High pass filter capacitors

I’m making a high pass filter between my preamp and amplifier. This will be on XLR Interconnects. I need a .047 uf value . 
Looking for recommendations on what capacitor to use to have a good quality filter. I don’t want to spend lots of money on a new preamp and trash it with low quality caps. I also don’t want to spend $300 per cap if it’s not necessary.


     It's been decades, but- when I needed high quality, small value caps, for doing exactly what you are (using a Placette and/or Dahlquist DQ-LP1): Michael Percy was my go-to, for the best parts available.

                    He also offered a wealth of valuable information.

                            Can't even swear if he's still in business.



                                              Happy listening!

In this range of capacitors, there are a number of excellent brands of caps for far less than $300.

Audyn TruCopper, and even some excellent Duelund models like this one.

I strongly recommend you practice however using like $2 poly caps first, just to make sure you have the right values and wiring.

Also, I think Parts Express has some modular XLR adapters.  They are like M to F adapters but you can shove little parts inside. Perfect for this type of prototyping.


Thanks for the video. I haven’t seen that one. 
I’m hoping this is not the case here. 
Danny Richie designed these speakers and suggests to do this if playing at louder levels. 
I have them with an AV processor with its internal crossover cutting the lows to the bookshelf speakers. They sound amazing to me. Very deep and wide sound stage. 
My plans are to upgrade to a BHK pre used in bypass for the AV system. 
This will require a filter on the pre output. 
Any suggestions welcome. 
I will check out the Miflex caps   Thank you. 

Why are you doing this?

I have GR Research NX Studios. (Bookshelf)

They can’t handle below 70 hz. 

If the goal is to "Remove the main speaker woofer work" this mod will probably do more harm than good. Especially adding phase shift to the upper frequencies. This affects the imaging and soundstage as well.

Paul McGowen discusses in this video.



If you're willing to spend more (unfortunately considerably more), many consider the VCap CuTF the best sounding audio cap available. 

I'd recommend the Miflex KPCU-03. Very nice sounding cap. I've used it for this same purpose.