Introducing my 2.2 Stereo

Hello from the greater Seattle area. I have been a long time vinyl collector, however, I finally got my first complete stereo setup. Let me know how you think I did. I've been on a tight budget but managed to splurge in a few places. 

Here is my 2.2 Stereo...

Pro-Ject Audio RPM-1 (using interconnects that came with TT)
Emotiva PT-100
Carver TFM-35x
Definitive Technology BP2004TL
AudioQuest 1m Water interconnects (Pre to Amp)
AudioQuest 3m Husky Subwoofer Cables (2) 
AudioQuest Type 4 12' w/Banana Plugs
Emotiva CMX-6 Surge protector

I'll try and post some pictures once I get time. Let me know what you think. Please be honest. 
@soundermn Honestly not sure what's missing, just looking for something to improve on. 

@nrenter My vinyl collection is about 3-4k albums. 
I upgraded my preamp to a Parasound Halo P5 earlier this year and am nearing the point of what to do next?

A. Speakers
B. Turntable
Start off with an update:

Pro-Ject Audio RPM-1 upgraded to Ortofon 2M Blue
Oppo 103
Emotiva PT-100
Carver TFM-35x (bi-amp)
Carver TFM-35x (bi-amp)
Definitive Technology BP2002TL
AudioQuest 1m Water interconnects (RPM-1 to Pre)
AudioQuest 1m Water interconnects (Pre to Amp)
AudioQuest Diamond X2 (Oppo to Pre)
AudioQuest 3m Husky Subwoofer Cables (2)
AudioQuest Type 4 12' w/Banana Plugs
AudioQuest Type 6 10' w/Spades
Emotiva CMX-6 Surge protector

I'm getting to the point where I want to ditch the Emotiva Preamp and get something better. My budget is $1000. I do have a separate Mofi Phono Preamp on standby for when the Emo is gone as well as another set of AQ Waters. 

what would you recommend my next move be? Where would you upgrade?


My plan is to look for another Carver TFM 35x and bridge them for mono block use. After that I'll probably upgrade the cartridge and see where that puts me. 
Moving forward improve the source components rather than spending on cable improvements. 
I was able to take a few albums to a local shop and listen to them on their setup. I'm pretty happy with how my setup compared. I have a few minor adjustments to make on mine, but nothing pressing at the moment. 
I appreciate the responses from all of you.

In my opinion it sounds amazing. I haven't noticed anything weird or off so far. I play a huge variety of music on it and it seems to play well all the way around. I was extremely surprised at how well the bass hits off of vinyl, that was something I'd never really experienced before. 

I'll definitely have to invite people over to check this out. The only down side to that is it's in my bedroom. lol. Until the kids are out of the house it will pretty much stay there. My good friend that got me into getting a good stereo is a huge CD fan. I'm sure he'll give me a lot of good feedback. He also was the original owner of the DefTech's, so it would be even better to have him critique it for me.

If you want to critique your home system, why not invite some music-loving friends over for a listen, preferably some who also are audiophiles.  Let them listen for a few hours, and then ask your questions.  You might also consider visiting the homes of others who fancy themselves as audiophiles and listening to their systems.  Take your own LPs with you on such visits. This is how you might develop a feel for what you are after and maybe where your system might fall short of your personal Nirvana, or not.
I have to agree with the above members especially, 
The last thing you want is someone who has never heard your system, in your room and with your music, to give you their opinion on a system they've never heard, and ruin the experiance for you.
If your rig brings you enjoyment, why worry about what others think?
I agree with mb1.

If you like the way your system sounds then that's all that matters.  It sounds like your looking for reinforcement of your picks when you really shouldn't - you sited no problems or displeasure with the sound.  So enjoy it.
" Please be honest."

The only opinion that matters is yours. If you're having a problem, that's different. List it. If there is no problem, just enjoy your system. The last thing you want is someone who has never heard your system, in your room and with your music, to give you their opinion on a system they've never heard, and ruin the experiance for you.