Impressions & comparisons of Belles 150a Reference Power Amplifier Ver 2 

So, I'm toying with buying a used Belles 150a Ref. V. 2 amplifier out on the used market. My question is: would it bring real difference to my current setups? 
I'd like your thoughts, if you have any experience.

Let me describe my situation:  I'm always curious about trying a new amp. I have three sets of speakers: a wide baffle DIY with JBL woofers and a Beyma AMT tweeter (97db.), Ascend ELX Towers (90db, approx.), and Fritz Carbon 7mk2SE (88-89db).  

I have several amps for these guys -- Pass XA-25, QS Mono 60 tube amps, and an ST-35 Dynakit. While none of these are "high power" amps, as many know, the Pass can produce a lot more than 25 watts (e.g. 50wpc into 8 ohms and more) and has a grunt and power belied by it's name. 

I've had a hypex-based amp in my stable for a brief while delivering a lot of power 300wpc and it was interesting how it "lit up" my less sensitive speakers. I'm curious about the Belles in this regard.

So -- anyone who wishes -- please weigh in about the Belles 150a Ref. Amp Ver. 2 and, if you can, how it might stand out (or NOT stand out) from the amp/speaker combos listed above.



@hilde45 did some checking on old threads and others, found this PF writeup from ten years ago on the V2, possibly a few comments here that stirs up some 150 v2 memories.

Hi @hilde45.

If the Hypex captured your interest you might check out the newer GaNFET based Class D amps. Class D Audio provides very high value products for low cost due to low overhead etc.

I have Hypex based Cambridge Evo 150 and newer GaN Class D Audio amp. Both are very good but sound very different. The Cambridge is a touch warmer and more forward sounding. The GaNFET is more neutral with highly nuanced detail and absence of any fatigue. 200w/ch into 8 ohm. Quite a revelation for ~1K.



@mapman I like the "grip" and excitement of the Hypex but it's a bit brittle in the highs and sterile in the mids. That said, I will look into your suggestions! Thanks!

@hilde45 worth noting there are different Hypex modules and different amp makers  that use them add things like op amps and power supplies among others  that can affect the resulting sound so chances are different Hypex based amps will sound different.   The devil is always in the details.  Cheers!

@hilde45 ,

Your description of Class D matches my experience.

I own the Belles Aria monoblocks, not the 150a. And, I have to say they are very sweet sounding amps. You have some nice amps, and quite varied, too. I personally think your not going to hear a significant difference, though the Belles will be a bit more mellow-and perhaps, engaging.


Up until recently I owned a pair of the V2’s running in mono. They were great. Owned them for a number of years. These are class B amps and run very cool. They provide more than enough horsepower to run the non sensitive speakers. 

As a previous poster stated, these are a more mellow sounding amplifier. If one is seeking that nails on a chalkboard sound, these may not be a fit.

 I personally think your not going to hear a significant difference

That's my guess. A friend said that though my Pass XA25 was less power on paper, he didn't think the Belles would be significantly different enough. It's also 20 years old. It's not a lot of money, but I think I am over the initial fever toward "snapping it up" and will just consider the $$ saved as going, perhaps, to an amp that might really mix up my options.

Also, good point about the different op-amps @mapman . I think the hypex I've tried has a fairly good one in it -- see, this review -- but I think it likely is just too bright for my taste or space (or both).

This model Belles amp (150a Ref V2) has been with me for about a year, and was reportedly new old stock from a former dealer, etc. I've got it paired with Dynaudio DM 2/6 in the basement system, but it's performed admirably with 2ceSigs in the main system. With the latter at 86 dB/1 watt, it offered exceptional bass control, and was still a sweet listen. The 2ceSigs go pretty low. At the moment a CJ MF 2275 seemed an even better fit with the Vandersteens, but I'd be willing to bring the Belles back up for variety.

I'd originally picked it up thinking I'd use it with the Vandersteens. I was also shopping other Belles power amps like their newer monoblocks, but this was a decent bargain that I do not regret.

I think of it as more neutral than the Precision Fidelity M8 hybrid that I've been fond of for a while, which has an entertaining mid bass bump. I also believe that the Belles would be fun to pair with an LRS or an 0.7, but it's really good with the Dynaudios.

Do you need a stout backup amp that won't disappoint for a reasonable price? This might be a fine choice. I'm enough of a tourist and enthusiast for gear that I'll probably keep it for another year or two until I get restless and change it up. Or until another interesting bargain becomes available.


@zarf Do you need a stout backup amp that won't disappoint for a reasonable price? This might be a fine choice.

Nope, I've got my Pass. I think this case is closed for me, though I have to admit I shop rather that read the news....