If money were no object, what would be in your rig

Many of us have admired great systems on Audiogon like Albert Porters and some of us prefer a more simpler system. If you could change any component(s) what would it be and why? Or are you satisfied with what you have?
If money were no object, my rig....would be basically the same.

This is not to say that money is currently no object. However, I am always in search of that value, end-game component that gives me the sound I want. I also like to feel like I am getting a very good deal, and have acquired many pieces at opportune moments.

So sure, I can make a list of the world's most expensive equipment, but would it be musically satisfying?
Rtn1, I like your answer. If money were no object you still would choose to be reasonable and look for gear that offers value. I feel the same way but don't want to tread on anyone that feels otherwise since there are no right or wrong responses.
Sorry guys, were talking an OverConsumptive Orgy of Hi Fidelity proportions.

I was rightly called out on setting budget levels.

Nope, the question simply DEMANDS an off-scale blast of $$ which would make Trump go pale. errr Paler!

OPPO '83SE for DVD player. A T1 line or better to the streaming computer. Can't afford a hangup THERE, now can we?

Beer on tap in one of those roll-around fridges and a popcorn machine.
Magfan, I would much prefer the non-SE version of the Oppo because it has the good sounding Crystal chip set which makes sacds and HDCDs sound great. I would, of course, get the Exemplar mods done on it. I also would never steam off the internet, but would continue to use HDD as a source through Firewire cables to a dac that accepts such a cable.

Also, don't want no stinking popcorn. Pretzels and beer, or nothing! But in moderation.
Jmcgrogan2, your point is well taken. How about that guy that just won 259 million and had only twenty nine dollars to his name, I wonder what kind of system he would assemble, maybe he has no interest in this arena. Bill Gates may be one of the richest men in America, could be he has Adcom components and maybe picked them up at an estate sale. Just recently visited my doctor and knowing my interest in audio was bragging to me about his recent purchase of a Rotel system. Not to hurt anyones feelings I told him, doc your on the right track. Whats my point, people put their money where their interests are.

We have talked about hifi orgies and the hokey pokey among other things, someone is getting turned on about audio, maybe we can get these things layed, and then put to rest. LOL.
Full Burmester Reference electronics with Focal Utopia3 Grande EM. My best freind just bought that system, and I get to listen to it each and every wek.
First, I'd add Elrod Statement Gold PCs everywhere (probably the single biggest improvement I've encountered in 40 yrs as an audiophile), along with his latest speaker cables. Then I'd upgrade my digital, but I'm not sure to what - Esoteric, APL, Exemplar-modded something, Playback Designs? Then I would improve my room significantly too. Finally, I'd probably upgrade my Rockport Antares to one of the latest generation of Rockports.
Top shelf Ayre electronics, including the dps turntable, and either Vandersteen Sevens or Avalon Time.
Have you actually heard Exemplar's Oppo conversion?
A good friend received his just the other day and, in accordance with all known 'rules of audio' we listened to it right out of the box...still a little cool to the touch.
I owned Exemplar's Dennon 5910 conversion, and felt that it was some of the finest digital that I had ever heard, with Exemplar using the Active Tube loads as well as replacing the 'el cheapo' parts through the audio section.
Well, now I'm a little bit sick...the new Oppo unit makes my unit sound 'broken' for want of a better description. It really is REMARKABLE. It's clearer, by a wide margin, and with no 'etching' which can be common to such improvements...as a matter of fact it sounds so much smoother, and more musical, as to not be believed. I recently dusted off my LP12, and am about to put it back in the system--but know in my gut that their's no way that it can sound better than this masterpiece from Exemplar.
I was, at a time in audio when I thought it impossible, 'shocked' at the difference. It's the best digital I've ever heard, by a margin I can't describe. Run, don't walk, and order one.

Good Question. I think about that since 04-21-10 and I still have no idea what I should replace. But I won't give up ... :-)
Lrsky, yes I have one. I know how you feel as I had the Exemplar moded Shanling, which was excellent. The Exemplar/Oppo takes a long time to reach its best. I also had the Denon 5910, the 2900, and the 3910. John is a brilliant guy.
Proper room size and treatments + Duke's Dream Makers + Atma-Sphere S-30 Mk 3.1 and MP-1 Mk. 3.1, both with all upgrades + excellent power regenerator(s) + hire Duke to set it all up properly. Never had the pleasure of hearing this gear but it always reads wonderful to me. And besides, when $$ is no object we upper crust types can afford to be whimsical.
Would she be your headphones? Seriously good bass! Super tweeters! Thin midrange, but that's good in this case!
Audio Research Reference Anniversary Preamplifier

Audio Research Reference 610T monoblocs

Genesis 1.2 speakers

Audio Research CD-8

Logitech Transporter with Modwright mods

Audio Research DAC-8

TW Acustic Raven AC turntable

Sansui TU-X1 tuner
Tbg and Lrsky - could I ask if the Exemplar Oppo is really better than a decent transport connected to the Exemplar XD-1? I know it supports other formats, but for 2 channel playback, is the Oppo really better?

(Sorry, this is presuming you have the XD-1/Oppo for comparison).
Dedicated and professionally designed listening room with all the bells and whistles (dedicated lines, room treatments, Oyaide R-1 wall outlets...). Top line amp and pre-amp from a manufacturer such as Tidal or Soulution or comparable quality company. Audio Magic Oracle line conditioner. APL NWO 4.0 or whatever is their best current CD player. Speakers would be something like Tidal Sun Ray or Focal Grand Utopia EM and I would add a top-tier turntable to round out the system. Oh yeah, I would keep my Meridian 504 tuner - I like it that much.
Erastratus, in my opinion, yes the XD-1/Oppo is better. I love the Oppo on both HDCDs given that it has the Crystal chips and on SACD. My life is complicated, however, by having a Mac Powerbook Pro music server using Amarra and Pure Music and various dacs. If you are willing to go to this expense, cds do sound better with a server. John does have a music server also, but he is selling the hell out of the Oppo mod.
Money no object? Forget the rig. I would hire the original musicians to come to my house and play for me! Perhaps a personal assistant to make all arrangements for that as well.

OK with that kind of sum i would go for raw DIY-I would invest 97%of that money to plasma speakers technical researches to extend response down to 80hz , left 0.6% manufacture one prototype, 2% build dedicated house with optimised airflow to prevent any health issues ,then buy and mount in wall 346 scan speak 23w4557 9 inch subwoofers all over the room and feed each with 500w digital modules. with left few bucks i would give to charity organizations, buy older style studio master tape player ond so on.
Bigger, dedicated room in a house of my own at least a stones throw from any neighbors (it would be good if I good shoot skeet off my back porch).
I'd keep my system 'simple' and just enjoy the music.
Let's see now,
Luxman 509u
One of the Tonian Labs with the PHY driver
Maybe a MAC sourced system with a pro Weiss DAC via firewire
or a damn good CDP
I like to live modestly.
Have you seen Lonnie Anderson lately?
Way to much plastic Surgery messed up her face.
I hope your talking about the Lonnie Anderson of 30 years ago.
Sound Lab Speakers. I already had a used and damaged pair and they were still great for a while but this time I would buy a NEW pair.
Twilo, After your mention, come to think of it, I was going by an earlier recollection, a WKRP'esque Lonnie. She should have left well enough (!!) alone. I tho, am not one in position to point fingers, as I did once have a "procedure" performed. The truth be known, a penis job. A reduction tho....It was killing my back carrying that around.....is this truth or fiction, let's let you decide
I'd buy all the 1947 Cheval Blanc I could get my greedy hands on and stock my new anechoic listening room with it.
MBL 101 Loudspeakers, most likely, their matching electronics...the Power Plant by PS Audio.
Digital, most likely not the Exemplar, as 'cost no object' would render this unlikely--and I don't know what is out there in the cosmos.
The room might be as important, as anything with the Radialstrahler, technology makes for 'lots' of room interaction--so maybe a larger house/room combo.

This would do until something better came along.lol

Ok, to be honest, I wouldn't change much. The room I'd put a lot into. I wasn't lying about that. I'd go with an all tube setup. Probably some Cary or Ayon Audio monoblocks with 300B tubes. A rockin' turntable that is as beautiful as it is functional. The speakers? AAD 2001s on custom stands and Cardas Golden Reference wire. It'd have to be to the simplest and most inspiring layout consisting of the most beautiful woods one can imagine. And it isn't because I'm materialistic. Its because I believe that if something is so good that it wouldn't hurt to make it look good too. Oh yeah, and the 1947 Cheval Blanc
Tiggerfc, In regards to turntables, I like your thinking. To me no system looks complete without one & if it's a beauty that is even better.