It’s one thing if one is alone and laziness wins out and they go, “aw, hell, I want to hear this song right now, screw it” and then plays it through their cell phone speaker. Treating a cell phone speaker this way in public, to my mind and ears, borders on sociopathy.
The evidence is in and it ain’t good; young people the last decade or so have been subject to this as normal and have been led to believe that this is a way to “listen to music.”
These are the parameters; cell-phone (acceptable, not ideal) —> tiny Bluetooth speaker (end-game).
How could younger people possibly afford the high-end stuff these days?
I told a younger fella I used to chat up at a record store I used to frequent about my rig.
He seemed almost disgusted at the retail value of my rig, like he questioned my sanity and judgment. I don’t blame him.
Space is also an issue with such horrible housing circumstances these days.
If space were permitted, they could eschew both dreadful audio AND high-end and do what pretty much every young person did 20-50 years ago which was have some decent floor-standers, decent power/pre (likely receiver or integrated), decent front end, all from thrift shops at very affordable prices.
Space and/or a lack of knowledge that such a setup is even a thing prohibits people from persuing that low-mid range, let alone high.