

Discussions soundermn has started

Cookies. Just another reason AGon sucks298330
Audio Furniture has its own sound!414955
Revel - F208 vs M126Be46748
Do you use a custom Power Cord on a Power Conditioner?25627
Anyone with Manley Chinook use a custom Power Cord?635625
JVC VL8 Tonearm weight19612
Impressed with SVS Ultra47633
Oh no, there's metal in your records!519445
Tekton Preview / Audition in Minneapolis521341
Anyone try KT150 in Primaluna Dialogue Premium HP1718731
Vintage JVC VL8 Turntable - What Cartridge?43451
Primaluna Dialogue Premium or Premium HP?2474524
Which would you choose? Primaluna Int vs Separate61135
Which would you pick? PrimaLuna461810