The consuming masses quite ignorant of the power they hold. People like to blame manufacturers, other countries, gvts. for the trade situation. American consumers chose to vote with their wallets many decades ago, I well remember the 1980's and the establishment of Wallmart and other big box retailers displacing local mom and pop establishments. Consumers have one track lowest price minds, hey cheap Chinese products, I'll have some of that. The de-industrialization of America during same period also comes to mind, we pay too much to union workers, outsourcing for cheap labor results in lower prices, the consumer says I'm all for that.
And now you tell me we're all done with that, I don't think so, consumers continue to cry about high prices, inflation, I don't think reliance on solely American citizen labor and a complete rebuild of infrastructure is going to help that situation. Nope, we're at the point we're all screwed, mass consumerism ain't going to fix it.