Is this for real?

While cruising through A'gon Tube Amplifier section I see that a seller has listed an amplifier with a retail price of.....are you ready.... $3,500,000 (I had to go back for a double take on that)!!!  However, as these amplifiers are used, and only in 9/10 condition, the seller has discounted these amps down to $139,000 (at a discount of 96%, what a bargain....hurry, supplies are limited!).  
Is this for real, or are these prices a mistake?  What's your take on a pair of mono blocks that retail for $3,500,000?
" can buy these amps or a house. Â Well, the new ones, anyway...the amps, that is....

I guess I'll just have to get used to being a tasteless philistine with tin ears.

There are those that live in the clouds.

And there are those of us with anti-aircraft weapons. *L*"

Happiness is a crew served weapon, with a killer sound system.

The person who can afford these and buys them might be very bored with so much dispensable resources at his/her disposal. I would ask if that person is able to even focus on anything for more than a half a millisecond.
Buy whatever makes you happy, but this is a serious issue with the high end. Coloration passes as realistic, or neutral, and some rags deliberately promote it.

Mind you, I’m a huge CJ Premier 8 fan here. :) So I DO get it. Just don’t try to convince me I need to spend that much for color and juiciness.

<< sigh >>

I wish I had the money for the electric bills of amps like that. I totally don’t. I think it is like wine. There are those who love drinking good wine, and those who like to spend lots of money on wine, and sometimes they overlap.



That front cover was the FPB600 and the Cary 805.

Good Listening


If I remember right these Wavac 833 were on the front cover of Stereophile side by side with a pair of Agostio’s Krell Monoblocks, and underneath it said (because of the measurements)

"If one of these amps is right, the other one is wrong"

This got me thinking, so I obtained a circuit of the smaller bother Wavac 805 mono blocks
still massive and built a pair (35kg each). I had them for a couple of months and sold them, as my Krell type monoblocks were better in every area, except for that tube colouration in the mids, which is beguiling for a short time, but not long lasting.

Cheers George can buy these amps or a house.  Well, the new ones, anyway...the amps, that is....

I guess I'll just have to get used to being a tasteless philistine with tin ears.

There are those that live in the clouds.

And there are those of us with anti-aircraft weapons. *L*
Doubt that they can compete with my Realistc receiver with 8-Track and AM/FM built in!
He probably couldn't afford them. These are thought by many to be among the very best.

They were reviewed in Stereophile some years ago, JA was not exactly overwhelmed by their measured performance :-)

Good Listening

The price is good if you build half a million dollar system, and there is quite a number of people who do or consider doing it.
Sorry, you’re off by an order of magnitude. The 833s are a mere $350,000 and it looks as if the ad has been corrected if they had mistakenly listed them as ten times that. Still not exactly cheap however 😏

I believe this is the listing in question

Ive heard these amps and they do sound excellent, but as one suspects for the price so they should