Is Bob Dylan’s “visions of Joanne” a rap song?

Aside from the content not being about the usual Rap music topics; the form, rhyming, rhythm, and singing are fundamentally the same. Listen to it again fresh with that thought in the back of your mind. Discuss this politely with me if you like, this an open question, not a statement of fact. I’d like to hear different opinions.
Give "It's Alright Ma' I'm Only Bleeding" a listen - I think that's about as close to rap as Bob ever achieved... 
I think "Subterranean Homesick Blues" is a good example too of rap-like quality.  It is also noted for its quite early use of a video to accompany the music. 

Speaking of which, I really like Weird Al's version that uses rhyming palindromes.  It makes sense to have the flashcards for the lyrics as visual reminders of how each line is the same read backwards or forwards:
Not Visions of Johanna but Dylan’s 1965 Subterranean Homesick Blues is often cited as the first rap song.

Here, you can judge for yourself.
….please note Audiogoners; my response was a poor attempt
on my part of trying to be being sarcastic as I knew what ;  '' deadhead1000''  was specifically referring to the music and song itself and not about race. I want to make that point clear and also being a big follower of Bob Dylan ; I did listen to that song …..and maybe but in my opinion a little bit of a stretch.   
two Harvard graduate i know are working on a synthesis of Shakespeare and rap, what could go wrong ? Deadhead good thread dude ,  keep on truckin…
Oh, and thank you Larryi -  your comments deepen the discussion I was hoping to have. 
Oh geez,  I don't think deadhead had any racist intentions.  Lighten up people.  There are enough real problems to get huffy about.

I don't think that the blues have much in common with rap.  I think rap is a new art form that developed out of computer technology and the desire of people who can't sing to perform.
As the OP, I was only referring to genre, not race. I have heard that Rap is considered to evolve from the Blues. Bob did not create Rap, Elvis did not create blues. Wendy did not create classical. You may not ever hear Bob’s version of it on a Rap station or playlist, but I would love to hear a version of “visions of Joanna” done by a real rapper. Cross-genre songs can be quite interesting. 
On more than one occasion Mr. Dylan has acknowledged the influence on his lyrics of Chuck Berry, particularly "Too Much Monkey Business".
…...yes rdk777 that is exactly what '' deadhead1000 '' was asking on this forum. Go back and re-read his thread inquiry.
Rap/Hip-Hop was virtually unknown when the song was released in 1966. Are you trying to claim that yet another white man discovered rap/hip-hop?
I never thought of Visions being like rap, but, your observation is interesting—like rap, Dylan’s emphasis is on the lyrics/message more than the tune in most of his works.
I can see the resemblance, particularly because Dylan can barely sing.  I think “It’s Alright Ma (I’m Only Bleeding)” is even more like rap.