Love it when it snows

Nothing quiets things down like a nice blanket of snow. The roof is muffled, and the forest too. But I think there may be even more going on. Doesn't snow often here, but every time it sure does seem like the power is cleaner. For sure the listening is better. 
Steady state no beginning or end isn’t a working theory anymore it doesn’t coincide with what we observe. Math is just a tool to help us explain, create and predict.

 That which is a "Nothing" cannot return to another nothingness...Nothing is only that: nothing...

No information (and all there is, is information) can disappear and has ever disappeared; more than that the matrix containing all information with all parts linked already in a living play is there for any of us to see... The distribution of primes numbers is  the music of memory... Can I gives you a glimpse of that in a superficial but astonishing way?

 Here is the most complex object of the universe, it is not a brain, whose complexity is ridiculously small, not even the entire visible universe whose complexity compared to that is non existant :

This is a beginning fragment of an object whose complexity is infinite...And this is the more simple photo of the universal memory matrix at resting....
djones51, to what did the universe expand from? I never studied astrophysics so I’m always fascinated by the subject so I’m being sincere here. What do astrophysicists teach in regards to before the bang. Do they indeed teach that something came from absolute nothing?
Yep, when the sun begins to burn it's helium it will grow into a red giant then after a few billion years more it will rip itself apart condensing into a whit dwarf. I doubt humans will exist long enough to be worried about it.
Unless they send Spock to deliver some red anti-matter. 

But, in the end, you can file that under just another example of deus ex machina, like all of our previous contrivances.

All the best,
Penrose Theory is not steady state ….

And I cite only Penrose to name an alternative example... There is no absolute truth in astrophysics at this hour in the history of mankind …. :)

If you want to know truth before dying, it is necessary to study other books than astrophysics.... Love and numbers are my 2 books...

The universe expanded from a singularity, that’s when this universe and with it the arrow of time. When one speaks of before it doesn’t make sense to us as time didn’t exist so to answer your question science gives one of it’s most honest answers, they don’t really know.

We cannot wait for science, except from mathematics, there is not a truth, but way more than that, a vision of fertile unending  force....

Love and contemplation is the key....
First does not confuse religion, an organised political party, with spiritual insights...

Second there exist only one absolute truth expressible only in an intellectual plane :

the distribution of primes numbers is absolute fact, more real than the table where you type these words, even for angels or extraterrestrials...

Love is another absolute fact in the spiritual plane...

I know none other....
I cannot stop listening Bach organ opus, (12 hours) and I am at my second listening in 2 days … :)

I can really say that Bach is snowing now....

Before my tweaking listening the organ was boring and pain in the ass.... :)
I always preferred  Motzart or Handel for classical music. I love Water Music.
The theory of Penrose is founded in a very complex mathematical geometrical conformal theory of information...( and a reinterpretation of quantum mechanics with gravitational theory modulo "orchestrated objective reduction" his main concept )

It is impossible for me to put that in words here, and i dont wish to try to resume that ( I am not a physicist only an avid reader) … I can say that the crux of the matter, is that matter dont exist but information yes... Where is information if matter dont exist in an absolute sense?

Information participate in a universal creative memory matrix that we can think of only in a mathematical way....

Go and look at the photo drawing in my last posts... You will have a view of the universal cellular memory ….
Before the Big Bang there was nothing. Sorry I can’t be more precise. If the universe were to slow down it’s expansion and begin to contract, which it won’t, time would slow down and reverse direction. Just saying.
Mozart and Handel are so great indeed that I am a bit surprized each times I listen to them....

After 17 hours with Bach organ perhaps I need to be suprized? 
Post removed 
Hey, what a coincidence! I just did the same thing with Beastie Boys. Well, half an hour, anyway.
Probably there is no big bang at all, it is only our interpretation linked to a bad concept of what time is... The flow of time is already oriented in 2 ways: action in one direction, information, in the other direction...These direction are neither the past nor the future anyway...

Physics perhaps must be written with some other differential equations than the ordinary one if we want to take into account these 2 directions...
I feel the snow in my audio room....

I cannot stop this Bach organ...It is like stopping the most beautiful girl in the world and saying to her, ok I must change the view.... :)

The writing of Bach integrating all his melodic ideas in one fell swoop, and all these swoops in a bigger hologram, really makes other musicians,( and I love and admire all of them) like liliputians… Bach is the only one that makes you lives in the infinite. except perhaps Scriabin who swim in another infinite universe … :)

In truth the Bach’s infinite is an increasing accumulation, an extensive infinity, but the Scriabin’s infinite is in between 2 notes on each chord, intensive infinity... Anyway Scriabin is too much great genius to be understand at the first listening like Bach...

They are my 2 gods for clavier...

You know the story: the mother of Stravinsky said to him one day, Scriabin at least him had genius.... Oufff This is a hard mother indeed !

I dont remember where I read that....

But I must say that if Stravinsky makes perfect music scores, they are only that, perfect music scores of an ordinary genius like the monstrous Telemann … But  Scriabin wanted to create a music that will transform really all humanity, in a Christ-like or buddha like manner, and it is incredible but it works if you try it seriously indeed....No ordinary genius anymore … :)

But at the end if I dont want to be partial to my taste : all great music makes us ordinary mortal, true genius... 
Once we detected gravity waves several years ago the Big Bang passed from theory and abstract philosophy to fact. You cannot put the Genie back in the bottle. Ditto atomic physics, splitting the atom and the A-bomb.
Yes but what is the Big bang ? what is veiled behind this concept... The Penrose theory is only one theory that try to light this mystery... An interesting one for sure.... There is some others... My point is that the classical concept of big bang is a temporary step toward a new theory that is no more constrainted by the straight jacket of a linear concept of time....

And to describe these 2 new dimensions of time that are not the past nor the future, but the dimension of action and the dimension of information, we need some new tools, instead of ordinary differentials equation, functional differential equations are the way to go according to an Indian mathematician...S.K. Rahu

I think that precisely this is right on the spot indeed.... For the right mathematical tools others will decide, but the 2 main dimension of time are not past or future at all, but action and information non linear flows...This is my intuition anyway... And this is linked to my own interpretation of a totally new mathematical theory of the cellular universal memory who was published in 2012 by a Japanese mathematician...Shinichi Mochizuki, but he named his theory Inter-universal geometry...
to what did the universe expand from? I never studied astrophysics so I’m always fascinated by the subject so I’m being sincere here. What do astrophysicists teach in regards to before the bang.

I recommend you read Stephen Hawking's A Brief History of Time. If you're in Redmond I'll lend you mine. Its actually pretty easy going until the end where he's explaining how matter can escape from a black hole.

The answer to your question, what they teach, is conditions prior to the Big Bang are undefined. This is because as we run the calculations back further and further the closer we get to time zero the greater the density of energy. 

Not matter. Energy. Einstein showed energy equals mass times the speed of light squared. E=mc2. Go back far enough, it was pure energy. Matter only formed some moment after time zero.

You can look up the details. I've long since forgotten. As you would know if the mods in their infinite wisdom hadn't decided to remove the post, this was all stuff I learned in grade school. Well a lot of it anyway. More than you would believe.

So anyway yeah, undefined. 

Briefest of instants later, pure energy. Then matter. Which at first was almost exactly equal parts matter and anti-matter. Which they annihilate each other. Eventually this runs its course and turns out there's a bit more matter than anti-matter and so that's why its all matter now.

Would be cool if GK would vouch for this. Being theoretical physicist he should know, or at least be able to follow and understand. I am of course leaving out a lot of details, including even details I know about, never mind all the other cool stuff.

So the whole thing, all the matter there is, is expanding. You might well ask, expanding into what? Once again, undefined. But it can't be nothing. Nothing is literally "no thing", ie empty space. But there is no space. All the space there is is right here right now. Then too.

The universe you see is what we call finite and unbounded. Its finite because we can see and measure its size. But its unbounded because you can never find the end, let alone cross over into somewhere else. Its kind of like the Earth. Its finite. But you can travel all over round and round, forever, never able to leave. You can leave of course, but only by going up, into another dimension. Literally. Got it?

Okay so gonna post this, come back with more- cuz there's lots more.

Sorry, MC, I cannot vouch for that.

Not your area. I understand. Fascinated me since childhood. Oh well. Easy enough for people to look it up and see. If they don’t want to take my word for it. Which they shouldn’t. Even though its all crazy true.

to what did the universe expand from? I never studied astrophysics so I’m always fascinated by the subject so I’m being sincere here.

Okay so now we got all the matter there is, expanding out making all the space there is bigger and bigger. This is like hours, days, something like that (look it up) past the big one.

At which point - oh but wait, this is kinda cool. All that energy from the Big Bang? Its like a bell that’s been rung, its still slowly faintly ringing. Couple guys, Penzias and Wilson? whatever not gonna look it up their radio telescope had this noise and nothing they did would get rid of it, no matter which way they point the damn thing its there. Finally figure out its the remnant echo of the Big Bang. Won em a Nobel.

So anyway this all happened. Multiple lines of evidence.

Back to matter. Its almost all hydrogen. Because when the energy cooled and the matter formed it was electrons, protons, neutrons. They start pairing up and form hydrogen, one proton, one electron. Sometimes one neutron too. But usually one e, one p.

This hydrogen is all there is. Its expanding. Really fast. And hot. But cooling. Slowly cooling. And slowing down. Because, gravity. The mass of the cloud itself is trying to draw it all back together. (Remember this for later, happens again!) So its expanding, but slower and slower. To this very day.

Not uniformly. Some regions are a little more dense than others. What will later become local groups of galaxies separate out. Within those regions other clumps are drawn together by their mutual gravitational pull and will become galaxies. Same process happens within those and forms stars.

But not ours. Not yet. The first stars are super massive. The way stars work, the more massive the faster they burn through their hydrogen.

Now here’s where it gets interesting. Really freaking interesting. Because, think of it, there’s only hydrogen. Look around. Do you see any hydrogen? Ha! You see everything BUT hydrogen! Where’s all these other elements come from?

Good question.

That’s right! When Carl Sagan said we are star stuff, he wasn’t just being poetic. We literally are.

Cliff Notes for those who won’t put in the hour to watch the (totally worth it) video: stars fuse hydrogen into helium. Really massive stars then keep on going using up the helium and in the process creating more elements. Eventually if the star is massive enough it goes supernova. The star collapses, and in this cataclysmic collapse the pressures and temperatures at the core of the star are so immense all the other elements on the periodic table are formed.

The release of all this energy then causes the star to explode, sending all these elements out into interstellar space.

So that when new stars form they have around them planets with all these elements. Elements like carbon. On which we are all based.

But seriously, watch the video. Coolest thing ever.

You misunderstand, MC. It is my area. I was being tactful. 🤗 I give you an A for enthusiasm, though.
Millercarbon is correct.
We are now exiting what was a Grand Solar Maximum.....

Anyone here care to look up the term Grand Solar Minimum? It is what we are heading into now.....Hence the INCREASE in polar cap ice recently.
I'm old enough to remember in the 70's when everyone was running around screaming about Earth's next ICE AGE! Oh the horror!!!
That was during the peak of a previous Grand Solar Minimum....
The SUN has the power to change our climate....NOT cow farts.
You misunderstand, MC. It is my area. I was being tactful. 🤗 I give you an A for enthusiasm, though.

Okay. Fair enough. However since you’ve just cast aspersions its only fair you give us a reason. Tell you what. Help me get better. Find just one thing, worst most garbled or whatever, just quote it and show us how its wrong.

Meanwhile we can all watch this and maybe begin at least to understand why I say Jordan Peterson is our greatest living intellectual. He’s like the Carl Sagan of intellectuals. Sagan didn’t give us equations. He brought science to the masses by making it cool and transcending.
We have been directly  measuring  the sun for the last 40 years and it hasn't  increased in energy plus the upper atmosphere hasn't warmed. 
My, my, my.

So the sun is the reason?

And as for the ICE AGE rant, it was only two articles, one in Newsweek and the other, I believe, in Time, that a couple of scientists claimed would happen and guess what? They were smacked down by the overwhelming majority (again) of climate scientists.

You shouldn’t stand behind those bovines.

All the best,
The big bang is still a theory, gravitation waves are one of the facts that support the theory. 
I lived through the 1970 's and I don't  recall  any ice age scare only the few articles Nonoise mentioned. If I remember  correctly  it  was  looked at more as a joke then anything.
Some cooling is necessary here.... Why enters in the hot waters with some subject that is not only controversy in the scientific circle but in the public area?

And this subject is way above our shoulders in complexity...

For example why some think that the sun act on the earth solely by his varying distance and temperature? Is it his only way? A simple search will guide you to the answer that is no...

More safe if we takes a difficult subject, to pick one that will unite us not divide, cosmology or music, or snow, or audio matters … I am not very interested by battle between coolers and warmers, or any political small stupid agenda... I prefers mysteries to puzzles, poetic metaphors to prose journals rethoric… And polite conversation with benevolent dissents...

I successfully quit listening Bach organ for today.... :) And this without any deprivation syndrome...
The sun has the power to change climate but it hasn't been in the last century. As I said we have been directly measuring  the sun with satellites and it hasn't  increased in energy plus if the sun were warming  the climate it would warm the entire atmosphere  and the stratosphere hasn't  been warming. 
Uh, the Hubble Space Telescope can see almost to the beginning of time, I.e., the Big Bang, 13 billion years ago. You would have to be a huge pseudo skeptic to deny the BB. Hel-loo! As for Penrose’s cycle of universes theory let’s cross that bridge when we come to it. 😛
Anyone who deny the Big bang is ignorant, but anyone not conscious that the Big Bang is the result of " an extrapolation" with some "particular" mathematical tools of some facts is naïve...The Big Bang is the theory of some facts that ask for another concept of what we think about time...

Time is not linear, nor cyclic....Think about a complex double spiralling movement implicating action and information non linear flows...Past and future are perceptive illusion that represent only one dimension of time...Describing the Big Bang implicate a new mathematical tools linked to a new concept of time...

As for Penrose’s cycle of universes theory let’s cross that bridge when we come to it. 😛

Yes Captain Kirk... :)

When I speak about that it was only an example, about some point I want to make about many different interpretations of the big bang....

Yeah well people do deny the big bang, evolution and yes climate change , what can you do. I am not surprised someone hasn't started  denying  gravity calling it intelligent falling instead. 
Anyway I speak so much in part for cooling the too hot debate... I am not a scientist by any margin... But I learn to read.... :)

By the way I loved you all....
Yeah well people do deny the big bang, evolution and yes climate change , what can you do. I am not surprised someone hasn’t started denying gravity calling it intelligent falling instead.

>>>>I reckon you mean you ARE surprised someone hasn’t started denying gravity, in any case I deny that gravity is what most people think it is. 😬
Has to do with the uneven  distribution  of mass and the curvature  of space time. It' consists  of gravitons but I don't  think they have ever been observed. Newton's inverse square to distance worked good enough to get to the moon.
Is the universe infinite? I don't  know all we can  do  is  see  to  a certain time through our telescopes, so far there has been something as far as we can see anyway. 
Has anyone contributing to this thread made the statement that the climate is not changing? 

Climate are always changing... But is climate changes are only caused by human activity ? Certainly not...

Is it a good thing that we unite to be less vulnerable to incoming changes in solar activities, meteorites, comets, and other catastrophes pending ? Yes...

Is there some consequences to human activity on earth that we must be conscious of ? Yes...

All other controversies are politically motivated, climate is a way too more complex thing to be solved in few words here...

Is there solutions? Yes...
Nourishment of the world population and education is one of the most important solution, improving the brain power by numbers and education by action...

What else to discuss? Nothing, the rest will produce controversies impossible to reduce in a polite intelligent and informed discourse here...

Next : audio, snow, music, even cosmology..... :)

Perhaps Scriabin?  
More to discover