How is

Hello all. I'm trying to understand how if I upgrade my stereo using (2) mono amps, how would I interface my preamp which has a standard two prong output to the two amps.
Here ya go! Why would you need shorter speaker cables and longer interconnects? My tube mono amps are in the same location that my stereo amp was located!!
MC, I got a laugh from your response. But, I guarantee you this: In time, you too will have monoblocs, and you'll be telling everyone that it's the only way to go.
One monoblock to each channel.  Right monoblock, right channel, left monoblock, left channel.  Nothing complicated about it.
@millercarbonI don't know why you believe someone needs to spend $20,000 on a pair of monoblocks to get good sound? 

I run a pair of Soundcraftsmen PM860 monoblocks that I paid less than  $500 for. Yes, they're 40 years old. But they put out 900 W at 4Ω (which my Martin Logan Spires love).  I drive them them with a 6SN7 tube preamp (Don Sachs Custom Linestage).

I also have a pair of rebuilt Golden Tube Audio SE-40 monoblocks (75 W). While they do not match the 'slam' of the PM860's, they are very musical. The cost was $400 for the amps, $1,500 in upgraded parts (caps, resistors and tubes) and my time spent soldering, for a total under $2,000.

Yes, you *can* spend $20K on a pair of amps but you don't *have* to.

Like Noromance, I find it incredible that MC who constantly preaches how “everything matters” should dismiss virtues of separates and monoblock amplifiers.  I don’t run monoblocks, but I would love to try a beefy pair on my Maggie’s.  Come on MC, it is an opportunity to put more springs under more equipment.
Right. Like just tonight, really enjoying incredible music, except just couldn't get my mind off the distracting power supply intermodulation distortion. Damn that power supply intermodulation distortion! If only I had a couple thousand more I could buy the power cords and then with another ten grand a preamp and another 20 grand some good mono blocks. Of course I would need a new set of short speaker cables and some really long interconnects, another ten large, but totally worth it to do away once and for all with this vexing power supply intermodulation distortion.  

What, by the way, is power supply intermodulation distortion? What does it sound like? 
MC How could you not consider monoblocs as an upgrade? Better separation, cleaner bass, darker backgrounds, and no power supply intermodulation distortion. Plus shorter speaker cables. You know it's your next upgrade. 
I suppose he could hook up two lefts or two rights... Just sayin' :-)

What do you call that, Mono E Mono.. LOL

Good question. I myself have often wondered how two mono amps is an upgrade.
Assuming that when you say you have two prongs in your preamp you mean left and right channel outputs, you just use one amp as your left channel and one as your right channel, and run the interconnects from the preamp accordingly.
What is two prong? RCAs or XLRs. Your preamp will have one or the other, UNLESS your "preamp" has amps on board also...

More information, what is the preamp, what are the monoblocks. Let me look up some stuff.... and get back.. .

First, make and model ay.. :-)
