I feel it is time to upgrade my 1977 system.......

I have been enjoying my Pioneer Spec 1 and Pioneer Spec 2 system for a very long time and I have been having issues that have exhausted my patience and nearest shop is 3 hours (each way) from home.  I only listen to my Music Hall TT that pleases me.  My speakers are from 1976 Altec Lansing Model 19 that have been freshend up and I love the sound, I guess because I have been so accustomed to them and I'm sure there are many diff speaker options but for now I wish to continue with the Altec's.  My quest is to replace my amp and preamp.........I have some logistical problems to deal with.  I have ONE!!!! location for new gear, a shelf that is 51 inchs long and 18 inches from a wall to the front edge of the shelf, shelf will handle 200lbs.  My Pioneer amp has ample power and I would like to remain close to the same amout of power.  If you have some ideas for me I would love to hear them.  Not sure how I feel about tube gear since I have no background at all so I (think) I'd rather not go that route, but feel free to change my mind.  Budget not to exceed 18k including cables.  I know there is a wealth of knowledge here unfortunately I have very little to offer so I thank you greatly in advance......


Given the specs of your speakers you could consider tube based amplification. If interested in that I suggest you look into Aric Audio as one option. Great gear and great guy to work with. 

I you went with a tube pre and amp or integrated I would consider using a SS phonostage as a way of controlling noise from that gain stage.

You need 2 watts to drive those speakers.  The first review of them I found lauded them for great sound with a type 45 tube amp (1.8 wpc).  You said you don't want a tube amp but you could consider a simple 300b or 2A3 with single input tube per channel (4 tubes total, 5 with a rectifier).  You can almost forget they are tube amps.  Almost zero maintenance for thousands of hours.

The SS amp I've found that performs most like a tube amp is the Kinki Studios EX-M1+.  It is known to have a sound like a Swiss amp, whatever that means.

Then you'll need a phono stage which I know nothing about.  However, I listen to a friends awesome system from time to time and he has a Supratek phono stage.  It is a tube pre but tube preamps really are almost maintenance free.   Sorry I don't have any recommendations for ss phono stages.

Good luck.  I hope you find something that really clicks with your beautiful speakers.


Specs say spl 99 efficiency.

current amp far more power than needed.

the speakers have a dual range equalizer, which I presume you have used to adjust sound in their location.

I would want tubes, I like 30-45 wpc which is plenty for them. height clearance of the shelf? open space above and at sides? ability to drill holes in shelf above, let heat ’up’? shelf in location to receive infrared remote control signal?

My current home theater cabinet, I made a floating back, look thru see dark space and matching wood like cabinet (not white wall behind). however the back is floating 2" behind, hanging on two blocks: cables, heat flows aplenty for anything/everything in there.

Equipment: Integrated Tube unit perhaps, I definitely want remote volume. I could care less about remote input selection. I like remote balance, I find some tracks benefit a lot from a small balance tweak, and adjusting from listening position is a treat.

Another way to minimize size of amp is to use tube mono blocks with a tube preamp with the features you want. split the heat into three locations.

Your speakers are screaming for a good tube amp and restored vintage would work!

I currently own AGD Audions with a Cary SLP-05 "tube" preamp. I know class D is a bit of curve ball but I think they are worth consideration. There are many great solutions at your budget. I would seriously consider AGD's with a good "used" pre.
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the Altec's are efficient https://www.lansingheritage.org/html/altec/specs/home-speakers/model-19.htm

they are 8 ohm speakers

I only play my turntable and maybe once a year play a CD, but on this system there will be no other sources.

The Pioneer Spec 2 amp is rated at 250 W per channel and has always been a neutral sounding amp, to me I has sounded great on most genres of music and I have been pleased with the Spec 1 preamp because it has seemed (to me) to be a great partner to the amp.

thank you so much for you wisdom, you are welcome to humble me with your insight

OK, you have a TT. Are there other sources under consideration?

As by Bob, if your are going to keep your current speakers knowledge as to  their impedance would help. Knowledge of the power capabilities for the Pioneer amplifier would help.

With a 18K budget you have much to consider. 

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My 2 cents...

Yes, you are ready for an upgrade. A lot has changed, and mostly for the better.

Your first task is to get the specs on the Altec's (power rating, impedance,etc.

Then you'll need to look for an amp that sounds good with your speakers. 

I have no experience with Altec's so perhaps other members can recommend amps that work with that speaker.

One thing that should be considered are interconnects and speaker wire. And, yes, they do make a significant difference.

Once again, try to find other owners of your speakers to see what they find to have worked. It will help you narrow down the list. And, if it confuses you, please let us know, or PM.
