Is anyone going to the Rocky Mountain Audio Fest?

The RMAF begins on Friday. Will anyone attend?
Listened to parts of the Gilmour's concert on youtube. No, not even close to the concerts of the past. Black women didn't help. He got old, recognizable and not bad at some moments, but.. 
" Live at Pompei" is available everywhere on-line. Is it digital recording? How does it sound?

Yeah, shows are awful for your ears. Getting back to my own system after a show is my first priority.

I truly truly do not know how most listeners can sit through most rooms. I've gotten much less forgiving as I've gotten older.


My wife and I were there today.  I felt the rooms were too spread out and after being there 5 hours, my sciatica was killing me and we left. I got to meet quite a few of the industry professionals.  Bob Carver was extremely gracious as was Sandy Gross.  I thought most of the rooms sounded very good but the choice of music was terrible (IMHO).  

We we went into the Lampizator room and when the person demoing saw I was wearing a Pink Floyd T shirt, he put on Welcome To The Machine.  It sounded good but he played it so low that I couldn’t really enjoy it.  We went into the Raidho room and heard the D5.1 speakers. No offense to anyone but they were playing Opera quite loud and my wife and I quickly left.   John DeVore was extremely gracious and his room sounded fantastic.  

I liked the show quite a bit and I wi she my legs weren’t killing me so we could have seen more.  One disappointment was The Marketplace.  There wasn’t a whole lot for sale there and all the vinyl was at full list. I thought they would be giving even a 10% discount.  I had a wad of cash burning a hole in my pocket but all I bought was some stylus tip cleaner for 35.00. I was looking for the new David Gilmore “Live At Pompei” but it was already sold out.  That was at 12:05 and the Show opened at 12.  They must have sold them to the industry insiders.

Tomorrow, we start the 4 day trek for home. I can’t wait as after 2 weeks on the road I miss my bed, pillow and audio systems. 

Looks like it is going to be a really nice weather for the show. The weekend is going to be mid to high 70's. The hotel has been remodeled and looks really nice. The CanJam is huge for headphone fans. I am looking forward to hearing some sounds.
Enjoy the RMAF. I wish I could attend.

If possible, please visit the Ayre Acoustics booth #9O17 at RMAF and listen to the new Ayre EX-8 Integrated amp/DAC. Does their case work look okay?   Thanks.
I think you can avoid sensory over load if you don't spend to much time in any one room at first. I like to treat it like wine tasting. You taste as many as you can and then leave time to go back to your 3 or 4 favorites and see if they still sound as good to you. 

Lots of times you can walk into a room and you will know immediately that it doesn't sound right. I remember the first time I was at the CES 2002 or so and I did so many U turns couldn't count them. 
Sadly, I can't make it this year, and I found out that neither can my main dealer. I love to spend a good portion of my time talking through stuff with him and and listening to the music and sound that does it for me.

it's a great show, and I've found that by Saturday afternoon and early Sunday, the exhibitors have their gear all in order and tweaked out to sound best in their rooms. There can be distractions on Friday and especially Sunday afternoon, as there's a mass exodus of packing it all up and getting out of there.

The show can be overwhelming and difficult to navigate. Multiple elevator banks and areas that do not connect to one-another. Rooms can get crowded, making you want to slip into the more empty ones just to chill out and listen. My recommendation, is to plan out in advance the rooms you may want to visit, and figure out the most efficient order to maximize your time.

If you're coming in from out of state, think about going up to Rocky Mountain National Park to see if you can catch the Elk bugling. It's about a 40 minute drive from Boulder.

I do. Of course you want to check out the large rooms down stairs and on the mezzanine. Actually you could save those for later when you get hungry and come down for lunch. They are pretty mellow. Second you might want to look through the program either on line or the program when you get your badge. Mark the gear you want to listen to by the floor they are on. 

Always fun to go to the rooms with expensive gear, the gear you read about but could never afford. You might surprise yourself by how many of those rooms you think sound bad. Trust your ears not the price tag.  No it isn't the room it is the equipment. 

Again in the tower, with the two elevators, might be three, go all the way to the top walk the rooms then take the stairs down to the next floor. Slow elevator. 

When you get to the 7th. floor please stop in and introduce yourself. My name is Jim and will be in the Bricasti room number 7013. Should be a good sounding room 

Have fun gentlemen. This show are really grown since the 1st iteration which I attended.
I'm going to attend for the first time. Missing Friday but you g Satyrday and Sunday.. Any advice on how to manage the sensory overload and huge assortment of rooms??
Well the show starts early on Friday so you will have lots of time to look at rooms. With one day I would start on the first floor. These are large rooms. There is a large atrium with a restaurant and bar. As you look at the bar face on to the right of it there is a hallway with about 5 large rooms. Those are fun. Then the are all the headphone and portable music gear in the Can jam room. Then you can take the hallway on the opposite side of the restaurant and visit some more large rooms. The map on the website is a little confusing, but you can work you way towards the tower elevator. Take that all the way to the top. From there you can visit lots of rooms. I recommend using the stairs to work you way down to the lower floors. The elevator gets very busy, so for just one floor better to take the stairs.  
Me for sure. I just don't know for sure when I am taking myself.  It is such a great event for so many reason for audiophiles.
My wife and I are going on Friday.   We are on vacation and will be arriving in Boulder,CO tomorrow afternoon.  We started last week from our home in New England and drove to Rapid City where we are now.  Looking forward to meeting some people that share my passion.  We are leaving for home on Saturday which is a 4 day drive.  I miss my 2 sound systems!!!