much more authority. Is this setup a waste? Not really as I’ve got a sound I enjoy and flexibility. 


Hey all, 509x owner here who was/is recently pondering separates.  Considered keeping this as the pre and while it seems wasteful, it might make sense.  If i'm not mistaken the Luxman C900 preamp doesn't include a phono pre which would be one benefit.  

@sdavada What speaker are you driving with the combo? What happens to the meters when 509x is just a pre?  




The meters are associated with the amp, not the pre, so they stay at zero.  They lights are controlled separately. You can test this out by hitting SEPARATE while listening to music.  The pre is still working, which you can listen to via the pre outs.