IFi Zen Stream with Qobuz

What is the best way to setup the ifi Zen Stream to work Qobuz? I would like to get 24/196 when available and also trying to find out if that’s possible with this setup. Most likely going to use a Denefrips Ares II in conjunction with the Zen Stream. 


Showing 16 responses by soix

@smrex13 I’d suggest getting a Wi-Fi extender from TP- Link, etc. and going hard wired with a good Ethernet cable from that to the Zen Stream.  Not only does that apparently solve the connection issue, it’ll likely sound better as well. 

I spent the $6 on mconnect HD and it was great until the app stopped recognizing the Zen Stream over Wi-Fi.  I’m switching to a wired connection through a TP-Link extender that will likely avoid the issue (and probably sound better), and until the Wi-Fi problem the app worked well and all my playlists, favorites, etc. were there.  I was surprised that streaming sounded better than spinning CDs, which was a nice bonus. 

The Zen Mini may also not sound all that much better than the Zen Stream unless you also spring for the linear power supply that according to reviews (Darko, etc.) significantly improves performance and adds to the cost.  Of course it’s also a server, so there’s that.  Best of luck. 

What sound characteristics are important to you and what’s your budget?

@temmple I use an iFi iPowerX — never used the stock PS so can’t tell you how much it improved the sound, but I’m very impressed with what I’m hearing FWIW.  I didn’t want to spend as much on a PS as I did for the ZS so the iPowerX was a logical/easy choice at least for me.  

Agree with @jackd to spend a few more dollars on a reputable brand to minimize the risk of potentially damaging your equipment. 

I’d highly suggest this LavriCable USB cable as it’s one of the few you’ll find in your price range that physically separates the data and power legs. 


@jackd You are correct.  My cable has one USB A and one USB B connector on each end so I’m sure they can make it that way if desired.  

@j_andrews Are you using MConnect or MConnect HD?  I found the HD version to not be bad at all, and for $5.99 might be worth a try if you’re using the free version now. 

Yeah, search is not a Qobuz strength even on their website and I’ve mentioned it to them.  I get around the spelling issue by just typing in the name of the artist and then pull up their albums or songs in that area.   I didn’t notice any notable lag in searching when searching in the HD version, and although I’m not sure I think HD gives you more unlimited access to hi-res recordings.  I just saw several people having issues with the free version, so for 6 bucks I thought I’d just avoid the hassle.