High Fidelity Cables CT-1designed by Rick Schultz

In December 2011,I wrote that High Fidelity cables led by cable designer Rick Schultz was putting together a new cable.The cable came to market as CT-1.The CT-1 has FINALLY made it into my system!I had obtained a version of the prototype that Rick had been working on.It blew my previous reference Genesis by Virtual Dynamics.I thought I had finally found my end with this cable.This prototype delivered to my ears "Nirvana".Could I be at the end of my quest for the ultimate sound?
No. I received two pairs of CT-1 to replace my prototypes.They went into the system this past Friday.Unable to dedicate time until Sunday listening,I stole a few moments,ducking away from company with anticipation.My guest could tell even with the music set for"ambiance"something was intriguing and I was in for a treat!
The experience:
First off,CT-1 was very user friendly.Installation was simple;the cable is very nice and light.The female RCA fit beautifully unlike any I had found in other cable.It was secure and reliable.It seemed much thought was dedicated to developing a designer fit to an aesthetically stunning RCA connector.Install entailed a few wiggles to ensure what seemed like a compression fit on my RCA.
It was 2-3 hrs. for the 1st step of break in to be complete.At that point I had something different!Today,although they only have 10-12 hrs. on them,I can`t put into words how much my system has transformed.Believe me,I loved my prototypes.However....there is simply no comparision.
The clarity and sound is so natural.
The soundstage is like nothing I ever heard.Resoulution is breathtaking and inner detail is simply hard to believe possible.
The sound has transended and now it simply does not seem as thought I have speakers.
My system is musicians playing music.
I am told with time they will improve and I trust that as it was revealed with the prototypes.I wanted to share my thoughts with you that now.
Unequivocally,a testament to High Fidelity,as the name declares.
High Fidelity Cables for me,the last word on it,after 12 hours!
Truly Amazing

Petieboy12003, it is not a secret girls' club; it is just irrelevant what cables I was using. Our opinions expressed here are just our opinions or personal experiences. Were we to have all members of Audiogon to listen to 100 types of cables and vote what they heard, I suspect there would be little or no agreement. Without thinking very hard as to how many different sets of cabling I have had, I came up with fifteen different ones. These were used with 27 different speaker system in eight different listening rooms. Is any of this relevant? I think not.

I very much like the sound I'm getting right now with the HF Ultimates and Ultimate Reference speaker wire. It has taken close to two months for the Ultimate Reference cables to fully breakin. What I am hearing is excellent timbre to instruments, very precise sound stage locations, deep bass, and excellent involvement in the ambience of the recording venue. Can you duplicate exactly what I have experience? I think not, but even without my full system, I think you would be impressed by the HF cables.
@ everyone. Remember things are system dependent a lot of the times. Some things will match and others won't. For example, the hi fidelity ct1 cables and eric love romance cables are both great cables but it depends on what kind of system you put them in. They will work depending on your system.
@ everyone. Remember things are system dependent a lot of the times. Some things will match and others won't. For example, the hi fidelity ct1 cables and eric love romance cables are both great cables but it depends on what kind of system you put them in. They will work depending on your system.
I have had CT-1 ic's in my system for slightly under a year with excellent results. I replaced Virtual Dynamic Exodus and Genesis cables. Prior to the VD's I used FIM Gold's throughout. I have owned a variety of cables including Siltech FTM gold and silver, early generation Elrod, early Wireworld, mid-line Audioquest, NBS, Purist Dominus and Proteus, early mid-grade MIT's...and these are the ones I remember. I also auditioned a set of Indras for about a week.

These cables have contributed to the evolution of an audio system, which includes many, many component changes, spanning the last 25 years. This leads me to submit similar declarations as from those above, in that, the cable must be considered part of the aggregate system. Knowing of these previously used cables, in my opinion, offers little to base a decision on their system synergy until inserted into that specific system.

That being said, the CT-1's presented an openness, frequency extension, and depth of stage without the glare, stridency or haziness some of the other cables introduced.

In the summer I added a Hidiamond 8 speaker cable...a cable that continues to improve with break-in and performs extremely well in my system. With the success of the CT-1 ic's and the suggestions to complete a full loom I recently supplanted the HD with a High Fidelity Enhanced speaker cable. The cable has merely 25 hours on it, but initial observations may prove to be a bad fit. The loss of gain has required an increase in volume setting that I am uncomfortable with. I assume break-in will deliver improvements in delineation, separation, and density. But, at least for now those qualities are lacking, especially in comparison to the Hidiamond.

I hope the cables come around to equal the benefits of the HF ic's. I will give them another 50 hours before making final judgement. Unfortunately, due to a tube amp the play time is limited to 5 hours per day.
Iblieve, My last set of speaker cables was Jena Labs twin 19.
Each of the 4 cables (+,-, L, R) have 19 runs of Jena wire in them.
I was using them because they were the best cables I had heard to that point (35 years of listening). They sounded better than Jorma Prime and Audioquest Rosewood in my system.
The HF cable was such a vast improvement in all categories it was like listening to a completely different (and much better) audio system. Micro detail, soundstage imaging, texture, intimacy, naturalness, dynamics like I have never heard anywhere in all my years of listening. I did not know a sound like this was even possible!!! Everyone who hears my system is awed every time we turn it on.
I have all Ultimate cables in my system and an Ultimate Reference Power Conditioner and I'm amazed every day.
I have done some system retuning to enhance the system with these cables.
The cables have a long break in time.

As I recall, only a few posts in 448 posts had even a doubt about HF cables.

Sorry you are out in the boon docks and can't get an easy audition.
I hope you work out a way soon as High Fidelity Cables are terrific!!!
Happy Listening
FFS this thread has turned into a real secret girls club. What`s wrong with you guys???(excluding Calvinj and few others)
Firstly I agree, from my experience, High Fidelity cables is kinda special. Obviously better than MOST under virtually any circumstance...... but cmon now! If a gentleman is interested in our experience with other cables in W/E system and W/E circumstance, or regardless of, then why not.... who cares?! You guys are really that concerned you are going to lead some innocently inquiring gentleman astray or something? We`re all big boys with big toys and obviously some somewhat big wallets.... so chill out! I`m sure we all understand variables and percentages which can make things very difficult for any accurate general assessment blah blah blah. So what. We hear this a million times. I even say it myself. I just read all these posts above dribbling on about why we shouldn`t reveal our past cables and I must say I`m bored to death yet kind of stunned. By now you all could have listed at least some, with or with out extra details, and just got on with it. If someone makes some sense from it then great. If not then so be it. These things are sometimes interesting/fun to know(remember the old audioreview.com days) and sometimes just sometimes actually can help! This is partially what these forums are supposed to be about. Don`t we have enormously enough control dictatorship in this `hide everything from the masses` messed up world already? Now it has pretty much entered a audio cable thread lol. Well this is just dandy. FWIW I will join Calvin and list some myself next time I get on here. It`s been a long time between cables for me. Regarding IC`s I have currently settled on, as some of you already know, older generation Teo liquid MkII(latest greatest Teo Ref$ coming) but shall check out HF again(CT-1U model) at a later date. Will be auditioned on a SOTA highly accurate 114db-sensitive short signal path open baffle horn system. Straight from 768kHz DAC into speaker baffle mounted amps(enclosed in large phase plugs) which are isolated from the open 3x 15" drivers firing from behind(woofers don`t touch baffle). . Of course would be happy to provide any extra specific detail on past cables or w/e if anyone is interested. Ok carry on with all the justifications for secretly withholding innocently requested harmless relevant possibly interesting information. Have fun *rolls eyes*
@ Iblieve, Your welcome my friend!, I can really understand your point of view here on what brand and model cables on what brand, type solid state or tube, model of equipment that all mentioned cables, including High-fidelity cables were used, thats smart to want to know that!, going by the rule of thumb, All cables are system dependent!, Happy listening to all Here.
@Audiolab : your mark of respect touched me my friend! I try to do my best to share my experience and it's sometime disapointed to read sterile post even if i accept every opinions.
Sorry for the misunderstanding but yes i'm french and there is no dealer that carry HF cables around me right now.
Anyway i red the whole thread and i agree, some named brands but not models. I also agree with @Charles1dad, it's very system dependent. That's why it looks important to describe the system involve and give the previous cable's models used on it before introducing the HF wires inside it.
The goal of forum, despite congratulate ourselves on our gorgeous system, is to provide informations on our experiences.
For example if you say : this is the best cable ever! without mentioning that you use it on a 300B tube system with high efficiency speakers, the one who use SS amps with low efficiency speakers has many chances to be disappointed!!!

Another fact is when you say :" i previously use Nordost cables" without giving the model, you may compare low priced speaker cables to 3000$ pair of HF cable! It's not fair!
Honestly I see your point but I must say Tbg makes the same example as I did earlier, multiple brands combined with multiple opinions= ?
The Cable Company is referenced for obvious reasons, they have these cables available for audition. They offer a practical and direct way to hear this cable in 'your own system', what's a better way to decide if you want /considering something to purchase? The loan service isn't free and why should it be? The user charge is modest and is worth more than multiple opinions/comparisons.

It sure helped me make my decision to buy them following the in home audition. Why are you tired of people recommending the valuable service? Listening to any cable(in your system) when possible is by far the best method
@ everyone. Try the cables yourself. Different strokes for different folks. I see a lot of people impressed with them and not complaining. I am impressed. I have one ct1 interconnect. I have an ultimate interconnect and the enhanced speaker cables. They do a pretty good job. Try them. Maybe you like them. Maybe not. It's up to your gear and your tastes.
Hifial, I will guarantee that all brands have not been mentioned. I will also guarantee that no one here has heard even 10% of all the brands. I also will guarantee that there will never be any brand that is viewed as best by 10% of audiophiles. So what is the benefit of listing which brands were compared?
Oh, and one more thing. If I hear one more person answer a question by saying to go use the Cable Company I will...well it will not be pretty.
Give me a break. First the Cable Company does not carry every make and model. The do not always carry the latest. It took them awhile to carry the High Fidelity Cables.
But not everyone is in the position to use their services, even if the live in the USA. It is not free if you decide not to buy and as modest as it may seem to some of you it does add up and for some can make the difference in the audio budget.
Yes, I think it is a great service too but I wish people would stop using it as a way to answer a question about their posting. Sure make the suggestion but at least also answer the question.
Charles1dad, I agree that one could read the "very long" thread and see some brands named. But it is a very long thread and how hard would it be to name them again.
I have been following this thread from the start and check daily, but I could not say for certain what are all the brands that might have been mentioned.

But that was not even mentioned to do when the question was asked. The answer was it was not the right thing to do by mentioning brands for comparison.

The has to be some point of reference in any comparison of anything.
It's as if some of you haven't actually read this thread at all, many comparative brands have been named. You all need to read what's been written in this 'very long' thread.
Hifial, I agree with you in that its crazy that you can't name other wire you had. This would let one know their taste and would help to know where this new wire fits in. For instance if their last wire was Nordost or say Cardas this would help because one of these cables are warmer where the other is thinner. Come on now be an adult these wire companies have no shame in taking your money for something that costs so little to make. Profits on wire are huge.
Hi Gentleman, I blieve is my friend, He is modest, I see all of you keep saying go to the cable company, I blieve lives in France!, I talked to him on the phone, He is a very well seasoned audiophile, His opinions to me hold substantial weight, He is a gentleman as well, cheers to all.
4orreal, my initial exposure to the High Fidelity cables was through a pair of both the CT-1 Standards and the CT-1 Enhanced. But beware, the Enhanced take several days to sound their best. Even if the cables you receive are used, they will take some time to get back to their well-broken-in status.
Hi 4ooreal,
That's my only point in attempting to offer constructive advice, get a sample pair from the C. Company and listen. 20 people can list 10 different cables in all manner of system configurations. I'm not sure how this helps in any real sense.
Charles1dad, yes, there are too numerous cables to try them all. I hate to think of how many I've owned or just tried. I was confident that the Exemplar Silver balanced Portals were it for me until I heard the first High Fidelity CT-1s and their speed, detail, dynamics and involving character. As I have said so often, if you are happy, don't try other cables, dacs, preamps, etc.

For me, however, I will keep listening to other cables, dacs, etc. There is no question for me that my system has greatly improved these last several years.
You make a good point but if Iblieve has read the entire thread then he's seen many references to other cables used. Many people have chosen to name cables, some others don't bother with it.

I suppose one can keep trying different cables forever as the number of them are unlimited it seems. I reach a point where I'm happy and just stop.
Come on, give me a break. IMO, there is NOTHING wrong in mentioning what cables you owned prior to what you own now. Of course it may be different form system to system, but that can be said about ALL things Audio and even about ALL the reviews too.

Iblieve. From what I can gather from all the posts I have read all over the web, the High Fidelity CT-1 Interconnect out performed other highly respected brands cables that were priced at a MUCH higher level. I gather in most cases it was from as little as $6,000 to way over $10,000.

Of course that does not mean HFC has out performed ALL brands. Regardless whether it would sound as great in your system as someone else who already tried it does not mean another brand might sound even better in your system.

I agree that you will not know if it will work for you until you try it in your system.

But that does not mean others who have tried it and find it better (or not) should not give a bases for comparison, such as what is now and or has been in their system.

Guys, this is an open forum for all of us to share our experiences all things audio. There is no allegiance to manufactures. If others who own the product that you feel is not as good comes to defend it so be it. Debate it.

Just my 2 cents.

PS I will be adding my own experiences in a week or two.
Charles1dad, I might suggest that you try the Crystal Absolute Dream versus the High Fidelity Ultimate Reference.
It pointless to declare anything the"best" . You can hear an audio component and subjectively say it's sounds excellent, which is what we all do if we're really impressed. Nothing will ever be the"best" to everyone under any and all circumstances. The HF- CTI series are very fine cables, just take a listen.
@i believe. I have owned MIT. I have owned Nordost TYR. I have owned clarus crimson. I have tried a buch of different audioquest cables. I have tried the KCI silkworms. The HF cables are bell clear. They are also have great speed, pace and seperation.They are real good. They dont have any glaring weaknesses. Maybe they could be a little bit fuller but it also could depend on your electronics. I've tried probabably 15 different cable and i would say these are in the top 2 or three so far and in a lot of areas like clarity pace and seperation they are the best i've heard so far.
Not that I am siding with Fplanner2000 and
Charles1dad, but I think if you are ready to move to the HF cables, going through the Cable Company to obtain audition pairs and listening/comparing them in "your system" is the best way. This way, you are relying on your own ears. OTOH, you can list the cables you have had and currently have in your system to see if others have compared them to the HF cables.
So it's pointless to assert that HF cables is the best cable ever heard for the same reasons...
Fplanner I agree with your nswer. It does become somewhat pointless to list other cables you've own/heard , doesn't mean much due to numerous variables involved. I got an audition pair from the Cable Company so I could judge for myself.
@Fplanner : I understand your point of view. Anyway, every new HF buyers had previously owned other cables? So it should be great to know what they previously owned to make up our mind and guide us a little bit forward.
I agree to the fact that i can try by myself but not everyone (included me) has a HF retailer down his street...
So a little bit more infos should be great for every readers!
You probably won't get a specific answer to a question like this - it makes no sense to belittle or disparage any other brands on a thread like this. Cable choice is also very subjective as well as system dependent. For these and many other reasons, if curious you just need to hear them for yourself and make up your own mind. So, your "simple" question is really not so simple after all. :-)
Hi Guys,

I red the whole thread with interest and i'd like to ask you all a simple question. When you explain that you had never heard anything like this before, can you give me the High-end cables you compared the HF cables with?

Thanks guys
@ Tbg, Hi, Thankyou for your post, good to talk to you again, yes, I read this thread all the time, everyone says the same, the higher you go up the cable food chain with HF cables, the longer it takes to break-in, I am supprised to be told months of Ricks best cable, WoW!, that is long time!, TBg, I bet your system is top notch with these cables, congrats are in order, you have also been a great advocate for High-fidelity cables, you deserve their best!cheers to you Tbg.
I agree with Fplanner2000 and Tbg that the HF cables just get better and better.
Probably for thousands of hours. My system started sounding very good in 48 hours and was unbelievable in a week. Still getting better months down the road.

I have an all ultimate system now along with a prototype Ultimate Reference Wave Guide Power Conditioner.
My friends and I are awed every time we listen and have never heard anything like it. The subtle nuances in the Noiseless background that make it sound more real than I ever imagined possible. the dynamics, the texture, the air, the Naturalness and intimacy ... WOW!!!

In the next year, I hope to sell all my Ultimates and get all Ultimate Reference.
Happy listening everyone!
Audiolabyrinth, I think the only real problem with thee High Fidelity cables is which can you afford and like best. Apart from the standard CT-1s, I have had full loom experience with the Enhanced and Ultimates, and soon will get Ultimate Reference ics to join my Ultimate Reference speaker wires. In my experience, the Enhanced were a major improvement over the Standards and the Ultimate References, I suspect, will be a giant jump over the Ultimates, judging from the improvement with the Ultimate Reference speakerwires.

I should also say that each improved level of these cables comes with a substantial time needed to settle or break in. With the Ultimate Reference speaker wires we are talking about months. And all these wire hate to be moved at all and take time to recover.

But they are great!
@ fplanner2000, Hi, I believe you 100%, My friend calvinj that has commented on this thread is likeing the High-fidelity cables too!,they are on my short list of must hear product, when, I do not know, I do know when a product gets this much positive buzz I make a point to go and hear why, cheers.
There is a musicality, sense of ease and openness that was totally lacking in the VD. Hearing the 2 side by side you would never suspect they were made by the same designer.
@ Fplanner2000, Hi, thankyou for your answer, I assume the answer was that the virtual dynamic cables did have magnets on their last models before the cable line was no more, It is also my belief that the virtual dynamic cables have to have some sound similarties coming from the same designer!, I understand that this effort is far superior than the last attemt on cables Rick done, Happy listening.
Keep up the eulogizing please folks , I am going stir crazy waiting on my HF's to show .
I think Rick tried experimenting with some passive magnets on his last VD cables. The VD cables were never sold this way but I presume that's where he got the idea for this new stuff.

btw I have had a few cables before from other companies that have tried putting rare earth magnets into the surround of the connector. In the initial stage it works to an awesome level, then each day the sound deteriorates to the point you need to pull them out.

Marty de Wulf from BFS came across this same problem with a power cable line, at the start they were the best power cables he had ever had, then deteriorated. He would have to pull them out for a few days for the system to demagnetize.

Initially I was worried this technology was going to be like that, but its not. The key difference is the magnets are active in the signal path itself, not external just as a passive device.
Completely and totally different technology - simplest answer without getting into the engineering, which nobody would be dumb enough to do on this forum, even if they knew it, which they don't. Rick S. has the key. I've had the best of both - there is literally no basis to even begin to make a comparison.
I am. They are great. I'm using my classe cp800 and once I calibrate my system and place my speakers properly It will sound even better.
Hi, I have a question that a friend talked about, a straight forward question here, Did the virtual Dynamics cables also use magnets on those cables?
Welcome Calvin, to the new world of audio.
HF cables have dramatically altered and improved my listening experience this year.
I have heard all of Rick's Magnetic cables and power conditioner.
It is a wonderful experience
Enjoy the music
Demoing a full loom of ct1 right now. Clear quick and open. Great with my vienna acoustics. These are great.
The stopgap method for running HFC balanced, is to use a pair of RCA cables, both pointing in the same signal direction, into a Cardas 2xRCA-XLR adaptor for each channel.

Its not a normal RCA-XLR adaptor, if that's what some are thinking.

It all comes down to the quality of the adaptor. But I can't imagine this method will be as good as a proper XLR cable coming next year. Remember the technology is in the connector, so this requires a ground up XLR design, not just buying a catalog XLR like other cable companies can do.

Its very cost prohibitive and I would not like to be in their shoes to be honest.

How they plan on doing the XLR cable, is two runs of wire similar to what is currently used in the RCA, one for positive and one for negative, but the shield from both runs are connected to the common ground in each XLR connector.

At least this is what I heard from Rick a while back - they may have different plans now.
Tsushima1, I have the capability with my Exemplar XP-2 line stage and BMC M2 amps of both balanced and single-end ics. I had truly excellent Exemplar Silver Portal balanced and charged cables everywhere and once had the same Silver Portals single ended cables. The balanced were clearly better. I should say, however, in the past I had found little or no gain with balanced.

Since this I have gone through CT-1s, CT-iEs, and CT-1Us. All were, of course, single-ended. With the possible exception of the original CT-1s, the balanced were bested by the HF single-ended.

I really find the XLRs for the HF balanced cables seem hard to conceptualize. Let's hope for them to come along.