IFi Zen Stream with Qobuz

What is the best way to setup the ifi Zen Stream to work Qobuz? I would like to get 24/196 when available and also trying to find out if that’s possible with this setup. Most likely going to use a Denefrips Ares II in conjunction with the Zen Stream. 


Please report back on the sound quality of JPlay relative to mConnect.  Thx.

Trying out JPlay now. So far it’s seems to be a pretty slick app. Search is definitely better than M-connect.

Not sure about sound quality yet.

The user experience, however, is very nice. Search yields lots of options which you can filter and further refine. I’m testing it with Qobuz now and when navigating to an artists albums, they are still displayed in a strange order, i.e. not by year, not alphabetically...but I think that is they way Qobuz orders them. I don’t love that.

The info and credits on a record are much more available and user friendly than on Qobuz via M-Connect.

I did have one weird thing happen.

Navigating to the new issue "Fragments" by Bod Dylan, I can’t play the tracks (see pic)

A red banner saying "Track is not available for stream" shows up ...However the record plays find in M-Connect.


Jplay is the way to go. Much better user experience and sound quality than Mconnect. 14 days free trial periode, then $50 a year.

App website


Following up on other options to stream Qobuz on my Ifi Zen Stream besides using M-connect. 

I have the M-Connect Player app and, while I've gotten pretty used to it, the user experience is just sub par.  It seems that Ifi x Qobuz are getting closer to working together and maybe in the future we will see some sort of "connect" feature. 

Are there any better 3rd party apps beyond M-connect that people have had success with in using with their Zen Stream?


I like Qobuz better than Tidal primarily because, although they both have similar number of songs (90 millions), the Qobuz has more newer productions. For example, Qobuz has the albums of Beady Belle, the female singer I like, after 2020 but lacks the prior albums that Tidal only has. With the mid-level suscription, you get higher resolution of music up to 24/192 while Tidal entiled you up to CD quality only.

In terms of mconnect vs Audirvana, I was advised that, technically, the quality of streaming using Audirvana or mconnect is the same. The sound quality of streaming mainly depends on the quality of the (dedicated) streamer, the usb/spdif interface quality and/or internet network. iFi ZS has purified spdif and ANC on usb which suppress jitters and sounds quite nicely if not surpassing the streamers many times of its price.

As such, there is no obvious reasons using the paid Audirvana while one can be well served by the free or one time minimal charge mconnect player. At least for me ...

Audirvana 2.2 works well UPnP with DLNA and should work well with the Zen Stream. I'm using it right now in my system but don't use the ZS.

I've heard the Zen Stream is tricky setting up as AIO (All In One) is the best way to get started. But I would give a shot to Audirvana 2.2 as that solution will get you hooked up with Qobuz pronto.

I like Qobuz and use it as the quality is consistently superb. 


As of today (12/23/2022), the free version, Mconnect Player Lite, is working smoothly with ifi ZS in the AIO mode on iphone for streaming music from Qobuz. It has most of features you need such as gapless play. If you need track sorting which I don’t really care for, go with Mconnect Player. The sound quality is really good, just a tad better than playing the files from SSD via USB but I am spliting the hair. Both are noticeably better than playing / steaming music out of MS-window PC / Macbook. I start streaming music from Qobuz from now on because of the SQ, convenience and grand selection of music of all genres. I think $120 per year is well worth it.

Note that, after you setup the ifi ZS player and Mconnect Player, for some reasons it may take a few hours (in my case) for ifi / iFi icon to eventually show up in the UPnP devives field. Just be patient.

The free versions are meant to be used with their own streaming hardware like the Bridge II in the Directstream DAC's.  You need to use the $6 version to get the best results.  Still it will never be as good as one of the dedicated apps from companies like Aurender, Auralic, Lumin or Innuos.  It just does it's job in a workmanlike fashion and that is all.  Though not my favorite I've never had a problem getting it to do what I needed.  It's a "catch all" app just like Bubble for Android. 

Yeah, search is not a Qobuz strength even on their website and I’ve mentioned it to them.  I get around the spelling issue by just typing in the name of the artist and then pull up their albums or songs in that area.   I didn’t notice any notable lag in searching when searching in the HD version, and although I’m not sure I think HD gives you more unlimited access to hi-res recordings.  I just saw several people having issues with the free version, so for 6 bucks I thought I’d just avoid the hassle. 

Just the free version for now 

I’ll buy the $6 app but is it the useability that improves or sound quality ?

It seems clunky and laggy just to search.  Also the search bar itself requires perfect spelling, etc… which is challenging when discovering new music 


@j_andrews Are you using MConnect or MConnect HD?  I found the HD version to not be bad at all, and for $5.99 might be worth a try if you’re using the free version now. 

I’m testing out Qobuz via Mconnect in my aforementioned Zen Stream set up:

(Ifi Zen > Curious USB > Denafrips Iris > Lifatec fiberoptic > Denafrips Ares II > Blue Jeans rca > amp)

Yes I think it sounds better than my Tidal connect set up I was using before .
also I’m able to verify that Mconnect is delivering the hi-rez streams to my equipment.

that said, I don’t think I can use this Mconnect app. It’s definitely better than the Ifi app but still not really pleasant to use.

I’ll try Roon next … need to find a cheap nuc situation …or I’ll just go back to tidal connect

Thanks to everyone who helped my with this little project. Waiting on a few last parts (power supplies and usb cable) but so far I really like the detail I am now getting. Soundstage has also improved significantly :))

I ended getting it to work and I changed nothing in the end. It just showed up under UPNP randomly at about the time I was going to give up. Sounds a fair amount better than my node. Lots of inner detail that I was missing. 

There's not Qobuz Connect for anything so it being iFi has nothing to do with it. If iFi want to have Qobuz integration they need to adopt an app that is compatible but that costs money they are not willing to spend.  There new Neo Stream is the same way.  iFi's app is based on an old version of Volumio which never supported Qobuz. 


It is annoying that the Zen Stream doesn’t have good native Qobuz integration. Further, Tidal Connect is pretty flakey at the best of times.

Actually, it takes both iFi and Qobuz’s cooperation to create the ‘connect’ feature. iFi is more than willing, but it seems Qobuz is the one dragging their feet or not interested. Perhaps upset that the Zen Stream was released with Tidal integration from the start? Dunno.

I have no real issues with the Zen Stream and Tidal Connect. Works great.

I don’t stream enough to invest in Roon. Thus, for the time being, Tidal it is. Unfortunately, as I would like to try Qobuz, just don’t think I would like using the MConnect interface to do so. Using the Tidal interface works just great.



Are the Zen Stream and your phone/iPad on the same Network? Also when doing the complete setup of the Zen Stream in the Stream App you have to press the save button in each section where you make a change.  Also make sure you have check for software updates.  Once you have the Zen Stream completely setup using the iFi app then see if the MConnect app will see it.  If not shut them both down and re-boot them both, Zen Stream first.  If you never used mConnect before there is an instruction guide on the companies website that I posted in another thread earlier about the app.  Also check out the Tips and Tricks thread at Headfi. In that thread there is a step by step guide to setup.  It needs to be done in order.

I installed MConnect but under the play to section I only see iPhone/Airplay option so not sure if I am doing this correct. 

@jackd Got everything hooked up and running but currently connecting via airplay to the ifi. If I download MConnect I should get better audio quality than airplay?


I too have a Zen Stream and a Denfripos Ares II.

I tired mconnect and bubbleupnp and absolutely hate the interfaces. It's nearly 2023 and I don't want to use crap software and outdated user interfaces.

User experience matters and good software is important.

It is annoying that the Zen Stream doesn't have good native Qobuz integration. Further, Tidal Connect is pretty flakey at the best of times.

With this in mind, I was looking to ditch the Zen Stream and was looking toward more expensive options from Auralic and Innuos.

Until I decided to buy a cheap NUC from eBay and install Roon ROCK.

Roon has transformed how I listen to digital music and it fixes the biggest weakness of the Zen Stream.

Yes, it is more money but not in the same league as a Lumin U2 mini or Auralic Aries G1.

Yes. it is frustrating that Tidal Connect doesn't work and that Qobuz doesn't have a Connect option yet.

Yes. it is annoying that the software on the Zen Stream is pretty meh.

But, Roon overcomes all this and does a brilliant job of adding a tonne of value.

Give it a try and see what you think.

Also, for what it's worth I think Wi-Fi to the Zen Stream sounds superb and I've ditched all the Ethernet madness as a result. Plus Wi-Fi is effectively galvanically isolated so you can forget all about Ethernet "noise". (I work with major global networking and I'm pretty handy with Ethernet, switching, fibre etc. and I'm really happy with the Zen Stream Wi-Fi circuit).


great to find this thread as I’m continually working on maximizing what my Ifi Zen Stream can provide.

I’m currently using the Ifi Zen Stream powered by a 12V LHY linear supply purchased from Beatechnik.

ZS output is USB via a Curious Cable Evolved 200mm “regen link” into a Denafrips Iris DDC 

Iris output is a glass fiber cable from Lifatec into a Denafrips Ares II.

I’ve been exclusively using Tidal Connect over Wifi.  My plan is to eventually hardwire the unit into my router using some sort of Ethernet regenerator or an audiophile switch but truth be told, Wifi operation on my unit, in my house, has been pretty flawless.  Very very infrequently is there a dropout.  And ever since adding the Iris, they’ve essentially stopped.  Could be the FPGA and buffering ?

I’m not in love with the Tidal interface but it’s what I have now and it sounds good.

I can’t remember if I have it set on Tidal exclusive or AiO as they sound the same. 
Im slowly convincing myself to jump into the Roon pool.


I "heard" that too but didn't find it to be true. So try it yourself and see. 

I heard that it does not sound as good in AIO mode so was trying to see if there was another way. 



There are two year plus running threads on Head-Fi on the Zen Stream.  Many knowledgeable people on there with a lot experience with the unit.  iFi people even participate.  If you are going to use Qobuz via Ios you will need to download mConnect HD for $5.99.  Easier to just leave it on AIO setting. 

Leaning towards the Supra Excalibur currently. Thanks again for all of your input :))

Going to try and setup my Zen Stream for Qobuz use and in another mode other than AIO. Is there a good place online to find info on how to set that up? This will be controlled via my iPhone. 


None of the jumps are extreme and in the end I may like one of the cables better and you may like the other.  That's why I pay no attention to the "absolute proclamations" of what's better here or on any other forum.  It's all about personal preference or there wouldn't be so many cable companies. 


Post removed 

@jackd You are correct.  My cable has one USB A and one USB B connector on each end so I’m sure they can make it that way if desired.  

Post removed 

Thank you for clarifying and now makes sense. Was it a pretty big jump up in SQ on the Neo over the Supra?



If that's the case it's not the cable you linked too as dual head means two heads on the streamer side.  



The dual heads are connected on the streamer side one for signal and one for power.  If you are not anticipating connecting external drive or connecting it through network then it won't matter.  

@jackd Just to confirm. I am using this cable to connect my Aune X8 to the ifi Zen Stream. Wouldn’t the Lavricable just use one port in this case?

Now I need to choose between the Lavri and the Neo. I had a feeling you would have a good answer :))




I have owned and used both. The Lavricable while it may be excellent if used will prevent you from plugging in an external drive of any type.as it will occupy both USB slots if that matters to you.  I've owned the Supra also and the other two are better to my ears.  

I’d highly suggest this LavriCable USB cable as it’s one of the few you’ll find in your price range that physically separates the data and power legs. 


@jackd I just ordered all of the items to build out the new streaming setup but in need of a decent USB cable. Do you have one you could recommend in the $50-$100 range? Thanks again for all of your input. Much appreciated! 

I bought Zen Stream because of its  multiple connectivity options and that it Did Not have a DAC.  Wholeheartedly agree with @soix re extenders. I have 2 of ATT version in  c/w 1000 mbps service. After scores of failed set up attempts I contacted IFI support.   Do not waste your time, it was  an irritating time and disappointing empty, no value tech service with Zen team. I sent photos and supporting speed reports  and not helpful, slow to respond and same robot like useless feedback without providing any possible cause or solution. My wifi speed measured 670k down, 210K up without the extender. With it,  a bit higher.  All my other wifi devices in immediate vicinity performed well (tv, laptop, iphone). Ultimately a and escalated specialty tech from the distributor ( not the Mfr) advised that the wi/fi within the Zen Stream is not very good and cannot  handle or recognize wifi above 100mbps and suggested I just use the ether connection on the extender Issue solved. Still irritated regarding wifi utility.    All that said, device now works as it should and pleased.  Ifi Tidal connect app sounds great , although it does have occasional lags or brief intermittent unresponsiveness.  Re DAC: Wanted an Ares II but cheaped out after the Stream purchase. I purchased a Geshelli J2 ($350) i am currently quite pleased with and lots of connectivity options.  It is so great being able to get full utility out of my old equipment via the new tech devices ( feeding Luxman R-117, Klipsch Chorus II, Yam NS-890, ADS L 780/2…)

They are the same price and I can buy 2 PS’s. Would you get one of each or both LYH. Can order one 9v and one 12v. 

If that's what Aune recommends for their unit then buy one for the DAC but I would stick with the LHY for the Zen Stream as the 9 volts from the Aune is not enough. Does that plan actually save you any money though?

@jackd Do you think the stock updated Aune power supply (XP2) would be a step down from the LHY LPS25VA?



When you bring up an album to play you should see a forward button in the middle of the album cover.  To play the whole album hit that button and not the first song in the track list.  As to mConnect and the DLNA setting just another small bug I guess as some people have gotten it to work and some haven't.