I asking for suggestions in choosing a pre-amp [that won't "break the bank".

i'm putting together a "stereo" system and would appreciate any suggestions in choosing a pre-amp that would work well with the my components.  My components are as follows:

Amps: Wyred 4 Sound SX-1000 Mono Amps;
Speakers: Jas-Audio "Odin" 2.5 way, 3-unit floor standing speakers.  89db; 4 ohm; 29-60,000Hz; Normal power handling: 220dW; Transient power10ms: 1000W.
CD: Oppo BDP-105D Darbee edition.
Turntable: Harmon Cardon T-60 [needs new cartridge]
Tape Deck: Tandberg TCD 300
Reel to Reel Deck: Akai X200D
Speaker Cable: DH Labs [Silver Sonic] Q-10 Signature  

I don’t see a DAC int hat list. I’m going to assume you’re just going to run the Oppo straight?

The Parasound P7 has phono, and 1 set of balanced inputs, along with 7.1 balanced and unbalanced outputs, along with some tone controls.

You might also like the PrimaLuna pre if going tube, Bryston is another possible choice.

Another choice many like is the JC preamp from Parasound, or how about an older Krell? :)

Eric, if I were to consider a Dac; would U have any suggestions?  Than U all for your suggestions.
In that price range, new I’d recommend Mytek or Schiit. Both very good, and relatively immune to source quality. Meaning if you use your Oppo’s digital outs they’ll still sound good.

I like Berkeley Audio Design but they are pricey and sound a bit cool to me.

Ayre QB-9 is great, but quite source sensitive, even via USB. Some other listener has confirmed it's still the case. You don't know this until you do a back and forth test with a Schiit or Berkeley. Sounds great with their CD players though.

I would have more suggestions, but I haven’t been listening in too long a time.

The Oppo 105 has USB outputs, so any DAC that has USB 2.0 support AND is "driverless" for Linux/OSX will work by the way. :) That’s your best sounding option.
Eric, my thanks for your input.  

Does anyone one have any experience with Wyred 4 Sound's Dacs?  Specifically, DAC-1 LE or DAC-2 Series?
Find yourself a used Bel Canto Pre3 and you will smile. $900 to $950 and it is very good indeed. No need to spend more. 

I owned it in between some big $$ tube preamps and it is the real deal. 

Use to own the primaluna prologue three preamp, just ask Kevin at Upscale audio about the sound your after and he will point you to the correct tubes. Could not believe the difference it made when I dropped in some mullard nos tubes. Can find them used under $1500 dollars and will compete with preamps at triple the price. Best of Luck
The Rogue Audio RP 5 is a full function pre that will drive most any amp.  Tube gain and line stage with solid state phono stage.  Full funtion remote and it sounds killer.  Look up the Rogue page and find a local dealer.  You will be impressed.  Also consider the RP1.
I would suggest a Mytek Brooklyn DAC....It has an excellent sounding, variable pre-amp output, (both balanced and RCA outputs), a fantastic sounding phono pre-amp built in, and a set of analog pre-amp inputs as well. It gives you a choice of digital or analog attenuation. The DAC is one of the best around at the price point, and will also decode MQA encoded music. If you are a headphone fan, it does that too! It offers a lot for under $2k.
LP27A Inspire brand, old Conrad Johnson Tubes, VTL,  Rowland, etc, etc....maybe Rogue but I auditioned the RP 1 in my house and and wanted to like it but just couldn't .....would get good tube gear.  Get a separate dac.    the kinda preamp you just change tubes in and keep unless you go really crazy.  The dac solo means you can upgrade that part whenever tech catches up.    With those current amps some good tubes would do you wonders.
I just bought a gently used Wyred 4 Sound STP-SE and it is amazing. Big, deep sound stage. I am still running it in from its trip to me but so far I am very impressed. Used can be had for $1200-1500. A bargain.
rogerrabbit: thank you for the sale "heads up", but that is out of my price range.

joined: I am kind of leaning toward the wyred 4 sound preamp; thanks for the feedback.  You wouldn't also happen to have one of their DAC's?
Have you thought about going passive? Get a simple MM/MC preamplifier for the turntable, and a passive preamp - of which there are a few around (e.g. http://www.khozmo.com/index.html). If you want to keep the sound pure and unmolested, worth considering.
Thoebe 2. I have it with new SX 1000r mono's. Great match. Can get it with dac and phono also. This is my second one. Beautiful remote for $175 extra. Remember Wyred makes both products.
"Does anyone one have any experience with Wyred 4 Sound’s Dacs? Specifically, DAC-1 LE or DAC-2 Series? "

I'm a past owner. In my experience, dry, cold and analytical. Not overly musical but great for hifi sound effects.
Jayne,. Thank U for your insight on the wired 4 sound DAC.  What DAC would your recommed that I consider?
I asking for suggestions in choosing a pre-amp [that won’t "break the bank".

This could be a winner, and it won’t break the bank for you. Released at the RMAF the new Shiit Freya.
Can be a
1: passive preamp
2: active preamp with tube output buffer
3: active preamp with J-Fet output buffer
Multiple switchable inputs and a remote as well, amazing for the price.


PS: The poweramp looks interesting too.

Cheers George

pre-amps are usually about control functionality

what do you want it to do?

remote controls?

built-in DAC or not?

Then there is the likelihood that the company will exist in 5, 10 or 20 years and ... length of the warranty.  For both these last issues, there is one obvious answer and it starts with B

what do I want it to do?  I'm not that sophisticated, but I believe one of the main results of a pre-amp is to sound as though "it is not even in the system".

remote control? Not really needed; less is more?

DAC built in?  Well, this is where I could also use a little help.  At the end of the process of buying a pre-amp; I wonder if I will want or need a DAC.  I wonder if most people add a DAC, it seems like they do.

Of course, the system that I am building is far from the prowess of many audiogon member's systems.  I really just want it to sound as good as possible with my budget that I can afford.  I am not the type of person who needs to keep upgrading my system every so often.

Thank you for your help and I do appreciate everyone's time and comments.  I'm certainly receiving a great deal of information from which I can research a decent/affordable buying decision.

@foghorn1 ,

hi, it is very important to let us know what characteristics of sound or taste you prefer, and what genre of music that you listen to ?
Every DAC/Preamp perform differently with their unique strengths... some music gear may sound more richer\vivid in tone ,others may have better smooth extension but lacking in bass etc... certain brands (maybe due to their house sound) maybe more suited for solo \vocal while others maybe better at chamber music so on so forth....
i guess by the end of this thread, almost all the brands in the HiFi scene will get mentioned if you did not express your preference clearly 
if it is not in the system it won't change the sound

control functionality refers to the ability to change inputs, "buffer" things, alter sound via tone control, invert phase and etc.

a straight wire with gain is not always practical