LSA 20 Signature Loudspeaker / Great Performer & Great $ Bargain until end of the year

My review on the LSA 20 Signature Loudspeaker has just gone up on the Stereo Times website that shares the details of why this seven driver design (four active and three passive drivers) gorgeous looking speaker offers a beautiful full-range performance in sound-staging, rendering of natural colors/timbres(think Harbeth), top end sparkle, and accurate bass extension down to 25 Hz. All of this delivered in a small footprint floor-standing enclosure that’s clad in a top-notched matched chocolate Rosewood veneer.

It normally sells for $3,995, which includes shipping, but until the end of the year it’s on sale for $2,399. At its regular price its a bargain. However, for $2,299 it’s a freaking unbelievable steal!

For all the details regarding build quality, specifics on the 20’s performance, and design take a look at the review.

I'm looking at these LSA's for my bedroom, the size is right and they look good. In the review it was stated you set them up 5 ft from the wall. I don't have that luxury. How close to the wall could they be placed and still sound good? I don't need booming bass ( In a condo and can't play to loud anyway) ? Anyone have thoughts or experience with these speakers?

Well, as per the OP...
For all the details regarding build quality, specifics on the 20’s performance, and design take a look at the review.
Incidentally, teajay bought the review samples after reviewing them for The Stereo Times, which I highly doubt he would’ve done if they were made from “$100 worth of junk.”  While I understand your concerns, I don’t think there’s much to worry about with these new LSA speakers.  FWIW. 
I realize this thread is on the old side but find the new LSA speakers intriguing.  Especially at their current sale price.  Can anyone comment on the actual quality of the cabinets and components?  When I hear “manufactured in China” and “custom drivers” that clues me in on how they are such a bargain.  What are the cabinets actually made from?  Typical Chinese chip board “MDF”?  Off brand crossover components?  Drivers built to what spec and by whom?  There are sooo many pretty faces on the market right now that actually sound pretty good but are really $100 worth of junk skillfully presented to convince us that they are much higher quality that they actually are.
The LSA Statement remains one of the best integrated amps I've ever had. One of my two regrets, along with Reference 3A de Capos, for letting go.
Hey jaudio1,

No problems driving the 20 Signature speakers with Pass Labs XA-25 amplifier. The XA-25 is one of my favorite amps, I own one, and the match-up is terrific between the speaker and amplifier. The  "beefer" amplifier you use the better the bottom-end becomes, such as my Coda #16.0. However, the XA-25 does a great job on this speaker.
I agree with simao - LSA is an underrated gem of a speaker.  I added a pair of their older bookshelf speakers  (still had the ribbon tweeters) to my Stereo in the Master bedroom - I am a Maggie guy in my two bigger systems in the Living Room and Man Cave. The ribbon tweeters in the LSA sound very close to what my Maggies produce ( 1.7i and Peter Gunned 1.6qrs). And the bass is amazingly tight for such a small footprint. The build quality of the cabinet is great. And they are so easy to drive with my old integrated amp in the bedroom.

Just my two cents - Happy listening!
Hey Teajay, could you drive these speakers with the XA-25 ? or do you need more power ?
Hey berner99,

I’m assuming that through the mid-range and the high end extension your stand mounts would be very close in performance. Yes, the bigger brother floor-stander will provide the bottom extension lacking in your speakers. Years ago I reviewed the LSA reference stand mounts and thought they were superlative music makers. So, I understand why you love yours.
Thanks for the review.

I have the lower-priced of their two standmounts. They are wonderful--on the warm side, and with wide dispersion and disappear like omnis or my mirage bipoles. How do these compare (to either set of their floor mounts) aside from deeper bass?
Hey facten,

My take on your question is two-fold:

1) The 20 Signature is a small footprint floor-stander, so physically it will fit into a smaller space, then some of the other 4k to 6k speakers I have reviewed. The 20 does have excellent deep and extended bass,  it has three rear mounted pass radiators, so you do have to get it off the front wall to get it to load the room without bloat.

2) Overall, this speaker competes easily with other wonderful speakers at or above its price point. It would be a matter of personal taste and system synergy which speaker you might prefer. I bought the review pair because I found them enchanting and very musical with a great bottom end and beautiful tonality. Yes, different then my Tekton and MSNT speakers, which I still totally enjoy, the 20's give another type of presentation or perspective on the music.

However, remember you can get the 20's now for $2,399, at that price you would have to spend at least another two to three thousand to equal its performance, in my opinion.
How do they match up against some other $4K speakers that you've reviewed , Moab , etc?