Is DEQX a game changer?

Just read a bit and it sure sounds interesting. Does it sound like the best way to upgrade speakers?
Another unit those considering DEQX might audition is the Anthem STR Preamplifier. It is far simpler to operate, and its digital room correction is done at 192 kHz.  My ears say it's an excellent preamp at any cost.

I'm making no judgement about which unit is "better." For my needs, the STR was better, but that will not apply to every case.
Anyone that mostly listen vinyl are using DEQX? wondering what happens with the quality of the phono signal due the double conversion..
Yes, I have been listening to vinyl since the 70s & the clarity/transparency of my system these days is outstanding, quite far removed from what was there before. Vinyl replay is simply outstanding.

If there is any form of artefact caused by DEQX conversion it is certainly undetectable compared to image smearing, timing or phase anomalies and other negative aspects of a traditional setup which have been removed. The difference is very noticeable and wholly positive.
Just noticed miniDSP has a line of streamers, Dirac EQ and DAC's for ~ 900 to $1,500.
Absolutely worth considering.
Reluctantly I traded in my DEQX Premate towards a Ayre KX-5 Twenty. And.. I couldn’t be happier. Even with all the available adjustments that the DEQX is capable of, the Ayre Preamp is just way better in sound quality.
