High Fidelity Cables CT-1designed by Rick Schultz

In December 2011,I wrote that High Fidelity cables led by cable designer Rick Schultz was putting together a new cable.The cable came to market as CT-1.The CT-1 has FINALLY made it into my system!I had obtained a version of the prototype that Rick had been working on.It blew my previous reference Genesis by Virtual Dynamics.I thought I had finally found my end with this cable.This prototype delivered to my ears "Nirvana".Could I be at the end of my quest for the ultimate sound?
No. I received two pairs of CT-1 to replace my prototypes.They went into the system this past Friday.Unable to dedicate time until Sunday listening,I stole a few moments,ducking away from company with anticipation.My guest could tell even with the music set for"ambiance"something was intriguing and I was in for a treat!
The experience:
First off,CT-1 was very user friendly.Installation was simple;the cable is very nice and light.The female RCA fit beautifully unlike any I had found in other cable.It was secure and reliable.It seemed much thought was dedicated to developing a designer fit to an aesthetically stunning RCA connector.Install entailed a few wiggles to ensure what seemed like a compression fit on my RCA.
It was 2-3 hrs. for the 1st step of break in to be complete.At that point I had something different!Today,although they only have 10-12 hrs. on them,I can`t put into words how much my system has transformed.Believe me,I loved my prototypes.However....there is simply no comparision.
The clarity and sound is so natural.
The soundstage is like nothing I ever heard.Resoulution is breathtaking and inner detail is simply hard to believe possible.
The sound has transended and now it simply does not seem as thought I have speakers.
My system is musicians playing music.
I am told with time they will improve and I trust that as it was revealed with the prototypes.I wanted to share my thoughts with you that now.
Unequivocally,a testament to High Fidelity,as the name declares.
High Fidelity Cables for me,the last word on it,after 12 hours!
Truly Amazing


Showing 36 responses by hifial

Fplanner2000, I am using the 2:1 adapter, though by Purist Audio, also. How long would you say it took to break in?
Also can you elaborate on the "amps started misbehaving in RCA mode. They are now all better and running rca's."
Tbg, yes it is possible but you lose the benefits of balanced cable and you might get a ground hum. then you would need to lift the ground. As an example removing the ground pin from the power cable or using a "cheater plug" on the power cable.

But the way Fplanner2000 mentions is a balanced cable and you still get the benefits of a balanced cable.

Fplanner2000, I realize depending which level of HFC could make a difference in burn in and I should have mentioned which ones I had but a ball park figured would have been fine. I have long ago asked Rick, as I was one of the first to try the 2:1 adapter. I was hoping to get some direct feedback form a follow user. Just so you know I have the CT-1 for my interconnect with the RCA/XLR 2:1 adapter and I use the CT-1E with a CT-1 jumper as my speaker cable.
Also sorry I misunderstood you about the RCA and amp thing. I thought you were referring to some issue with using the cables in your system.
Come on, give me a break. IMO, there is NOTHING wrong in mentioning what cables you owned prior to what you own now. Of course it may be different form system to system, but that can be said about ALL things Audio and even about ALL the reviews too.

Iblieve. From what I can gather from all the posts I have read all over the web, the High Fidelity CT-1 Interconnect out performed other highly respected brands cables that were priced at a MUCH higher level. I gather in most cases it was from as little as $6,000 to way over $10,000.

Of course that does not mean HFC has out performed ALL brands. Regardless whether it would sound as great in your system as someone else who already tried it does not mean another brand might sound even better in your system.

I agree that you will not know if it will work for you until you try it in your system.

But that does not mean others who have tried it and find it better (or not) should not give a bases for comparison, such as what is now and or has been in their system.

Guys, this is an open forum for all of us to share our experiences all things audio. There is no allegiance to manufactures. If others who own the product that you feel is not as good comes to defend it so be it. Debate it.

Just my 2 cents.

PS I will be adding my own experiences in a week or two.
Charles1dad, I agree that one could read the "very long" thread and see some brands named. But it is a very long thread and how hard would it be to name them again.
I have been following this thread from the start and check daily, but I could not say for certain what are all the brands that might have been mentioned.

But that was not even mentioned to do when the question was asked. The answer was it was not the right thing to do by mentioning brands for comparison.

The has to be some point of reference in any comparison of anything.
Oh, and one more thing. If I hear one more person answer a question by saying to go use the Cable Company I will...well it will not be pretty.
Give me a break. First the Cable Company does not carry every make and model. The do not always carry the latest. It took them awhile to carry the High Fidelity Cables.
But not everyone is in the position to use their services, even if the live in the USA. It is not free if you decide not to buy and as modest as it may seem to some of you it does add up and for some can make the difference in the audio budget.
Yes, I think it is a great service too but I wish people would stop using it as a way to answer a question about their posting. Sure make the suggestion but at least also answer the question.
Hi All. In case anyone is interested, I have listed my "Balanced" High Fidelity CT-1 cables (two pairs)on Audiogon. I am using the Purist Audio Design Dual RCA to XLR Adapters (set of 4)as per Rick of HFC. It makes the cables a true balanced cable and it sounds great. I no longer need to use a balanced cable and want to move up the HFC line to the CT-1E.

Well, I sold my two pairs of CT-1 interconnects (still have the PAD Dual RCA to true Balanced XLR Adapters. I might just keep them) and just got my CT-1E. Because of friends visiting for the Turkey Day weekend I will not be able to put it in my system until Tue or Wed. Then I will have to burn it in as it is new. So it will be a while before I can compare to the CT-1. I know some will say how could I compare when I have just the one on hand. But I use the same few songs to do demos in systems and use them in mine all the time. So I am very familiar of all the details of the songs.

More later.
Sale-CT-1E Speaker,Interconnect,Jumpers. I am selling my High Fidelity Cables on Audiogon if anybody might have any interest.
I have been a BIG fan(boy) and user of Rick's High Fidelity Cables (speaker and interconnect) since they first came out. Unfortunately I short while ago I had to sell off my HFC. I wanted to finance an expensive DAC purchase. Luckily the cables I replaced them with do a great job, especially for the money.

But I still miss how special the HFC make ones system sound. IMHO they are the ones to beat.

Well I have started to replace my systems cables with HFC.

But I am starting with ones I had not had in my system before. The HFC CT-1 Power Cable. Two of them, for my Veritas Mono Amps.

They should arrive middle to end of next week.

Once I have them in for enough time to settle in I will report on my impressions.

I wish I could replace all my cables now but it will take some time to do it, as funds permit.


jmcgrogan2, you posted the following response to my post.
"@hifial , the CT-1 power cord is designed specifically for CD players and preamps.
It says so right on Rick's website. I was thinking of trying one for my amp, but decided not to after chatting with Rick.

Maybe you should try something from TWL, I see that they designed the original power cords for your amps. Maybe Merrill chose them for a reason."

Well, I know that but it can also be used with a "small amp" as per the HFC web site.
It also is fine with a 5 amp draw.

The Veritas draws no more then 8 amps at its MAX.
I do not listen to music at very loud levels, my room is not very large and my speakers are reasonable efficient. So I do not see any issue. I am sure the HFC will be able to handle the load. Though if I could afford the next level up in the HFC line of power cables I would have purchased them. Maybe some other time.

As far as TWL power cords...no...really.
Dude, I was one of the first, if not the first, to own the Veritas amps. I, along with a few other lucky ones, helped beta/alpha the Veritas. So yes, I know about the TWL cables. I used them with my Veritas.

The Veritas now comes with the Waveform Fidelity (formerly Kaplan Cable) and that is what I currently use with it.

What amp did you plan on using with the CT-1 power cables? And how big is your room, at what level do you listen to music and how efficient are your speakers? Just curious.

But thank you for your post.
jmcgrogan2, yes, Merrill needs to update his web site.
He does have the Waveform listed under "Specifications" but he still has the TWL listed under "Features" so next time I speak to him I will remind him to make the change.

Very nice amp by the way. Do you know what is the max amp draw at peak output? Just curious to see if there is that much of a difference to the Veritas.

Well I agree with Rick that the CT-1E would be better it is also around double the cost so it gets to be tough when one needs two power cables like myself. Oh, for the days when I only needed one power cord on a stereo amp. LOL.

And from my limited experience with HFC there is no small improvement from CT-1 to CT-1E. At least in my system. So I understand, in a way, why he says that.

I found that the CT-1E brought more bass/definition and harmonics/body
and blacker background. Not the CT-1 was lacking the those.

I do think the one size of the cable is the limiting factor in these cables. But that the larger magnets allow the the same size cable to be used. I only mean in the way they sound NOT in the ability to handle power in the traditional sense.

A long time ago when I first spoke to Rick he told me the biggest bang for the buck was to use it on the source and go from there.
He also mentioned that when he brings out his power conditioner and cords that he was working on they would yield a large improvement.
At the time his estimate of what they would cost was high but not as high as the production versions, och.

Does anyone know if the MC-0.5 can be plugged into ANY unused outlet in the room and still have as great a benefit as if it is plugged into "half" an unused outlet or unused outlet in a distribution box that a component/s is/are plugged into?

You can use the Stabilant 22 straight. No need to cut it. Use it sparingly as it goes a long way. Rick told me about this years ago and it really does work. You can use it inside your DAC on the PC boards etc and inside other audio equipment. You can also use it with other brand/type of audio cables.

Ozzy, as I said in an earlier post, you DO NOT have to dilute the Stabilant 22. Also a little goes a LONG way.

I have used it very several years now, from Ricks recommendation and that is what he recommended as to its use.

John, my I make a recommendation about trying the MC-0.5's in your system.

I found when I demoed them in my system (they were a pair of loaners so had plenty of time on them) when first inserted I experienced something similar to what you heard. I was not that impressed overall. somethings got better but others got worse.

However, I left them in and played some background music for the next 24 hours. During that time I noticed a slow, but uneven, improvement.

After about a day the sound really opened up, not just hight and width but the depth also. The sound was "cleaner" but more natural sounding also. Something it was not in the beginning. There was a more three dimensional soundstage and 3D images.

I too can not get over how not being in the signal path of any kind that the MC-0.5 does what it does.

You have come this far so give it some time IN your system.
Do it sooner then later. You will know in around a day.
And it may turn out you still find no change.
But then again...
I do not think the "burn-in effect" is lost for the most part. But it needs to be directly connected to the finale system.
With the HFC products they need to be connected in ones system over a period of time so that its technology can work in a "symbiotic" way, ideally in direct connection.  But in order to get to its best it goes through a period of ebbs and flows.

Because systems are different we can experience variations on its finale effect and how it gets there.
Pete, thanks for the feedback.

Just a thought on your last comment.

Perhaps it is your amp needing to reach its operating temp that you are hearing. Even though it is in standby it may need to be"on" to reach its peak. Of course I am guessing because I do not know what amp or for that matter Preamp and Disc Player you are using. It could be any of them as some equipment needs to have a signal run through it to sound its best.
I would think it would be one of them before the Hemisphere but perhaps not.

Let us know how it progresses for you. 
So how about we move on. I have a question for those of you who have used both the MC- 6 Hemisphere and the MC-6 Power Distributor.

Can you please describe the difference in sound between the two.
And what you use/used them with.

Also, what power cord to power them have you used.   

In my opinion (and Rick's) it is not the way to go.

Just go to Lowes or Home Depot and get a three outlet industrial plug. Single to triple. Below are some examples.


There are also single to triple with a short cable. Again industrial style. I have two in black. They work VERY well. And I a few of the above style version. Also work Very well.

But that is just my opinion and experience.
It is not that it would not work. It is just that it would not work as well as what I mentioned.

Ideally you would want to be as close to the connection/outlet as possible.

By using a long power cord you are that much further away. The adapter brings you right to the source, so to speak.

So think of it this way. The way I described you get 90-95% vs plugged directly into the wall outlet. Your way you get 80-85% at best.

Both work but one performs better.
68pete and siddh, I would say for the most part yes.

If there is no signal (but is still plugged in) for an extended period of time then it will need some play to sound its best. Though we are talking about small changes. Unless it is for a very long time, a month or more. But still not as bad as being unplugged for the same amount of time.

If unplugged (the longer the worse) it most definitely will need time to get back to its best. Here the longer the disconnect the bigger the difference in sound. And the longer it will take to get back to it best.

However, it is all system dependent. In some systems it could be a smaller difference in sound and shorter time to get back vs another system,  that were both disconnected the same amount of time.

Also it will be different depending on what type of cable. Interconnect, speaker, power.

At least this is partly of my own experience and partly talking to Rick about this in the past.
I am not sure about the Adapter but I know they have an XLR version of their interconnect cable available. Last I looked it was not up on the web site but when I spoke to Rick a few weeks ago he told me it is available. So just call and ask.

PS Rick said its sound quality blew him away. And he did not expect that much of an improvement.
Who here has the MC-6 Hemisphere and can you please compare it to any other power conditioner you have had.

Thanks in advance.
Pete, Thanks for the info. My I make a few suggestions.

First, yes, please try taking the P10 out of the system (and allow some time for the Hemisphere to settle back in). I would be surprised if you did not find a gain in sound improvement. Not that the P10 is not a fine PC but it may be holding the Hemisphere back a little.

Next, is there a reason why you do not plug your amp into the Hemisphere, other then the Hemisphere is plugged into the P10. I would understand not wanting to plug the amp into the P10.
If so, when you do try the Hemisphere by its self, try plugging the amp into the Hemisphere.
Again, I would be surprised if you do not hear an improvement in sound quality.

Again, thanks and please let me know when you try any of the above.

Cheers, Al.
Well, I ordered a MC-6 Hemisphere today. HFC are waiting on a couple of parts to arrive. So it will be about 10+/- days till it ships. That it includes the days for the parts to arrive, assembly and testing. Casey at HFC said he wants to give it a really good shake down before shipping. I told him that is fine with me and as much as I want the Hemisphere sooner then later I do not mind waiting so they have the time they need.

Once I have it and have some time in my system I will give my impressions.

I have had some well regarded Power Conditioners at one time or another.

Shunyata - top of the line
Synergistic - top of the line
Running Springs - one step below top of the line

There were a few others but these were the best of the ones I had.

Of these three, IMHO, in my system, the Synergistic was the best.

We will see how the HFC MC-6 Hemisphere compares. 

I owned one level down from the top MIT Speaker and Interconnect (XLR) cables several years ago.
The HFC are in another league IMHO. And the HFC I owned was the CT-E.
Hi Pete. It is my understand the HFC XLR Interconnect is a true XLR/balanced cable and not an RCA with XLR adapters.

A few years ago Rick had some special XLR adapters built by Purist Audio that I used with two pairs of HFC RCA cables per channel to create a type of balanced XLR cable as I was balanced only in my system.

When I spoke to Rick about the new XLR cable he said it preformed beyond his expectations.

I hope to try them in a few weeks. 

Hi jay23. I will try and give some limited incite to your questions but others might be able to more justice then I can.

Q1) While I am still waiting myself on this question I have spoken to Rick of HFC about this.

The MC-6 is a true entry level bare bones get an idea of what can be done for as little money as possible. For its price it gives a level that others can not touch at or near its price.

The Hemisphere however is in another league. It has some of the upper end HFC tech in its design. It would compete and beat competitors costing more then two to three times as much.

I can say that after talking to Rick about the differences (about two months ago) I have bought a MC-6 Hemisphere and should have it sometime mid to end of next week.

Q2) This is a little tougher. What I can say is IME the 10amp limit has nothing to do with any inefficient part on the design. I think it has more to do like a wire has a gauge that can limit how many amps it can handle. But I will try and get some clarification from HFC.

Q3) I had a chance to audition the MC-0.5.

Yes, one will give you an idea...but two will make you sit up and say wow, for what these are.  At least it did in my system. I can not imagine what happens when one adds 5, 8, 10+ but others can.

Hope this helps. 

Pete, thanks for the update. Yes, please give the Hemisphere more time before you decide. IME you should give it at least another 60 hours but another 100 hours would be ideal.

From my experience the HFC products can produce a rollercoaster ride on its way to how it will ultimately sound.

One minute the mid range is not there the next hour it is back. Then the sound stage opens and then it closes before it opens again and stays there.  And etc. 
jay 23, from the HFC web site, for the MC-6 Hemisphere.

[newly developed waveguide system we call the "Hemisphere". Derived from the successful Helix technology used in our very top-end products, the Hemisphere has been specialized for AC power to utilize the magnetic fields inside the wave guide.]

So it is another waveguide but is based on the Helix.

When I spoke to Rick a few months ago I remember him mentioning that it was based on the Helix.  I also got the impression that they were planing on bringing out other products based on the Hemisphere Waveguide.

I will try and find out about the 10amp. I just need the time to reach HFC.
Pete , I spoke to Rick today about how you had the Hemisphere plugged into the P10 and have now plugged it straight into the wall.

I asked him how many hours would it need to reach its optimum now that it is plugged into the wall.

He said it is like it is starting over, like new kind of. He said at a minimum it would need 200 hours but it will still change noticeably for another 200 hours. And then from there it would change in subtle ways for another 200-400 hours.

He said to give it at least 200 hours before you make any decisions.

The reason for this is not just the Hemisphere its self but the whole system having it remap the previous magnetic conduction of the system.

I hope this helps. 

I also found out why the Hemisphere is "10amp", NOT.

But I will tell in another post, when I am not ready for bed.  
jay23, I think you might be misconstruing what is on the web site.
However when I talk to Rick I will ask him if he can clarify a bit.

Now, let me see if I can explain about the 10amp "limit" NOT, on the Hemisphere.

There is NO current restriction on the Hemisphere based on its design. It is because of UL requirements that are part of the IEC inlet that is rated as 10amp. This is the same one used by many other Audio OEM but many can and do ignore the fact that it is UL 10 amp.

Now, that does not mean that the Hemisphere is only capable of handling 10amp. Rick said it can easily handle 15amp (and more) but he 1) does not feel comfortable saying that when the UL does not rate it that and 2) he is looking to have the Hemisphere UL rated and they will not give it a 15 because of the IEC that is UL at 10.

Also Rick said that the 10amp IEC can also easily handle 15amp.

So, he told me that anyone should not worry about that 10amp.

He also told me there is a fail safe system (passive that can reset itself) in the Hemisphere in case of an overload but that the wires in your home would fail before the Hemisphere would.
And it is NOT in the direct power path so it will NOT effect current.

NO, do NOT ask. I can NOT explain or tell in any way shape or form.

At this time it is TOP SECRET.
Jay23, I checked with HFC and I have the skinny on the Waveguide in the Hemisphere.

The Helix Waveguide stands apart and on its own in the HFC line. It is a misnomer and incorrect to to call it a version of the Ultimate Reference, other then all the HFC products are related on the base tech.

It is a major change in the Waveguides.

Now the Hemisphere is based on the Helix and no other Waveguide. The name gives you a clue. It is not a FULL Helix. It is also not as large, so a smaller version, etc.

PS do not open the Hemisphere. Unless you want to throw away your money.

Jay, the best I can say is that the "Hemisphere" is "half"/scaled down version of an "Ultimate Reference Helix".

At the present time there are "Helix" and Hemisphere" that stand alone and apart from the rest of the line. They are related to each other but are also separate from each other.

The Helix is a major development. They wanted to bring it to a lower price point.
The Hemisphere is a version of that tech that gives a strong taste of the full Helix.

It is my understanding that they both can be used in various levels/strengths and that HFC hope to bring out more products using them both.

Again, I understand that you see that the the "modules" have on them "CT-1 Ultimate Reference" but I was told not to relate that to the regular Ultimate Reference line. That the Helix stands on its own and is not to be thought of as anything else in the HFC line. And the same was said of the Hemisphere.

I was told that the best why to think of the Hemisphere is what I mentioned above.

Also, HFC admitted that the way they name and designate the line is confusing.    
Pete, that is great to hear. That is not only what I expected but exactly what Rick said would happen after I spoke to him to confirm my thoughts.

But the best may yet come. I say may but Rick says it will take at least 200+ hours sans the P10. And then over another 200-300 hours on the Hemi the sound will still get better in subtle but noticeable ways.

Please keeps us informed in any improvements you may detect over or after the next 100 hours and then if any over or after the next 200+ hours.