Jazz artists for late starter.

Goodfellows, I have overlooked the genre of Jazz in the past, so I thought I would add to my collection of approx 2 jazz cd's. I purchased from someone who was moving and didn't want to lug his collection of cd's so I bought approx 65 for $120.
The artists include, Miles Davis (10), Bill Evans, Weather Report, Roland Guerin, Charles Mingus, Freddi Hubbard, Artie Shaw, Dave Brubeck, Wynton Marsalis, John Abercombie, Sonny Rollins Bill Frissell, Step Grapelli, Pat Metheny, Chick Corea, Keith Jarrett, John Coltrane, Thelosonious Monk, to name most of them.
I am enjoying listening to the cd's.
Can anyone recommend any other jazz artists? I do not care for male or female vocal Jazz, just music. Also if there are any jazz groups where the drummer uses sticks rather than brushes, would be a big bonus.
Many Thanks

Just picked up the (relatively recent) Pat Martino CD dedicated to Wes Montgomery. Have been a Wes fan for many years. What this CD lacks in Wes' funky edge it makes up for in some nice smoothness and fine piano playing. The sonics are very nice as well. This disc is superb and gets a recommendation from me!!!
Let us not forget the great Mal Waldron! Take a listen audioheads:
You can't go wrong with any CDs by the group One For All. I'm especially fond of Eric Alexander's saxaphone playing. Any of his solo Cds are also excellent. Happy listening!

Gawdbless,you being a pianist,or piano player,this is easy.
First for some great 'bebop' class of 'jazz',with excellent drum work,I recommend a listen to Alan Broadbent,'Personal Standards'.Next,David Hazeltine,'Classic Trio',and David Hazeltine,'Modern Standards'.Both of these also have excellent drum work,and all are excellent recording quality.Next,any and all Gene Harris Quartet,any and all Ray Brown. Sorry if I mentioned some which were already recommended,as I did not read each response.
Gawdbless, I suspect you'd like all of Rosemary Clooney's stuff on Concord. It's jazz, but mostly due to the backing musicians. Rosey stays very close to the original and I can't remember her "scatting" for more than a measure or two.

Jazz with sticks !!!!!! I would suggest some Jean Luc Ponty, in particular an album called "cosmic messenger" Certainly in the top ten for me.
Tried to listen to Dianne Reeves. Just can't get my head to like that style of singing. There is no doubting her quality of voice though.
Alnolan>>I have no idea why you found it necessary to continue this diatribe.I hope it wasn't on my behalf but rather your need to find Truth,Justice and the American Way.
Well,I do thank you for the points you brought up plus the fact that Dcstep says he doesn't have to answer the question(s) posed speaks volumes.
Strateahed>>I just listened to Dianne Reeves self titled album.Blue Note 46906.Side2 Cut2 Yesterdays is fantastic. Billie couldn't have done it better.Different yes but not better.
Keep the subscription going.As you well know it helps to keep this music alive.
I subscribe to my local PBS TV station and although they have put together several Rhythm and Blues ,Doo-Wop and Folk Concerts not one Jazz Revival.But i'll keep my membership and keep my fingers crossed.
I hope this will end this debate but I doubt it.
Strateahed> I should have noted that I am hanging on also.Its
sometimes hard to do when my local station plays 4 in a row and its Sade,Kenny G,Spyra Gyra and more Kenny G.
I enjoy Dianne Reeves,I have some of her albums.I would say
she is very underrated with those that are "In The Know"
When you find vocalists that you like, let us know and we might be able to add to your list of possibilities.

Hi Guys, my jazz artist plea for help has brought out some really Interesting 'points' for discussion from all you guys. Music is always fun for me, I listen and if I like I keep listening, if I don't like then I simply stop listening.
Music is as been argued here a very personal thing. There is no right from wrong. All music is good, its the listener who decides. I do not care whether artist 'a' is dead or artist 'b' is still alive. If there is a cd then It will get airplay, as I have already said it either plays, or I turn it off. Usually It plays because my musical range spans virtually every/most genres, even Jazz now! lol
If I discounted all the classical composers from my collection It would be less than It is for my Jazz collection! Might please the other half as she thinks my cd collection be culled. NEVER! I have quite a lot now that a few more (lots more) isn't really going to get noticed! lol
I have and like very much Bela Fleck.
I am also (deep breath) going to get some cd's from the library with (large intake of air) vocals on!

jfz- this hobby got expensive a long long time ago.lol
Its a great way of spending money though for the sheer enjoyment, I mean for a mere $16 (or less) you can get 70mins of an artists 'soul' literally forever.
Longer than the artist. The memory lives on!

Must everything degenerate into a p***ing contest? Alnolan, with all due respect ... I care. Guess that makes me a "hanger-oner and one that think the(sp) know". I thought we were here to contribute to the A-gon community. I am certainly grateful for all the positive suggestions and recommendations gained from some very generous contributors. My system was built from the knowledge gained on this forum.

FWIW, there are couple of very nice internet accessible jazz radio stations here on the Coast (I happen to be listening to one right now) - KJAZZ in Long Beach and KCSM in the SF Bay Area. With a little searching, many others can be found on-line. Next season, a local performing arts organization is hosting "Blue Note Records Anniversary Tour" ... featuring new generation artists Nicolas Payton and Ravi Coltrane, then a date with Chick Corea, John McGlaughlin, and young turk Christian McBride. I'm subscribed to the series. Dianne Reeves is doing the final concert. I own several of her CD's, will admit that she's no Billie Holiday, but expect to see/hear an excellent performance. If experience is any indication, every show in a sizable venue will be sold out. That said, the art form lives on; and (to me at least) that's a good thing.
I'm here to try to answer Gawdbless' questions about jazz artists that he might like, not Oem's and certainly not the tangental Alnolan.

Dcstep>I love a good argument but i have learned that sometimes an argument cant be won and shouldn't be fought.
You continually distort what is said,refuse to answer questions and you are down right arrogant.
On 6/25 when Jazzbird mentions The Art Ensemble of Chicago,Ornette Coleman and Sun Ra along with some other outstanding artists (good job Jazzbird) you failed to address this list.
When Oem made his initial post on 6/26 you went on the attack and stated more or less that Gawdbless would not like the 3 performers mentioned therefore Oem was entirely wrong.
Oem never mentioned any performer I ask why you didnt disagree with Jazzbird.
Oem said he didnt care for jazz vocals but Billie Holiday knocks him out.You respond with If Gawdbless doesn't like Ella he wont like Billie either.Oem never stated that Gawdbless would like Billie.Then you throw in Cassandra Wilson to compare to Ms.Holiday.You are entitled to your opinion but do you actually believe it??
Oem states that most innovators are gone.You reply with 5 individuals that you say are innovators.Oem asked why do you think that they are.You never answered that question but than go on to call his assertions absurd and ridiculous.
I take up this arguement because I have been asked recently which Jazz artists do I like.My reply was all the dead ones.
That doesn't mean I dislike all that are still alive.In fact I do like many but rather list about 50 that I think were/are exceptional I made a blanket statement.
I could go on about innovation but it seems to me that the young turks from the 80's dropped the ball.Maybe it was the fault of the producers or the record companies I can't say but today its hard to find a Jazz station on radio let alone a live performance and fact is no one really cares.Maybe a few of the hanger- oners and the ones that think the know.

Chris Potter, Donny McCaslin, Eric Alexander, Candy Dulfer and ... pick up some great fusion by Charlie Hunter while you're at it. Check out some Wayne Shorter, too, in addition to Manu Katche and Kenny Werner
Karelfd, your point about Joe Zawinul is very well taken. Oscar Peterson recently left this plane as well. So the same logic might also apply. But to weigh in further on the "dead or live" debate ... consider the ever shortening list of highly regarded artists who are still with us. Folks like McCoy Tyner, Sonny Rollins, Kenny Burrell, Ahmad Jamal, and Marian McPartland are well up in age. I've had the very good fortune to see/hear them in live performances. No matter how resolving one's system is, to me nothing beats "live". Does that mean jazz clubs, concert dates, and festivals die as each of these pass on? This thing called jazz is ever changing ... ever evolving. More than anything else IMHO ... that was Miles' message. The art form needs support to stay alive ... through CD and ticket sales. Many young, up and coming artists are worthy of that support. How else could they survive long enough to hone their craft to possibly some day reach "innovator" status? Just a thought ...
Seditious3 said:

"Django Reinhart/Stephane Grappelli"

I love this stuff. Stephane's later stuff with artists like Martin Taylor are much better recorded and still in the same "spirit of Django".

Benny Goodman (Carnegie Hall 1938)

Louis Armstrong (Hot 5 and Hot 7)

Django Reinhart/Stephane Grappelli

stretching...Bela Fleck
I receive enjoyment from being clear and helping others with their questions. Oem basically said that any album by any dead jazz musician would likely please Gawdbless. I beg to differ.

This isn't a poll, the OP issued a request for suggestions with a list of exclusions. I'm merely trying to help him, within the bounds of his request.

BTW, I don't know Oem beyond this thread, that I recall.

No, I'm not a politician, but I've spent a lot of time in court.

Watching this dead vs. alive skirmish escalate, I cannot but muse about those great composers, musicians, painters, poets, that lived and died alone in dire misery, paid their last absinthe with what was acknowledged to be the work of a genius only years or decades after they faded away. They were geniuses when they were alive, all the time, no one just noticed or understood.

Albeit far from the same magnitude, the assertion that demised jazz composers/musicians were in general better than the ones alive bears resemblance. If this thread would have been started a mere 10 months ago, would Joe Zawinul have been considered less of an innovator? If so, wouldn't it be because only after his death people have been rubbed with their noses in it (press articles, tributes, etc.) so it's really just become more commonly known?

One more thing about innovation. Before one may be recognized as an innovator, he or she has got to be recognized as belonging to the field that is subject to innovation. I read Bird's - to mention but one - music was initially not considered jazz by many, not even music just noise (a fate he shared with the likes of Beethoven and Wagner in their own time). Perhaps some of today's biggest calibers are just not on the radar yet.

To be sure: no offense meant to anyone, just in appreciation of brilliant artists past, present and future.

Gawdbless, in case you start having doubts, jazz is fun also! To prove it, here's another girl with drumsticks: Carola Grey & Noisy Mama.
To Dcstep
Are you a politician ? With each new post you make statements but never answer the question asked.
I did a tally of the posters and consensus has it that more dead or retired musicians were listed then live.In fact it wasn't even close.
In Oem's original post he suggests listening to music by dead artists.You took offense to this and i cant see why.
Your argumentative position is uncalled for.
Possibly there are other issues that you have with Oem that doesn't pertain to this thread or maybe you receive enjoyment by being antagonistic.
This is only MHO.I wonder what the other posters think

I don't need to make any arguement. Your assertion that all great and innovative jazz artists are dead is absurd and rediculous.

If we polled all that contributed to this thread.i believe most would agree with me.If you totaled all the artists that were suggested here a great majority are deceased yet i dont see you going after any other poster.
That said can you tell me why the musicians you mentioned qualify as an innovators.
Simply writing and performing is not innovation.
One can make an argument for any subject but that doesn't mean that its correct.And i believe you know you are wrong
I was merely commenting on your dead vs. alive musical test. Gawdbless told us what he didn't like, so I was suggesting that we fit our suggestions within his stated preferences.

So, Roy Hargrove, Dave Douglas, Pat Metheny, Bill Frisell and Enrico Rava aren't innovators?? That's not a matter of personal taste. You state it as a given fact. I think that most of the jazz world will disagree with you.

Dcstep,Once again you miss the point.You make assumptions as to what Gawdbless will like or dislike.No one can do that.
Note that I did not recommend individual artists and I mention deceased musicians simply because most of the innovators are gone.Roy Hargrove is good but many are his equal.
Incidently the question was "can anyone recommend any other jazz artists".Now using the fact that not only did Gawdbless
enjoy Miles, Mingus,Bill Evans,Coltrane,Monk and others. I thought he would be into old school stuff.
Cassandra Wilson did an excellent rendition of 'Strange Fruit" but that hardly makes her Billy Holiday.
Dave,its music and personal tastes,Lighten up!!
Folks, I will try and listen to all that have been recommended, dead or alive.
I thought for $120 you can't really go wrong for 65 cd's.
Here is the list of the Miles Davis cd's;

Sketches of Spain
Birth of the Cool
Jazz at the Plaza
Volume 1
The Columbia Years 1955-1985
Miles Smiles
What I Say?
Blue Miles
Blue Haze
A Tribute to Miles (not strictly him)

And another from my collection that I just stumbled across
Panthalassa....... Hits keep on coming!

I love Avant-garde, any quirky and out of the ordinary floats my boat.
Oem, so Miles is ok because he's dead by Roy Hargrove isn't eligible because he's alive? Billie Holiday is ok (dead again) but not Casandra Wilson?

If the guy doesn't like Ella, no way he's going to like Billie.

The idea is to try to help the guy, not display your views about dead vs. alive artists.

Yes, you have your right to your opinion, I just want to make sure the guy understands that he's not going to like all dead jazz artists.

BTW, it's pretty easy to string together 10 of Miles albums and not get into "avant -gard" works. The collector may have been more like me, focusing mainly on Miles' early to mid-career works. (I like some of his later stuff also, depending on who's in the band).

Dcstep,I didnt read his other posts.I simply supplied an answer to the question asked.
He stated he is enjoying listening to all the Cd's he bought
and has 10 from Miles Davis.
One would think that some of these would be from Miles more advante-gard works.Therefore why not try Ornette Coleman.
He mentioned some excellent artists that happen(ed) to play with some outstanding groups that had drummers that understood what to do with a brush.
As far as Jazz vocalists go.I am not a lover of this type of music but some stuff by Billie Holiday just knocks me out.
No one can say what someone else would like.To me the best jazz artists in ability,writing and arranging are all behind us,and I stated such.If you are not in agreement fine,you are entitled to your opinions as I am mine
Oscar actually has one recording where he sings, believe it or not. Given your constraints you'd want to avoid that one. It blew my mind when I heard it, because he sounded like Nat King Cole. I guess Oscar figured that the world only needed one NKC.

With that one caveate, Peterson, Pass and Grapelli are very easy to like. My all time favorite Pass album is "Intercontental". Listen to much Peterson and you'll hear a lot of Herb Ellis on guitar.

Yeah guys, brushes and jazz go together like chalk and cheese.lol.
I am aware that a large percentage of Jazz does have the use of Brushes, I will just have to get used to the fact and enjoy (as I do) how and with what the musicians want to play with. The list of artists to check out is getting longer, and is very much appreciated for the uninitiated. I at a loss why the chap sold the cd's to me, although I am very glad he did, they are all (for me) excellent and as I have said am really getting a kick discovering this virgin territory.
I suppose one could really buy any cd that Oscar Peterson did eh?
Just found 'Skol' amongst the lot with Peterson, Pass & Grapelli, track 2 'How about you'
sounds Jazz right.

06-26-08: Oem said:
"Your taste in jazz encompasses many different styles.If you seek out any artist that is no longer with us you cant go wrong"

So you think he'll like Art Ensemble of Chicago, Ornette Coleman and Sun Ra??? I doubt it. I don't even think he'll like 80% of Miles Davis' work.

If your read his posts, he doesn't like drummers that use brushes or Ella Fitzgerald!!! I think that means that his tastes are relatively narrow. For now we should suggest things that he's likely to like and let him grow into other things at his own pace.

Your taste in jazz encompasses many different styles.If you seek out any artist that is no longer with us you cant go wrong
Gawdbless: suggest you go to www.allaboutjazz.com

Do some browsing and you will find some "best jazz of all time lists". Also suggest that you buy a copy of the All Music Guide for jazz. LOTS of info in both places (as well as many other places, so I suggest you Google "best jazz of all time"). Just be "careful"; you may be starting a ride that will be both fun and expensive (i.e., merely because you may get excited and want more and more music). What a thrill it was for me to discover jazz later in life.

Have fun!

Load up on Duke Ellington. From the standards to the most exotic extended compositions the music is astounding. For the latter type, consider Far East Suite, Queen's Suite, and Intimacy of the Blues. BTW, Duke is also a wonderful, understated pianist.

For sheer tonal beuaty, horn guys like Coleman Hawkins, Ben Webster, and Gene Ammons are worth owning.

Good Luck,

Gawdbless said:
"I just like the music, being a piano player, I really
like and appreciate the way Bill Evans plays and the cd 'Trio 65' is excellent! a minor down side is the brushes, I love the snap of a stick hitting a snare drum. Brushes should be only used for painting walls,lol."

Almost any jazz album with a drummer will have brushes occasionally. I'm sorry you don't like that, but I'm afraid it's unavoidable, in general.

As for great pinaist, put Bill Mays Trio at the top of your list to find. He's a great player, well recorded on Concord. Concord has a Duo album with Bill Mays and Ed Bickert on guitar, where I can guarantee no brushes.

Keith Jarrett is an incredible interpreter of ballads. I think you'll like Keith's "The Melody At Night, With You". On this album Keith stays very close to the melody and relies on dynamics, rubato and very careful note selection to put together one of the best piano albums of all time, IMHO.

Benny Green is another great pianist. Look for his stuff with Russel Malone on guitar.


I really appreciate where you are. I was at the same place about three or four years ago. My jazz collection has grown substantially since. Good luck on your quest. I got a lot of good advice on this forum on artists. Lots of great suggestions here, Jazzbird and others have covered many great artists. I would add a few in no particular order; Tord Gustavsen, Gene Ammons is not to be missed. Also, I really like Concord Jazz artists Scott Hamilton, Ray Brown, Toshiko Akiyoshi (is dynamite) et.al. Paul Desmond, LA 4, Gerry Mulliagan. Red Garland is great. If you like drums, Art Blakey-Drum Suite. Also, Andre Previn is known for classical but he did some great jazz. Don't forget Charlie Haden and Kenny Barron. A hearty second on often over looked Hank Jones also. There is a lot of great drumming on the Blue Note bop recordings of many of the artists mentioned above. To me one of the great things about the genre is not just the individual artists but all the great collaberations between them.
I would second the peter erskine suggestion,a new favorite is a cd called the triangle(arlid anderson).nice stuff.Bobo stensons war orphans or goodbye.All these are great recordings.
Art Blakey! Don't forget Art Blakey! In fact, try Thelonius Monk, Monk's Music. Blakey takes a solo on - I think - Off Minor where he taps the high hat for a rock solid beat the whole way through but plays an absolutely arythmic solo around it. Its one of the most amazing drum solos ever. IMHO Blakey was the perfect accompianist for Monk. Its never defined this way but I equate it to Mulligan and Baker, Parker and Gillespie et al.
For some great drumming, and a really good recording, try Duke Ellington's Big Four on the Pablo label. Its a quartet date, extremely well recorded with Louis Belson on sticks. Both cd and vinyl are nicely done and Pablos are usually very reasonable.

I can also second Art Pepper+Elevin (listening to side two right now). A smokin' early stereo recording. Not sure about the cd, but the Japanese vinyl is extraordinary.
Guys, thanx for all your input with some great recommendations I am sure to increase my jazz collection with some of those mentioned.
My very aged father likes old school jazz ie Benny Goodman, gosh I am having trouble with the names coz when I was at home (long long time ago), I used to leave the house when the jazz came on, Louis Armstrong, buddy Rich, Gene Krupa,etc he has 100's of LP's and I am struggling with names here. The reason I do not care much for Vocals is I have always associated female vocals with the likes of Cleo Laine and Ella Fitzgerald, great at what they do ,just not to my liking.

Heard a Sarah Vaugn cd awhile ago (actually its in my collection, dunno how it got there, lurking between Marilyn Manson and The Clash, somebody is having a laugh with that cd, lol). I do not care for that type of singing.

Dave- I just like the music, being a piano player, I really
like and appreciate the way Bill Evans plays and the cd 'Trio 65' is excellent! a minor down side is the brushes, I love the snap of a stick hitting a snare drum. Brushes should be only used for painting walls,lol.
I have a Joshua Redman cd - 'Moodswing' and also
Branford Marsalis- 'Royal Garden Blues' in the cd collection, both a very good cd's. Gosh, I am almost a convert!
I will look upon the rooms with 'jazz' in a different light at the RMAF now. I think for the money I have got real corkers here!
Thanx again for you guys taking the time and trouble with a complete novice when it comes to Jazz.
A few I believe I haven't seen so far: Carla Bley (even if you don't like it, you should have heard Escalator Over The Hill once), Charlie Haden, Gary Burton, Art Blakey's Jazz Messengers, Jaco Pastorius, Marcus Miller, Red Garland Quintet, John Patitucci, Dave Holland Quintet, Lounge Lizards, oh, and another spectacular drummer: Cindy Blackman.

You may also want to include examples of European jazz from a multitude of origins and influences. Without any claim for being complete or even a particularly well studied selection, I'd just throw in some unavoidable ones:

Django Reinhardt (sort of "founding father" of European jazz), Esbjorn Svensson Trio (ESP), Niels Orsted Pedersen, Nils Petter Molvaer (pure adrenaline), Hein van de Geyn (though I'm sorry to say, avoid the critically acclaimed latest record with Lee Konitz, which is terribly uninspired), Wolfgang Haffner, Albert Mangelsdorf, United Jazz+Rock Ensemble, Aziza Mustafa Zadeh, Toots Thielemans, Bert Joris Quartet, Marc Moulin, Renaud Garcia-Fons Trio, Martial Solal, Eric Truffaz, Béla Szakcsi Lakatos, Bill Bruford's Earthworks, Jan Garbarek, Miroslav Vitous and Joe Zawinul (who have been living in the US for ages of course but always sound/ sounded, well, different somehow).

OK, next!
Remember, he doesn't like vocalists. (Hate to see someone miss so much good stuff, but...)
My apologies ... didn't notice that you DON'T care for vocalists. So a few more contemporary artists playing traditional "straight ahead" jazz: Terence Blanchard, John Faddis (has a very well-recorded, large ensemble, hybrid SACD entitled "Remembrances"), and young vibraphonist Stefon Harris.
Lots of all 'round good artists mentioned. Certainly can't go wrong with these many great jazz legends. But let's not forget a whole group of young lions who continue the tradition: trumpeters Roy Hargrove and Nicholas Payton, bassist Christian McBride, sax men Joshua Redman and Branford Marsalis, pianist Cyrus Chestnut, and very original guitarist Terence Brewer. For sultry female vocalists, try relative unknown - but very talented - Rene Marie. Cassandra Wilson is very good as well. Good luck and happy listening!
The Lynne Arriale Trio from the mid to late 90s. I haven't heard her more recent cds. Lynne leads this piano trio playing a very melodic, lyrical piano. Drummer Steve Davis has a very unique style and uses sticks most of the time.
Also if there are any jazz groups where the drummer uses sticks rather than brushes, would be a big bonus.

Your missing classic stuff like Harry James, Count Basie, Duke Ellington, Dirty Dozen Brass Band (funeral stuff).

Your missing pushing the envelope stuff like Herbie Hancock, The Meters

Your missing pleasant stuff like Spirogyra, Dave Grusin

Otherwise you are off to a good start.

A couple of great CD's - Harry James and his big band ( CD of the Sheffield Lab versions) and Dave Grusin Homage to Duke. These CD's are guarenteed to impress you with the sound!
Chet Baker (Chet), Miles Davis at the Blackhawk, Any Art Pepper, Ben Webster (soulville), Lee Morgan(Leeway), Charlie Mingus (tijuana moods), Jessica Williams ( Live at Yoshi's 2), Red Norvel Trio. CAUTION!!!! Once you start collecting jazz, you can't stop. There are just too many treasures out there.
I could also add to this list, but I'm wondering what you liked the most out of your initial purchase. Knowing that I might be more specific to your tastes. (Yeah, I know, sadly, no vocals and no brushes). ;-)
