High Fidelity Cables CT-1designed by Rick Schultz

In December 2011,I wrote that High Fidelity cables led by cable designer Rick Schultz was putting together a new cable.The cable came to market as CT-1.The CT-1 has FINALLY made it into my system!I had obtained a version of the prototype that Rick had been working on.It blew my previous reference Genesis by Virtual Dynamics.I thought I had finally found my end with this cable.This prototype delivered to my ears "Nirvana".Could I be at the end of my quest for the ultimate sound?
No. I received two pairs of CT-1 to replace my prototypes.They went into the system this past Friday.Unable to dedicate time until Sunday listening,I stole a few moments,ducking away from company with anticipation.My guest could tell even with the music set for"ambiance"something was intriguing and I was in for a treat!
The experience:
First off,CT-1 was very user friendly.Installation was simple;the cable is very nice and light.The female RCA fit beautifully unlike any I had found in other cable.It was secure and reliable.It seemed much thought was dedicated to developing a designer fit to an aesthetically stunning RCA connector.Install entailed a few wiggles to ensure what seemed like a compression fit on my RCA.
It was 2-3 hrs. for the 1st step of break in to be complete.At that point I had something different!Today,although they only have 10-12 hrs. on them,I can`t put into words how much my system has transformed.Believe me,I loved my prototypes.However....there is simply no comparision.
The clarity and sound is so natural.
The soundstage is like nothing I ever heard.Resoulution is breathtaking and inner detail is simply hard to believe possible.
The sound has transended and now it simply does not seem as thought I have speakers.
My system is musicians playing music.
I am told with time they will improve and I trust that as it was revealed with the prototypes.I wanted to share my thoughts with you that now.
Unequivocally,a testament to High Fidelity,as the name declares.
High Fidelity Cables for me,the last word on it,after 12 hours!
Truly Amazing

Hifial, I also us very familiar music for fine tuning and I'm sure you will be able
to hear quite quickly how the CT1E is better than the CT 1 at just about Everything.
You might hear it right away but for sure within 24 hours you will start to hear it.
Then it will improve for hundreds of hours.
I look forward to your report.
Happy Listening.

Well, I sold my two pairs of CT-1 interconnects (still have the PAD Dual RCA to true Balanced XLR Adapters. I might just keep them) and just got my CT-1E. Because of friends visiting for the Turkey Day weekend I will not be able to put it in my system until Tue or Wed. Then I will have to burn it in as it is new. So it will be a while before I can compare to the CT-1. I know some will say how could I compare when I have just the one on hand. But I use the same few songs to do demos in systems and use them in mine all the time. So I am very familiar of all the details of the songs.

More later.
Hi All. In case anyone is interested, I have listed my "Balanced" High Fidelity CT-1 cables (two pairs)on Audiogon. I am using the Purist Audio Design Dual RCA to XLR Adapters (set of 4)as per Rick of HFC. It makes the cables a true balanced cable and it sounds great. I no longer need to use a balanced cable and want to move up the HFC line to the CT-1E.
Chatnoir and Agisthos, This weekend Rick said he was going to make a USB cable. He did say that the would not be magnets in the actual USB plugs, however. He didn't say when it would be available.
Chatnoir, HFC technology makes the best digital cables by far. I would get a BNC adaptor and use the RCA CT-1E cable.
Chatnoir, since the High Fidelity concept includes the idea that the magnetic conduction influences component inside and since they make a phono cable with a DIN connector, I would say get one of the digital cables and the appropriate BNC to female RCA adapter and give it a whirl.
Thanks Ddraudt. I didn't make myself very clear in my message. My concern is with thinness of sound and not the wire gauge. I'm afraid it's moot anyway as I can't use an rca digital cable unless I can either use an adapter or modify my Bryston BDP-1. I'll probably just wait until I can buy an AES/EBU CT-1e.
Chatnoir, Iblieve, about the wire size of Ct-1 series.
I would add that I had to learn to think differently about the High Fidelity line.
My decades of understanding of wire and it's principals DOES NOT APPLY HERE.
Magnetic conduction is quite different, and , I believe, a superior new concept.
The improvement up the CT-1 line comes mostly from stronger magnets rather than bigger wire or better wire configuration.
A gross simplification of the design might be "The wire was developed for it's magnetic transfer qualities rather than standard wire with its focus on electron movement".
It seems very likely to me that Magnetic conduction will improve all electronic
device's power and signal paths, and more. think power lines, vehicles, medical....
I was going to use a CT1e as a digital interconnect between my Bryston BDP-1 and Lampizator L4G4 dac. I thought the BDP-1 had an RCA output but it is limited to BNC. I guess I will join the queue of those waiting for AES/EBU unless a BNC/RCA adapter would work without degrading the signal / magnetic effect.
Iblieve, I have limited experience with the original CT-1 standards and have only heard the CT-1 Ultimate Reference speaker wires. But roughly speaking I think each step up the High Fidelity line yields great improvements in the bass control and extension. I am not saying that the Enhansed has poor bass, but the Ultimate Reference has a bass that I never heard before. I didn't think it was on recordings. I should note again that I have yet to hear Ultimate Reference interconnects.
Iblieve, there is definitely a range.
I think it goes something like this -
Upgraded STD
Upgraded MkII
Upgraded Reference

Online reviews are of the older two lesser models.
I am told, in good faith, the current Ref line is very special and quite astonishing.
From my experience so far I have zero reason to doubt it.
Going to find out for sure soon.
MkII over MkI was quite the ear opener and a wonderful personal experience!
As far as technical info -
Teo use different diameter and number of liquid conductor.
Probably different ratio mixtures but I am not sure on this one.
Different plugs, different assembly protocols and fine tuning some of which, as I understand, are very complex.
Teo do not disclose much of their shop knowledge for obvious reasons.
Of course many would love to know..... and some have tried apparently
Hi Ddraudt, Nice description there.
WGPC seems interesting... as with all Rick`s stuff.
Will try to organize WGPC audition one day through my HF dealer with and without CT cabling against my own set-up.
Someone I know and trust in audio had a Troy. He messed around for quite a while trying to justify the mind boggling price tag. Long story short in the end he settled very happily on a much cheaper AR RTP6U. Which to him had pretty much the same effect.
Eventually, after major upgrades to the 230V supply, I sold my powercellV2 and followed suit. Now this unassuming little passive sits aloft a Star sound Technology platform with great results. But once again my mind is open so.....

Yep patience is a virtue. And maybe cookers ain`t cookers?
Here are a few interesting comments regarding cookers mentioned -
Latest upgraded updated version is better again.
They can also be used in various ways maybe better suited to specific cables.

FWIW I thnk we can play with high end cables all we want and obviously they are important and relevant.....
But apart from the all important AC... if the entire playback source on it`s own is not truly as accurate as it could be... even if we think it is...... then...........
I have quite the same question as Chatnoir : The thinness seems to be equally the same on all the HF range. Regarding that small diameter, what about the lowest frequencies, the weight and the overall presence on HF cables?
The HF UR WGPC is a rare bird at this point with only a few in circulation.
Rick has come up with some new improvements that sort of make the few
out there Beta units IMHO.
That said, The WGPC sounds no less than amazing in my system.
It sound great quite quickly but has been improving for months.
For those of you who have had the good fortune to hear the improvements
moving from CT-1 to E, to U, and even to UR. The WGPC is like going even further in the same direction as it has the same effect on power as the CT-1 series has on signal. So what ever words you would use to describe the best you have ever heard.
I call it unbelievably awesome.
Other descriptors
the High Fidelity Ultimate Reference Wave Guide Power Conditioner, in conjunction with CT-1 Ultimate cabling....
has brought a "never before heard" level of image solidity, tighter crisper bass that I thought possible in my system. So intimate and real sounding that I that I hold my breath when listening to the clear and delicate interplay between instruments and harmonies. Sweetness and air in the highs brings sighs of adulation.
So, pretty good then (-:
Great to find so many new posts since I last checked 5 days ago.
Very interesting comments. many even on topic.
I have used a cable cooker on my HF CT-1 U and it helped very little
compared to in system playing time. I think I got some wire cook in but
cable cooker does not seem to help with the magnetic effect (which is MUCH larger that the wire effect in these cables).
Rick talks about the magnetic effect permeating the components over time.
Which is where HF cables becomes truly magical.
The higher you go in the CT-1 line, the more powerful the magnets and the greater the permeation.
Chatnoir, while I can understand what people characterize as "thinness" initially with the CT-1 Standards, in reality it is just a short term breakin characteristic and is a vivid example of the clarity and transparency of the HF cables. And the CT-1Es extend that clarity and transparency downward but only after about 24 hours of playing.

Each level of the HF cables adds more and more transpareny and includes more of the lower frequencies. But each takes more and more time to reach their best. My CT-1 Ultimate Reference speaker wires suddenly jumped a great deal after two months of use. This is a problem for the manufacturer and for dealers, but not for the patient customer. If you can hear these at a friends or someone with well broken in cables.

All of these cables had an initial two days on the BlueHorizons cooker. Anyone who thinks a cable cooker yields sufficient breakin has not experienced what I have.
Not Necessarily. These don't "cook" like normal cables. Cooking helps, but there is no substitute for time in the system. That has been my experience.
4 days on a cable cooker and a few days to settle should be enough to hear how they will sound; without it, you will never hear their potential...
I (like Stevereds) am curious about the thinness of the CT-1 and if that thinness is equally apparent in the CT-1e.
Hi Fplanner200, thanks for the reassurance of time and patience bringing the HF to where it need be. Did you notice a drop in output gain? With my low output cart., this poses a problem of having to jack the volume knobs way up.
Siddh- Give them some time and don't be so quick to judge - they need more breakin than the Hi Diamonds because they are a different technology. Once the HF speaker cables get broken in, my experience is that there is nothing anywhere near their price range that will touch them. BTW, 30 hours is nothing - my Ultimate Reference took hundreds of hours and are STILL breaking in, but already sound better than anything I've ever had in my system, at any price. And by a considerable margin.
@Petieboy : I red the TEO concept on the website. If i understand it correctly, it implies that there is only one type of cable and no range? It seems impossible to create a range with liquid cable cause you can't argue on the conductors size or the purity of it...
@ Petieboy12003, Hi, Thankyou for getting back to me on my interest on the speakers you have, I will check that out, Happy listening.
@ Petieboy12003, Hi, Thankyou for getting back to me on my interest on the speakers you have, I will check that out, Happy listening.
I agree with the vocabulary points. I use all of those same audiophile terminology's to describe PeterST`s NOS1 USB Dac with XXhighend software and XXcomputer all the way from the Netherlands.

No more turntable for me. No more tubes... thank god!
FINALLY digital prevails! And how.
This front end gear is the EPITOME of accuracy! And 100% neutral.
I, and many others, hasn`t really hit USA yet, refer to Peter`s Dac as incredibly real AND musical.
This gear warrants direct connection to amps and is exactly what Peter recommends.
Connect tubes or any preamp etc and down she goes. Even if it seems subtle at first.
I want to hear everything in the recording. Every shade every whisper every subtly.
I want to hear the cymbal delicately fade in the background after a startling strike as the other instruments are still at full pace.
Now I truly know what distortion and coloration is!
It`s almost as if, to me ,and let that be clear, HF somehow accounts for most of our usual front end short comings. Which is great if that were so.
Enter the arena Mr NOS1. It`s almost as if HF has nothing left to help now? Still great of course, in all HF glory.

Teo now takes the stand. Viola! Still accurate, even more so, musical as ever AND this added magic! What`s the magic? How would I know.
It certainly isn`t anything typically tubey. I sometimes refer to it as alien technology tube sound..... that FINALLY works!
In the end I just call it real. Simply sounds like real instruments real voices in real venues with truly shocking dynamics.
NOS1 could explain, maybe, some of my past comments regarding these cables. In all due respect too.
Sorry if this didn`t really make sense.
NOS1 users would accept it. And they are growing every day.
Hey Knghifi, I now have approx. 35 hours on the HF speaker cables. Although, I believe it is quite short of the deserved break-in, the presentation is entering a more delineated and transparent panorama of music. As of yet, it does not offer the slam and impact of the Hidiamond. This may come. Something about the bass with the HF that I have not experienced with my system...an immediacy...a start and stop to the woofer as dictated by the source material. Very realistic, in my opinion.
The drop in gain continues to frustrate. Rick has explained the Enhanced cable bears an increase in resistance, in turn removing distortion. I am unclear of the physics involved, but he suggested the need to turn up the volume.
I would like to add the Hidiamond 8's were gelling extremely well, lacking just a bit of you-are-there....the venue being brought into my listening space. The HF cable, as it continues to morph, gets my Avalon Diamond's that much closer to the Vandersteen 7's...the most realistic speaker I have heard.
I look forward to adding another 20-30 hours of playtime. If, the HF does as lauded, I may set aside the chase for "more". Conversely, if they do not achieve these expectations, the Hidiamond cable should satisfy...that is until I hear the Vandy's again.
I am listening to the third side of Anathema...a live performance. It is very engaging.
Iblieve, I owned the CT-1 and auditioned CT-1E.
Have not heard the Ultimate yet.
I simply love Teo in my system.
As I explained - I am purchasing current updated top model Teo ParaHelios(Reference) which is described to be a large step up from the Teo cable I posses. Extremely excited about this purchase! Bank account will have seen better days lol
To be fair, and out of interest, I shall en-devour to audition CT-1U in the near future. My mind is open.
Will probably be early next year some time.
Audiolabyrinth, >"very long thou"
Well, you better not try to read what I`m sending you regarding the speakers you requested info on haha *smiley with tongue*
Yea I have had a few guys personally inquiring about them recently.
Would be my pleasure to offer more info.
Probably best to start a new thread on it though.
Seriously, trust me, it`s worth it. Everyone should know about them!
I shall do it soon.
Hi, I have heard the CT-1 and was impressed with it's sheer openess and clarity. It occured to me that it may even be too "cool" and crisp for certain solid state systems and maybe end up sounding a bit hard.
I am now interested in, but have yet to hear, the CT-1 Enhanced and am wondering how this sounds in comparison to the original?
Is it still cool and clear but maybe adds, dear I say it, more "musicality" and flow to the music.
Anyway, keen to hear from folk who have owned or heard both.
Yes exactly my point! We probably like very similar sound but may differ in our verbiage to describe what we hear. Natural and realism are the highest compliments I can give an audio component. The High Fidelity Ultimate and Enhanced cable earned these two terms after hearing them.
Charles1dad, I agree with the vocabulary problem. But so often I find that many listeners are happy enough that their music reproduction is not stressful, edgy, or distorted and can be listened to for lengthy amount of time as "musical." Having achieved a very convincing soundstage with perfect timbre to instruments and dynamics, or in short realism, I won't be happy anymore with what I had with my Shindo Labs turntable, arm, and cartridge vinyl. Also old tube electronics does satisfy me anymore.

Perhaps we are just using a different vocabulary.
One of the problems with high End audio is vocabulary. Terms and words have different meaning for different users and thus varying connotation. Musical in my use is a compliment and is the antithesis of artificial/hifi sound. Musical is synonymous with natural and realism. Musical implies that the message and emotion of music is conveyed.

Tbg based on your comment musical has an alternative connotation and it seems you associate this term with a 'pleasing coloration' rather than "real". For me musical = real, organic, natural etc. So it appears we use this term to express different ideas.
Jazzonthehudson, thanks for understanding my not really wanting to spend my time enumerating all the cables that lead up to my comments on the High Fidelity cables. I've been at this hobby since 1968 with high end stuff and since 1959 with kit systems or better. Frankly, when I first put in one pair of the HF CT-1 Standards, my attention was immediately gathered. It was like looking through a freshly cleaned window after years were I assumed all windows were dirty. Since then on hearing a full loom of the Enhance, then Ultimates, and soon I hope, the Ultimate References, I have opened the window entirely.

Personally, it is enthusiasm that most impresses me in reviews, not the names of component with which the reviewed item is to be compared. Right now I would love to hear the Crystal Absolute Dream cables, but given their price, I dare not ever hear them. I was so warned by a friend who has heard them. I must admit, however, that he uttered the dreaded alert words for me, "very musical." I want real not musical.
Charles1dad, in many ways the WGPC has High Fidelity cable character to it. It has the transparent clarity to it, once broken in. I have been using it without extra concerns with vibration isolation. I made every effort to give my reference unit and it equal footing, which ultimately was to just put both on my wooden floors on their special feet.

It was only after about two months that I got the WGPC's full worth. Now I have learned that there are improvements coming for the unit that may entail my going through another break in period.
Petieboy12003, I agree that there are some who do not contribute at all on some threads (but not on this one) and personally, I hate those who are quick to insert their one liner/word "YMMV" without the slightest contribution. Indeed, we need a reference to which we can compare to and mentioning a brand and model helps if one has a similar setup.

But to TPG's defense, he has commented quite a bit in other threads about other cables so one has only do a bit reading to get the answer. BTW, TPG is a very kind and helpful person, in a thread I PM'ed him after reading his comments and he called me right away, a very pleasant and knowledgeable audio expert! I respect his comments and view his recommendation for HFC highly; his and other's very positive comments here has prompted me to order a CT1E last week; it looks like it will be a game changer.
Siddh, Have you demo HiDiamond ICs? I will be very interested in your Hidiamond 8 vs High Fidelity Enhanced SC results.

I have a full loom (7) of HiDiamond PCs and very impress with them. When I get an itch to try a different IC and SC, HiDiamond is next on the list.
@ Petieboy12003, Hi what a great post, very long thou, I still read all of it, I agree!, however, you did not get to my questions about your speakers!, please share the exsperiance!
What a list of high end cables Petieboy!!! I was interested in the Elation as well. Can you tell us if you possess the CT1's IC or an enhanced version of it?
Jwm In all honesty, G7, I had least of all time with probably from all of the cables mentioned.
Considering all, I am very prepared to say would not compare to what I have now in any way!

I sometimes keep cables for longer than I should and also re-visit past cables again with new systems. Thanks to willing guys here in Australia and even some over-seas on occasions. We sometimes swap cables for a few weeks or so to try help each other out trying to assess a bit better and give some past cables another chance. So far I have experienced no new revelation of any sort. Nothing to rave about anyway. All things considered.

Anyway, G7 was not one of those I re-visited.
FWIW I will say I thought it compared with the GG reflection I had at the time but GG was better value(got it very cheap) and I did prefer GG slightly at the time. In all fairness most of these cables I listed were much of a muchness to me. Some of them standing out in one way one or another but never did I feel there was any sort of completeness compared to what I heard with Teo or HF, all things considered.
HF might seem a bit thin to some at first but no doubt it is simply accurate! Which is what it is all about to me.
Considering all familiarization's and the process I try to use, as explained in other post,I am confident to say G7 is not as fast open as HF IMO rendering it somewhat congested closed less involving in comparison. Wouldn`t be as clean either. I remember thinking that I had no real desire to re-visit Siltech again even though at the time my system sounded quite musical with it installed. I thought it was over-priced in relation to perceived performance. I have not heard Siltech`s latest or top offerings but have read some positive comments from users expressing good results. In all reality I have my doubts. HF and Teo(apparently way better than other liquid brand) really do have unique designs which I believe simply surpass the usual various cocktail metal conductor/shielding designs.
Although still good in ways I see/hear more clearly now how all other deigns I`ve tried are more on the `much of a muchness` scale. Teo and HF are a big leap beyond them IMO.
Hard to explain but yea. We truly don`t know how good something sounds until we hear something clearly better.
In a budget orientated system I would personally choose something like GG Ref(can get for around $300 used now)or ASI(another good buy used IMO) higher on my list than G7. Depending on exact system though - there I said it. Haha
Sorry I can`t add much more than this regarding G7.
Ummm apologies for the waterfall rant above guys!
Probably allot of what I said was unnecessary and maybe a bit too blunt or rude,Tbg, but I mean well and speak from the heart.
Was just feeling a bit annoyed. I simply don`t agree with withholding this kind off innocent stuff or attempts(no matter how small) to shut people`s free thinking .
Previous cable talk is freely discussed everywhere else and it`s about helping others too if possible right.
Didn`t mean to seemingly hijack the thread!
Let this not interfere with all the ongoing HF discussions.
All you guys here are obviously experienced and happy HF users which is great! Maybe some of us just try to open up a bit more maybe?
To me these forums should be not only focused on general discussions to related main topic but also helping others as much as possible and complying to any questions without trying to enforce any kind of control of any sort. A few guys were obviously getting a bit peeved and frustrated. Understandably so. Including myself obviously.
Even though it`s all not really a big deal. But still. I do like reading here occasionally to see all the positive HF comments as I like HF too. Was just getting a bit... you know.....

We could start a new link `past cable` thread for some of us daring or maybe silly enough to wander into the `irrelevant` dark side? lol
Petieboy12003 I see you used Siltech G7 how would you compare to what you have now. I use to use the Siltech as well.
Hi Tbg,
Does Rick's Wave Guide Power Conditioner have a similar system impact as the Tripoint Troy or is the effect dissimilar? I realize they're two different approaches/ concepts. Given my High Fidelity CT-1Ulitimate experience I'd imagine that the Wave Guide is "special" as the Tripoint has certainty proven to be.
I actually found that SC effects seem to `change` more than IC cables through various systems.
I have read some logical technical info focusing on various SC design/amp/speaker interaction etc regarding this too.
For me, the same IC`s seem to give me quite similar results through different systems(similar inherent flavor, neutral+or- etc) of course just on different levels and maybe slight changes here and there.
Cables such as Teo and HF... well yea... much higher level here(more real instruments, voices,venues etc.)

Regarding ones own system - to a trained ear accompanied by various personal familiarities.... once again yes I do think we can assess `some` relevance with past cables which may indeed help others.

Some IC`s I have used. More or less in order.
Audioquest Anaconda with Eichmann silver(had fun with this one in my youth lol)
Yamamura 6000
Audioquest Sky
Harmonix CI
Wolff S/G/C
Ridge Street P sig
Cardas Golden everything
Audience SE
Nordost Val/TYR
Jungson Golden Dragon
Zcable Live V5
Clarity cable Organic
Siltech G7
Gabriel Gold Reflection
Acoustic Zen Absolute
MIT Oracle
SR Element
ASI liveline
Fusion romance I/II
Lenehan Ribbontek
Shunyata Aurora
Acoustic Revive SE
Kubala Elation
NBS Omega
Audio note Sogon
Ocellia Sig(thanks for the lend J)
Stealth Indra(ditto)
Shunyata Ztron
(I have interest in MG audio new silver SC atm)
There`s a few brands of IC`s I thought off the top of my head.
Most of the above listed I would say were much of a muchness for me, simply different flavors and sides of neutrality. A few consistently stood out a bit more in one way or another. Best bang for buck IC I have had IMO would likely be Gabriel gold Reflection line and Lenehan(both around 300 or so used).
Regardless of $ and without getting into specifics, unless of course someone asks, I can honestly and easily say that compared to all other cables I tried Teo and HF have had the biggest positive effect for me in every way and, for now, I will be sticking with them!
Thanks Jwm.
OK I`ll have one more shot simply because Tbg thinks everything is irrelevant when actually EVERYTHING is relevant!!
Einstein once said that everything is relevant, and making things relevant is key to being able to deal with an ever increasing picture.

Firstly if any previous cables have in fact been mentioned before then is it so hard to just post the web address of those posts?
Err,Tbg, why sucha kill joy? Havn`t your latest points already been made clear?
You wasted a full paragraph reiterating your justifications when you could have just listed those 15 cables lol. Don`t list your past cables then dude, if it is such a big deal, but can you also stop trying to be controlling and righteous maybe. Negative vibes.

Ok I`ll try to spell it out with some obvious examples since I have a bit of spare time right now. Havn`t dribbled on here for a while so why not.

What if someone might be on the verge of buying some cable, cable might happen to be on my previous cable list, and at the same time interested in HF. Now seeing this cable listed by me, and seeing how I preferred HF, now he may think twice and research more or ask questions which he may not have before. It is a cop out to simply tell someone to just go try them all for themselves(even though it`s obviously the best way) and nothing more. Or to simply state one cables superiority and nothing more.
What if someone is inexperienced and or someone with limited FUNDS figures out brands such as Teo and HF are benchmark brands and comes to this thread to get some advice from experienced users as to which lesser cables `might` be close or good choice. Regardless of or considering his specific system or w/e.
What if someone doesn`t want to go through what most of us have. How does he get advise? Go read some reviews? But reviews are somewhat `irrelevant` due to all the points guys like Tbg have made over and over right. Same thing goes for all our past experiences with cables apparently. Of course there will always be little agreement. Was there meant to be? That would make this cable fascination ..... well much less fascinating to say the least now wouldn`t it. Sure it is hard to make heads or tails sometimes. BUT with some tools such as research on specific users and components and tastes etc,connecting dots,process of elimination,cross examination,logic,common sense,interaction with guys(like us), intuition?, and of course your own experiences, one may sooner or later feel more confident to make a choice. Maybe even end up quite happy with himself. How do you go through these processes with nothing to feed off? All this can simply be fun even if the outcome is not always great. Isn`t it part of the adventure? Learning? Like life? I used to love reading all this controversial stuff even if it cann be frustrating. Still do sometimes. Who`s been there I wonder? There are many grey area circumstances where advise from us `could` help in some way or might just be interesting. The wheel keeps spinning....
What if someone googles one of these other previous cables, which others or myself happen to mention here, and finds this thread? Now all of a sudden some interest could/should spark. Listing previous cables here can help others get closer to the greatness of HF.
I KNOW how good HF is, as a past user, and I havn`t even heard their top of the line yet like you other guys. I feel very good about myself knowing I may have helped steer someone to the likes of HF.... Similar situation with Teo.

Quote from my old Teo HF thread here on Audiogon by member Essoteric -
"I'd like to add that the Teo has gotten even better. I've spent more time listening to music these last 4 weeks then ever before. I'm like a heroin addict, I just can't get enough. It's the best invesment I've made in my audio gear and I've spent thousands of dollars. It's not that my system didn't sound good before, it did. It's just that I would play music and sit back and read a book. Now reading is out of the question because the music completely draws you in, this cable is soooo good. That was the missing link.
I'll be forever indebted to you Petieboy for your excellent review that led me to this cable."
Ok so I only helped one guy make a tough decision to spend X-amount of dollars blindly on a frigging cable. But I felt so good about it after reading that post with Essoteric thanking me. Less info or less compliance.... Essoteric, and maybe others, might not be experiencing such audio bliss today. If you can only reach one person.....

Yea yea I know....that isn`t relevant either right.

Anyway, for what ever reason, simply seeing other previous cables does in fact sometimes help! Isn`t it plainly clear and undeniable once you actually think about it and maybe stop thinking about yourself? Hey there`s a thought.
People have been elaborating all sorts of experiences with current/past cables for years all over the net. Why should it stop here because some of us on high horse decide it is simply not relevant any more.
Hey, maybe it`s relevant to others for some reason! Ever consider this?
Should those reasons be assumed, ridiculed, ignored or even beat down! Can`t we just happily comply and try to help others and maybe have some fun in the process .....god forbid.
@ Petieboy12003, Hi, I am interested in knowing what brand and model, year, of speakers you have mentioned, I know that this is a cable thread, I cannot help my self, Lol!, I like horn speakers, I do not own a pair currently, I use to own a pair!, I am a JBL user, thou the model I have has no horns, the top shelf models in the jbl camp are some of the very best speakers money can buy today!, they are Horn speakers.
Right on Petieboy12003, I couldn't have set it any better. Your statement has finally opened up the flood gates as to other cables used. Grow up little boys and tell us your previous cables now.
Thanks for those who understand my demand.
Rating a cable with words like "excellent soundstage, deep bass, wider..." Is pointless cause you can use the exact same words with many other cables. It's only marketing!
I didn't heard every cables on the planet but having a clue on the system used and on the previous cables give a pattern for the reader. Knowing what kind of music was used during the test is also an interesting information.
Given beacons are not vain for many of us sailors lost in the vast ocean of hifi's choices. Listening is the shortest way, but there is so many to listen to... Help us save some time!