Is DEQX a game changer?

Just read a bit and it sure sounds interesting. Does it sound like the best way to upgrade speakers?

Showing 3 responses by mike_in_nc

Hi Almarg, I'll add my voice to those interested in your DEQX results.

My system uses a TacT 2.2X to provide DRC and crossover to subs. This is a big improvement in most cases, but with about 15% of my music library, the added grain or hardness from the TacT outweighs the benefits of DRC, so I bypass it. Besides being much newer, the DEQX apparently resamples only by integer amounts, which I suspect helps. (The TacT resamples everything to 24/96).

So, thank you for documenting this and the other participants for many interesting comments, also.
Bombaywalla: Peter Lyngdorf (in Denmark) was a partner in TacT, is (or was) a principal of DALI, and has been involved with several other major audio companies. An important man in the field, to be sure! And yes, TacT itself is out of business -- a combination of poor marketing, arrogant customer relations, and the general reluctance of audiophiles to adopt DSP.

The TacT 2.2X is not terrible. In my system, it is good enough that I didn't detect its flaws until my system got better. I sure would like to find something that offers its benefits without the tradeoff in ultimate sound quality.
Another unit those considering DEQX might audition is the Anthem STR Preamplifier. It is far simpler to operate, and its digital room correction is done at 192 kHz.  My ears say it's an excellent preamp at any cost.

I'm making no judgement about which unit is "better." For my needs, the STR was better, but that will not apply to every case.