Is DEQX a game changer?

Just read a bit and it sure sounds interesting. Does it sound like the best way to upgrade speakers?

Showing 29 responses by ozzy

I don't understand why the owner can't set the DEQX himself.
Having to arrange someone to set it up for me is a game changer... I'll pass until they improve the design where it becomes easier to calibrate.
So, if I have a Dac that I like and only want the speaker correction function , is there a Deox unit that just does that?
The Problems I have with the DEQX unit as I seem to understand.

1. I would prefer to use my PS Direct Stream Dac over the DEQX (24/96 limited) Dac. So, which Deqx unit would be best for that application?

2. I have 215lb speakers that I would prefer to keep in there present place. So, can I expect good results with the Deqx unit to calibrate my speakers as they sit?

3. Is this unit so complicated that I will need an "expert" to set it up?
Bifwynne, Thank
you for your reply. I really do enjoy the way my system sounds. So, I guess for now I will wait until Deqx comes out with a version that an average person can adjust.
It really seems ridiculous to make a product that requires a rep to get it to work to its best. What about a power outage?

Though I think the product has merit, I will wait for a more user friendlier version.
Kr4, Bifwaynee,
Thanks for the responses. Its good to know that the settings will remain intact even with a power failure event.

I have no problem using a mic near the speakers to obtain the speaker characteristic settings. But, moving 215 lb. speakers is not an easy task.

I know I'm repeating myself (I'm old so its ok) I just think if a unit can be constructed that is much more user friendlier, I, and many others would probably buy it.

Are you listening DEQX ?

I still would like a more user friendly version.

My speakers weigh 215 lbs. each. So, moving them outside is out of the question. 

Can satisfying results be obtained by just placing the included mic in front of one speaker at a time and have the unit read that info and make adjustments?

Well, I took the plunge and just purchased a used Premate. Hopefully, I will have it next week.

Gulp... I hope I can master it.

Thanks, jeffrubin.


I still don’t understand the need to pay someone to calibrate the Premate. But, perhaps after trying it I will.

While waiting for the unit is there anywhere that I can download the manual?

Thank you, almarg, and drewan77, you guy are great!

I sure appreciate your comments and will probably need some help. I am now reading the manual and I am through chapter 6.

So far I’m not too lost...

Help!... I received the Premate today and I'm stuck on installing the microphone.

There is no dropdown box to select the microphone. My mic is EMM-6 6780. The mic works because I can tap it and the Control panel responds and you can hear it through the speakers. But the control panel shows no mic installed.

Why did the download CD not provide the list of microphones to choose from as per the instructions?



Thanks everyone for your help. I emailed DEQX yesterday and they emailed me back the download file for the mic. After fiddling with that download for a while and rebooting it now shows the mic installed.

However, dummy me, the volume setting was set too high (max) and I blew out a tweeter. I hope to have its replacement tomorrow.

So, I measured the good speaker and then copied those results to the other, then I did my subs.

Once the replacement tweeter is installed, I’ll do the room correction. But, I can already tell that as I get more familiar with the screens and settings I will redo the tests.

Almarg, The mic I have is good to start with, perhaps down the road I will either rent or buy the more expensive one.

Ok, I've done the speaker measurements and with the dual JL Audio subs and the room calibration. What I found was that it is better to calibrate the JL Audio subs with there own microphone before using the DEQX with them.

I still need to figure out the delay functions and many of the other tweaks.

Does anyone think if there is a breakin time for the unit? I am using it as a Preamp so I assume like most things audio 200 hours of use time seems to be about right.

I also ordered a SR black fuse to match with all my other equipment.

One more question.

For those who own the BSG QOL, should the QOL be placed before the DEQX or after?


Though the Premate unit was purchased as used, I was told that it was never used just the box was opened up. Perhaps it was used as a demo. Everything about it looks brand new.

Thanks for your comments on the BSG QOL. Tomorrow, I will try the high analog output from the DEQX into the QOL with the QOL then going to my amp. My logic is that I have the speakers and room set up with the DEQX, so I should be able to hear what the QOL adds. But, I also intend to try it the other way too, that is before the DEQX.

I changed the fuse to the SR Black, but I am confused. The unit says to use a 2A fuse but what was in it was a 1Amp.

I also changed the jumpers settings, while inside I noticed that the mother board says HDP-4 which is perhaps a good thing. But, on the power cables going to the IEC there is a cheapo snap on RCA ferret, perhaps a bad thing.



Thanks, If the QOL is placed before the DEQX Premate would I need to run the measurements again?


Thank you. I did place the QOL before the DEQX and I did do a complete calibration including speakers, subs and the room.

At the end of the room measurement I got these confidence levels.

L sub 27

R sub 26

Right 30

Left 33

Is this acceptable?

I must say I ’think" I have an understanding so far and I am up to chapter 12.

But, there are so many confusing graphs and flash forwards, flashbacks.

I have taken deep notes and each time I revisit the settings and notes I understand a little more.


Thank you for the info I try them tomorrow. I need more practice. I would like to set up the Bypass 0 profile. Do I need to do another complete measurement or can I copy the speaker measurements?


I am stuck trying to complete the Bypass profile 0. It seems basic to set up different profiles and be able to select them from the remote, but I can’t seem to get it.

It seems that I can only select one profile from the remote that will play. That is, if I finished the bypass installation on profile 0 it will play on profile 0 but then my corrected profile that I have on profile 1 does not.

When I go back and again set up the profile 1, from the remote I can select the corrected profile 1 but when I push profile 0 (bypass) there is no sound.

I’m missing something, can you understand and help?



Thanks, So I need to set up all 4 profiles before I press Save All to DEQX?


Thanks, I got it and I can now toggle between Bypass 0 and my calibrated profile 1. This is important to me because I wanted to try additional profile settings but I was afraid I would lose my 3 hour+ calibration.


I actually sold my $20K+ speakers and now use my new DIY speakers and the DEQX.

Do you find the DEQX output level to be low without increasing the gain on the DEQX control panel?



Interesting, perhaps it is my source (PS Direct Stream Dac) that feeds the DEQX.

Thanks Almarg for your post.
I have previously moved the input jumpers to the max position from the default position, but then I noticed that the input sometimes clips on the DEQX control panel screen. So that’s when I went to the DEQX control panel to add 10db gain to the output. The output does not seem to come close to clipping, maybe midway to 3/4 at max on the meter.

Since I own the Premate which does not have a traditional volume control setting, I have to rely on the color of the lights on the DEQX for output volume levels. I like to keep the volume in the "blue zone".
I wish you had the same unit so I could know if my output volume settings is typical with adding the 10db gain.

Merry Christmas!
Reluctantly I traded in my DEQX Premate towards a Ayre KX-5 Twenty. And.. I couldn’t be happier. Even with all the available adjustments that the DEQX is capable of, the Ayre Preamp is just way better in sound quality.
