Jays CD2- Mk3 CDT vrs CEC-TL5 CDT

I have narrowed it down to these two units. I haven't heard back from Tom, at Audio Union, in Springfield, MO. yet.( Good company and good service or not ?) Apparently they handle the CEC units in the states. I believe they also service them in MO. Also, Not sure,  as he hasn't answered my e-mail yet. Also the CEC's are belt driven. Not sure if that's good or bad, or makes little difference? They are also more expensive than the JAYS. Jays warranty is one year, and unknown at this time about CEC's? They both appear to be outstanding units. They will be matched up with my Meitner MA 1-V2 DAC. If anyone can shed a little light on this topic, it would be great. Thanks Robert TN


Merry Christmas also. Happy  Listening to all!!!! All the folks that have helped me in the decision making process, Thanks Robert


Great call with Project RS2T cd transport. If I ever venture into a CD player, the RS2T would be one of my top contenders. If one is seeking top performance from CD’s, a transport like RS2T is the way to go with a flexibility of an external DAC. I don’t spin CD’s nowadays since founding a very elegant solution to enjoy my CD’s without the need to fork money for a top end player. 

Enjoy your favorite tunes and happy holidays! 



lalitk, To answer your question, I bought the Project RS2T transport. I read many reviews and several posts from Charles one dad and others. I initially bought one and had to return it, didn't work. It also happened to me for a second unit. Quality control seemed very poor. The MUSIC ROOM treated me great. They bent over backwards to help out. After some coaxing from others on the forum, I decided , one last try. I suggested to the Music room, and they agreed to open my 3rd unit, and use to make sure there were no issues. I have had it for several months now and no issues to date. I have since mated it with a LTA  Linear power supply. and a wire-world OCC power cord. With a great DAC, it's the best CD transport I've ever heard. I can't say how much better it is than the CEC, or the new Vinshine unit from China,  haven't used them? All i can say it's eye opening better than my Audio lab 6000 transport which is very good in its own right. We are not talking 5 or10% better or your have to listen closely to notice a difference, it's like hearing your CD collection like you've never heard before.  Other than the 2 times the others went back, I guess the 3rd was the proverbial charm.  NO Regrets   Robert TN   Hope this helped!!

In regards to the Audio Union comment. He is totally CORRECT, it was answered very promptly, and thoroughly. When I posted my comment it had to have been prior to receiving his post/answer. It wasn't meant to be a negative, Sorry if it appeared that way. Once answered, I should have responded with a,  thank you, if I did not I apologize. Hope this helps for people considering a CEC unit. Robert TN

Audio Union distribiutes CEC in the America's from Springfield Missouri. I attempt to answer all communication on the same day. The email @robshaw mentioned was answered 5 hours later.

The CEC TL1 is out of production because the TL2N outperforms the TL1. Now there are no spare parts for the TL1 available from the factory, except for the belt.

Great thread!

Always good to know the features in comparison.

So, which CD transport has the most realistic sound?  Most organic bass, extended highs etc.

I had heard (anecdotally, of course) that the CEC TL5 is fuller sounding, but not as dynamic.  Perhaps a bit too soft.


@robshaw LTA has one linear power supply. I think it was $600+. All ya gotta do is tell them what voltage OR what brand/model component it’s for. 

Post removed 

Also the CEC's are belt driven. Not sure if that's good or bad, or makes little difference? 

I now use a CEC-TL5, and previously used a SimAudio Moon 260t. I really don't know if the belt drive makes a difference, but the CEC also employs a weighted disc placed on top the CDs, and I believe that it is a positive feature.


jriggy, Thanks very much for the response.  Is there a particular model of theirs or is that it. Tks   afraid to ask $   Robert TN

My comment would be that most manufactures with offerings that use a SMPS, require an aftermarket LPS for best performance. It’s not new or rare. There are not many companies that include —or even offer—  a top quality and performing LPS for its corresponding component. 

I can also confirm that adding an LTA linear power supply to the Pro-Ject RS2T was indeed a very tangible performance jump. 

Does it bother anyone else that the Project Transport CD Box RS2T, being around the 3K price point, comes with a $.50 Wall wart Power supply. Yes, you can buy an upgrade for better sound, but, not really the point, you shouldn't have to.  Comments

should I choose the Project unit, can anyone recommend a compatible Linear power supply. Thanks, As always

Just be aware that the Jay’s transports do not allow you to program tracks, while the CECs do, if this is a feature you care about.

I have a CEC TL-1x that at one time was Stereophile A rated, still seems to be good to me but I have no idea how it compares to the newer CEC. It weights 39 pounds, it's built well. Just had the belt replaced and it still works perfectly.

Thanks so much  for the added advice. Yes, I have looked at the Project, and it is now after some research, a top contender. Thank you. Robert TN

If I may through Project into the conversation, their transport is in the same price range, and may offer a few features the others do not