Is anyone going to the Rocky Mountain Audio Fest?

The RMAF begins on Friday. Will anyone attend?
It may be, sure. Almost every time I am reading about people's impressions, it is Gryphon, Ypsilon, Lamm and Nagra electronics with various speakers that get the praise. Oh yes, and Wavac. And sometimes VAC too. They must be all doing something very right. I also increasingly hear good things about Thales table/arm plus Ikeda cartridge set-up. Perhaps not quite a reference level but very very high. 
One thing I noticed at RMAF, as I rode the elevator up and down and up and down the Denver Tech Center Mariott hotel: There were way more 40-60 year old men than 20-40 year old men. Way More. Where does that leave the future of high-end audio? I'm concerned.
So am I. I think, the more digital everything goes the less connection to the sound becomes. There are still young people interested but not many, as far as I can tell. Next generation is more computer dependent than they or us realize. From this angle, it is totally irrelevant whether or not one day digital sounds better than analog. True connection will be lost. Even most jobs that they do make no sense whatsoever, they are not real jobs, sometimes anti-real.
I heard the Wilson Sabrina’s with Nagra Classic amp/pre and the dCS Debussy DAC at The Audio Salon in Santa Monica CA a few weeks ago. This combo is very very good. Unfortunately, at retail, it is out of my budget; it sure was amazing though. So I can attest to the Nagra/Wilson synergy. Mr. Wilson himself likes Nagra very much; see his YouTube video.
I remember my first CES in Chicago, main floor was white good (washers, dryers, stoves, etc) and way back in a room was phonograph, Macintosh, and of course, Bill Johnson who in a way started high-end.  Times do change.

I went to RMAF to attend Can Jan, the headphone show,   I was looking for strategic partners for a new headphone amplifier I am bringing out. Had good success, saw a lot of stuff,  the high-end of the market is still alive, maybe not kicking as much as it used to, the demise of the middle class is reflected in such an event.
Reasons to to go to Hi Fi Shows

1. Simply to have fun. You have a system you really like.

2. You wonder if you system is out dated. 

3. You are thinking of updating you system or a part of it. 

4. To gloat over how good your system sounds compared to the junk at the show. Just kidding here. 
Last weekend, in Denver, at RMAF was an awesome get-away. Monday off. 4 day work week afterward.  Winner!

I heard a couple components I plan to seriously follow-up on. Possibly an in-home audition, if possible.

But seated now, in the sweet spot of my system, a Kenny Barron trio unfolding in front of me, I'm reminded why I do this. The Music.
Doesn't sound like many people went. Kind of interesting all these people on line wanting to know what they should purchase and then miss the opportunity to go and hear about every brand and talk to manufactures and other users. Might be the Amazon influence. Just buy on line. 
From what I saw the show seemed well attended. Most rooms were full, and I quite often had to wait to get a good seat.

My wife and I weren't that impressed.  Most rooms played some God awful music that we would never listen to so we couldn't make any comparisons.  I was extremely disappointed in The Marketplace, not many sellers and everything was at full retail!  We walked in and out of many rooms because we couldn't stand the music and nothing really moved us.

The last audio show I attended prior to the RMAF was the Stereophile show back in the late 90's in NYC.   For one thing, there were many venders selling their products at good discounts and the rooms were much bigger and I enjoyed it more back then.

The music in most rooms was not good . I observed people leave , myself included when the music was boring .We are talking clear the room boring . Felt bad as we all headed out at the same time . I did observe in the Ryan audio room when i requested  neil young be played that more people were coming in . Could be a coincidence but the door was open to the hall so the music could be heard from the hall .
If i were running a room i would play one minute of a track and move on to a different song . Would play all genres of music as well . Think you could keep peoples attention better and have longer stays . The paradigm room did this . Kept you on your feet anticipating whats coming next . 
My thoughts on this:  I sensed desperation in many rooms, way to loud with the door open playing to the people in the hall. 
to  lalitk

re: the Moon stack you heard.  Any idea what aes/ebu cable carried the bytes from their transport to the 780D ?  I just bought their demo DAC from them,  but they are not forthcoming with the aes/ebu they used - why I don't know, but I want to maximize performance at home as much as is evidenced at the show.  Thanks, - Dr John.

 (PS I am not so affluent as to join the'Cable of the Month' Club, having just dropped 15K on their DAC itself.)

Sorry, I don’t remember what cables they were using at the show. Simaudio components are very neutral and transparent, I would try couple of cables that doesn’t ‘color’ the sound. 

May I recommend Audience Au24 SE or Acrolink 7N-D7000 AES/EBU cables. I’ve used both of these cables and they are excellent cables under $1K.