Looking For New CD-SACD Player

Looking to replace my OPPO 205 CD -SACD PLAYER. Any ideas on a replacement for my OPPO 205. Want better sound for CD’s and SACD ‘s. It will be strictly used  for a 2 channel stereo set up. 







Marantz or Luxman, they each have a less and more expensive model that fit the bill.

I bought my 105 specifically to play SACDs via XLRs to my Audio Alchemy DDP-1 (built in dac) + PS 5 power supply and Pangea Premier XL coax to my DDP-1. I did not find the 105 a good transport, so I bought a Marantz HD CD-1 to use as a transport to play CDs. It was a huge step up, but it died. I decided to go with a dedicated transport and got a great deal on a slightly used Audiolab 6000 CDT. So everything was the same, but the CDT was light years better than either the 105 or HD CD -1 as transports. From my experience, players used as transports just don't cut it

The guy asked about a cd/sacd player dedicated for 2 channel and as usual, half the responses are " stream, rip, outboard dac... "  Nice when the OP gets answered

A few suggested to rip SACDs.  @samgar2 do you have players such as Oppo BDP-103/105 which can be used to rip SACDs?

For 10K you could get a Aurender streamer (N10 or N20) that would perform at the same level and would have access to nearly infinite music. Rip you SA-CDs and add to storage if you really are attached to them. 

Thanks Jerry for your reply. I use the OPPO as a transport and use a Jeff Rowland Aeris as the DAC. The ROWLAND Dac soundsmuch better than the DAC in the Oppo. When I play SACD’s I need to use the DAC in the OPPO.




Are you using your oppo at your DAC?  if not, take a digital output from your oppo to your DAC and see how you like that sound.  Frankly there will be very little difference in the digital portion of any transport, the difference will be in the DAC.  So you're mostly shopping for a DAC with a transport attached.  I'd seperate them if you haven't already.



I would get a Jay’s or Pro-Jest CD transport and rip the SACDs.seperately while you still can.

Or spend twice as much to play them. Less convenient to me.