High Fidelity Cables CT-1designed by Rick Schultz

In December 2011,I wrote that High Fidelity cables led by cable designer Rick Schultz was putting together a new cable.The cable came to market as CT-1.The CT-1 has FINALLY made it into my system!I had obtained a version of the prototype that Rick had been working on.It blew my previous reference Genesis by Virtual Dynamics.I thought I had finally found my end with this cable.This prototype delivered to my ears "Nirvana".Could I be at the end of my quest for the ultimate sound?
No. I received two pairs of CT-1 to replace my prototypes.They went into the system this past Friday.Unable to dedicate time until Sunday listening,I stole a few moments,ducking away from company with anticipation.My guest could tell even with the music set for"ambiance"something was intriguing and I was in for a treat!
The experience:
First off,CT-1 was very user friendly.Installation was simple;the cable is very nice and light.The female RCA fit beautifully unlike any I had found in other cable.It was secure and reliable.It seemed much thought was dedicated to developing a designer fit to an aesthetically stunning RCA connector.Install entailed a few wiggles to ensure what seemed like a compression fit on my RCA.
It was 2-3 hrs. for the 1st step of break in to be complete.At that point I had something different!Today,although they only have 10-12 hrs. on them,I can`t put into words how much my system has transformed.Believe me,I loved my prototypes.However....there is simply no comparision.
The clarity and sound is so natural.
The soundstage is like nothing I ever heard.Resoulution is breathtaking and inner detail is simply hard to believe possible.
The sound has transended and now it simply does not seem as thought I have speakers.
My system is musicians playing music.
I am told with time they will improve and I trust that as it was revealed with the prototypes.I wanted to share my thoughts with you that now.
Unequivocally,a testament to High Fidelity,as the name declares.
High Fidelity Cables for me,the last word on it,after 12 hours!
Truly Amazing


Showing 50 responses by knghifi

Calloway, you have a complete Ultimate system? Wow!
How can it be a COMPLETE system without the PCs? I didn't think they are available yet.
Siddh, Have you demo HiDiamond ICs? I will be very interested in your Hidiamond 8 vs High Fidelity Enhanced SC results.

I have a full loom (7) of HiDiamond PCs and very impress with them. When I get an itch to try a different IC and SC, HiDiamond is next on the list.
Anyone compared HF to Nordost Valhalla/Odin? Seeking a comparison in sonic characteristic and not which one is superior.
03-17-15: Tbg
Deweyiii, I'm going to try that from the wall to my HFC Waveguide power center tomorrow. It will be replacing a HFC URR pc.
and the result is ... Any update on the experiment?
Knghifi, it is better than some of the other quality cables I've tried it against but will not replace my HFC URR pc. I'm still trying it against other in this location as well as in other parts of my system.
Tbg, thanks for the update. Been rolling PCs and was planning on an Ultimate for 1st HF but now might start with the new CT-1. Hmmm!
Spar, just received several Shunyata Sigma Analog PCs and it's excellent. It's a Nordost Valhalla, which I like a lot, and Shunyata Alpha turbocharged. I'm contemplating ordering 2 Sigma HCs next.

I heard from several had similar experience where HF didn't live up to the WOW factor with all $$ they spent. I have not yet decided going for an Ultimate PC.
Lak, if you want WOW, try Shunyata Sigma series. It's relatively inexpensive compare to the competition.

Shunyata Alpha series is also very good. For my digital, I have an Alpha Digital on digital side and Sigma Analog on analog side.

As my Sigma Analogs break in, I'm leaning towards 2 more Sigma HCs.
I'll have a HF CT-1 power cord and a Shunyata Sigma HC power cord for comparison, hopefully later this week or early next week.
Kzhtoo, I look forward to your comments. Are both cables new? I have ~20 hours on my Sigma Analogs and it's opening up nicely.

Knghifi, I noticed that you are selling your HiDiamond P3 Power Cables. Did they not equal the HFC pcs? Have you said anything about these pcs?
Tbg, I bought majority of my P3 when it was their top model. It's an excellent PC, fully satisfied with their performance and had a full loom of 10. I had no intention of changing until I bought my ARC Ref250 that requires 20amp. I ordered 2 20amp P3 but canceled my order due to business reasons.

P3 sounds excellent in my system. I was planning to keep the loom for future use but got too much stuff so sold them all. I had a tough time spenting big $$ on PC but realized my system deserves equal quality PCs.

My system has been in constant flux so will wait until it settles before buying a HF Ultimate or CT-1.
I have too used the essence of music treatment. It works extremely well. I just ordered the new power conditioner that High Fidelity just released ...
My MC 6 should arrive next week.   Currently using 2 Weizhi PRS-6, one for amps and other for sources.  Going to try MC 6 on the sources.
From talking to Rick, CT-1 PC can get damaged or melt if drawing too much current.  There's a safety feature in the higher end models that protect the cable but all HFC PCs have a max draw limit.

I use CT-1 PCs on my DAC.  On the pre, I prefer Shunyata Sigma Analog.  It's more dynamic, faster, bigger sound stage ... Shunyata Sigmas are excellent PCs.   It's also expensive but relatively a bargain compare to competitors.

Anyone here heard the Silver Circle TCHAIK 6 power conditioner?
Supposedly Rick has some involvement with the design of this conditioner.

No experience with Silver Circle TCHAIK 6 but Rick said HFC MC-6 uses 3 Wave Stabilizers.  

Yes, but the HFC MC-6 is current limited, 10A. I'll wait for Rick to release a high current version, maybe one using Furutech GTX-D outlets.
There has to be something to fill that void between $999 and $14,900 power conditioners, doesn't there?

I only use MC-6 for pre (4A fuse) and dac (2A fuse) on own dedicated 20 amp line so not a problem.   To my ear, it's reference quality.  

Where did you find the information about the use of 3 Wave Stabilizers? 
I cannot find that on his HFC MC-6 webpage

From Rick ... info sealed the deal.  Got a feeling essentially a scaled down Silver Circle TCHAIK 6.
I use 2 separate runs of SC to truly bi-wire my speaker.  I'm contemplating trying HFC UR SC so will be EXPENSIVE using 2 runs.  So wondering what types of jumpers or how do you guys bi-wire your speakers.
jmcgrogan25,058 posts02-12-2016 5:50amSo on 1/27/16 I said:

Yes, but the HFC MC-6 is current limited, 10A. I’ll wait for Rick to release a high current version, maybe one using Furutech GTX-D outlets.
There has to be something to fill that void between $999 and $14,900 power conditioners, doesn’t there?

Ask and you shall receive. I see that Rick has now released the High Fidelity MC-6 Hemisphere Reference power conditioner for $2,800.
The new Hemisphere uses........Furtech GTX-D rhodium plated receptacles.

Are you buying one? Rick said it’s NOT current limiting.

BTW, my 2 MC-05s are scheduled to arrive Sat so should be an interesting wknd.

I have 2 20 amp dedicated lines with Furutech GTX-D R outlets ... one for amp and other for source.   My house is fairly new construction in suburbs so have good power.   I always prefer amps plug directly to wall until I tried Weizhi PRS-6.   I don't hear any current limiting with my Hegel H30 or ARC REF250 plugged into one.    My neighbor is using 2 HB Cable Marble power distributors that I will explore in the near future.

I have a 2nd Weizhi PRS-6 for the sources and currently comparing against MC-6.   

I'll try a MC-05 on the amp spare Furutech GTX-D R outlet 1st ...
My MC 0.5 arrived yesterday. I have 2 20 amp dedicated lines with Furutech GTX-D R outlets. One for amp and other for sources. Install one in each outlet last night.

Finally have time to listen tonight. Yep, it works as advertised. It lowers the noise floor so you hear more detail, air and vividness but not bright or analytical. Imaging is tigher, better focus, more distinct in the sound stage. It's not just more 3D but live, spooky real and musical. The improvements are NOT subtle.

I found tonight listening to a much higher volume than normal. I guess with less noise and harshness, need a higher volume to match sound pressure??

I've had the MC-6 for a while and broken in now. I use it on the sources. Lower noise floor, open, airy ... It well exceeded my expectations.

I considering buying a MC-6 Hemisphere next for my amps. According to Rick, it's not current limiting so will work with my high power current hungry amps. This stuff is addicting.
have you check out the product page in HFC? just curious why the MC-6 Hemisphere is spec at 10A max?

No, just asked Rick.   I'll check and if 10A max, not going to work.   
Rlawry, My sources (pre (4 amp fuse) + dac (3 amp fuse)) combined draw less than 10A. As matter of fact, one HFT CT-1 can powered both in an experiment.

I was considering a MC-6 Hemisphere for my amps but will not work with a 10A max. My SS stereo amp uses a 15A fuse and doesn’t even power up with a CT-1 PC. My tube mono uses a 7A fuse and according to owner’s manual, each mono can draw up to 10A instantaneous. One Weizhi PRS-6 works and sounds fantastic with them

Now considering 2 more MC-0.5 for the amp Weizhi open outlets.
After a week with MC 0.5, I find the sound a bit harder and darker.  I still enjoy the improvements ... tighter focus, dynamics, life like imaging, lower noise floor ...but overall I prefer the sound without the MC 0.5 in my system.

Like everything it's system dependent so I'm happy for owners that MC 0.5 works in their system.    I moved them to spare TV outlets with improved picture quality.
Do you know about how may hours you have on the MCo.5s?  Rick from High Fidelity told me they would go dark after a while then open back up better than before. He did not say what the hour range is. Did you find them dark from the start?
Plugged in Sat 11:30pm ... do the math.

With a new toy, 1st day focus on positives but did noticed hardness with some material.  One is Vanessa Fernandez - Use Me.   Subsequent listening sessions found more material ... Natalie Merchant Tigerlily ...

I tried different combinations and found 1 MC 0.5 in the open wall outlet shared with amp's Weizhi a good compromise.

Currently have them plugged into open outlet on a Weizhi and wall outlet shared with Weizhi's for TV, cable box ...  I bought several power cords so will revisiting MC 0.5 later.  Boy, TV picture quality is AMAZING so they do work.
Tonight I pop the MC 0.5s back in my system and the hardness and darkness have disappeared.   I guess it just needed more breaking in.  Now need to get more for the TV.
Went a head and order my MC 6 Hemisphere  should have in a week.

@68pete, How do you plan to use it?
I recently bought a new pair of CT-UR interconnects and when I replaced the U's I previously had, the right channel was down significantly. So I called HFC and they recommended cleaning the cable connectors, which fixed the problem. Using the Stabilant was easy and Rick said you cannot cause a short in the cables but over-applying it. So if I can do it, so can anyone else, trust me.

Is this only a HFC phenomenon?   I never experienced lower volume with dirty connectors.
68pete176 posts03-20-2016 10:46amHi lak
I am using a older Transparent power cord to feed my Hemisphere. It is plugged into  PSaudio P10. Have been very happy with it so far.

Just curious, have you tried Hemisphere direct to wall outlet bypassing PS Audio P10?
I was wondering with P10 in the chain, why do you need a  Hemisphere?    

I have my MC-6 and Weizhi PRS-6 plugged directly to dedicated 20A wall outlets.    I unplug everything in thunderstorms.   I wonder if my home owner insurance covers my components? :-)

Sounds like the HP Printer business model.   The replacement ink cost more than the printer and dries out after several months.

Going for Epson ecotank next.

The beauty with MC 0.5 is no debate if one hears a difference unlike audiophile fuses.   Whether one likes the changes is another story.  

Fuse so very component dependent.   Subtle on some and dramatic on another.   Usually higher the quality, more dramatic the improvements.

I have 7 open slots on 2 power distributors.   System is going through dramatic changes so maybe order more when it settles down.  :-)

ddraudt475 posts04-17-2016 12:59pmJustubes2, I have heard a demo where MC-0.5s made an improvement even connected to non audio ac lines. Less effect there but very noticeable.

How's it possible if not on the same circuit?   

I have 2 20 amp dedicated line each wired to a duplex for audio.  I was wondering how can MC-0.5 influence the sound if not connected to these 2 lines?

Have you tried plugging in your neighbors house?  I heard plugging in neighbor's house is an option if out of outlets.  Just kidding ... couldn't resist.  LOL!!!

Sounds like your MC 0.5 is not broken in.   Several of us experienced same problem when new.     Try plugging in an outlet that's constantly drawing current for a week or so.

I have 2 MC 0.5, each in a 20 amp line open Furutech GTX-D (R) duplex  . Adding a MC 0.5 is like turbo charging your car, improves everything.

MC 0.5 has changed the ranking of my tweaks.  It's on the same level as replacing builder grade outlets with Maestro so #1.   I have 7 open outlets on 2 line distributors so will add 4 more soon.
I think majority of people found MC 0.5 sounds dark and hard initially and requires many hours of breaking in.  I never got the impression from anyone that MC 0.5 works for everyone.    As matter of fact, everything is a matter personal preference.

In general members offer advice to help.   When you find it hard and dark, usually it requires further breaking in from experience.   But in you case, it didn't help so sorry for the advice.

Your MC-0.5 experience mirrors mine so I understand your conclusion EXCEPT I have an additional chapter.

2 MC-0.5, sounds good but tight so moved to HT system. Like you, I'm very busy and can't listen daily plus all tube system with 8 power tubes per mono, so like to avoid use for break-in.

Learn from thread dark and hard are expected but will open up after further break-in. After ~5 weeks, moved back to main, sound improved, no longer dark or hard but slightly too agressive. I guess the best way to describe MC-0.5 is like going from a regular to HD TV. In this case, it was HD X-RAY TV sometimes.

Had to ship preamp to VAC for upgrade so system was down for 7 weeks. Moved MC-0.5 back to HT. After getting preamp back and break-in, tried MC-0.5 again in main and this time it was regular to HD TV, no more HD X-RAY. The only difference is upgraded preamp and replaced 7 SR RED with SR BLACKS fuses. (The most obvious differences between SR RED and BLACKS, BLACK is more organic with improved PRAT.)

Listened for 6 hours and next concern was SQ following day ... back to dark and hard again??  To my surprise, sound was more relaxed. It's like moving a cable and now had time to settle. MC-0.5s in system for a week now and still sounds great.

Since your MC-0.5 are broken-in and no longer dark or hard, I don't have any suggestions. Like every tweak or component change, it's a fine line whether it works or fails.
jmcgrogan2,  I made the changes one at a time allowing adequate break-in time in between.   It's possible with SR BLACKS, MC-0.5 will also work for you too?

I had a VAC SigMKIIa pre upgraded to SE.  I tried upgrading to a Master but Kevin said not feasible with too many changes.   I'll save you all the hyperbole's but it well exceeded my expectations.  

One area hoping upgrade will address is noise.  Now it's dead quiet with blacker background and higher transparency.

Since moving MC-0.5s back to sound system, getting complaints HD TV is broken with a fuzzy dull picture.  LOL!   Ultimately if MC-0.5 doesn't work for you, move it to the TV and whole family can enjoy the tweak.   :-):-)
ozzy2,190 posts05-07-2016 12:53pm68pete, At the moment, with just about 20 hours on the extra MC 0.5's being plugged in I would say no. I think the biggest bump was the intial set. But, perhaps with more hours on them it will improve.
ozzy, You have 12 MC 0.5s.   When you say initial set, do you mean 1st 4 MC 0.5s?

Next, is there a reason why you do not plug your amp into the Hemisphere, other then the Hemisphere is plugged into the P10. I would understand not wanting to plug the amp into the P10. 
If so, when you do try the Hemisphere by its self, try plugging the amp into the Hemisphere.
Again, I would be surprised if you do not hear an improvement in sound quality. 
I believe Hemisphere has a 10A max so might not work some amps.


If you're pulling 10 amps with an amp, that would be some major kilowatts happening!! With 250 watt monoblocks and my full system in play including all peripherals, I only measure around 3 amps total pull at 85 db levels. I'd like to experience a system pulling 10 amps - call me for a demo!! :)

Not all watts are created equal, class A or AB, design ... You have to find someone armed with an engineering degree for more details.

According to the owner's manual, each one of my tube mono can draw up to 10A.   My Hegel H30 uses a 15A fuse.   Can't even power up with a CT-1 PC.  If powers up, play ~20 seconds, shuts down and CT-1 connectors get very very hot.   So we can safely assume it's drawing more than 5A or 6A.

I don't want to damage my components or burn house down so if you want a demo, buy a new amp.  :-)
I used a combination of HFC and Shunyata Sigma/Alpha PCs in my system.   HFC excels in low noise, imaging and organic sound but compare to Shunyata, it's slower, smaller soundstage and less information.   

I had a full loom of Shunyata and was too much of a good thing but excellent with some HFC in the mix.   For me, one is not better than the other but just different.
I was thinking number of waveguides is a function to length of the cable.  Basically longer the cable more waveguides, otherwise shorter cable has superior performance??

I was going to try Reveal speaker cables with option to add additional waveguides.  Last I check option will not be available so count me out.
@misterbritt I asked HFC last week and they decided not to offer additional waveguides to Reveal speaker cables.

Reveal connectors are passive, not magnetic, so only difference between Reveal and competition is the magnetic dead weight on the cables.   Like I post earlier, the number of waveguides should be a function to cable length in ALL Reveal cables.    

In HFC, not Reveal line, from what I can tell the only difference between model is size of the magnet.  
Per your third paragraph, I think the materials inside the wave guides are better as you go from CT-1 up the line. I think it is more than just the size of the wave guides. Per a review from 6moons
Of course it's better  LOL!


@68pete Where did you buy the orange 3 way splitter?   I checked Lowes yesterday and couldn't find it.  Can you post a link?  I want to add 4 more MC0.5s.

68pete, I just found the orange splitter on Lowes website and in stock.  I'll pick some up tomorrow.

Looks like also available on Amazon.
Picked up 2 orange 3-way splitters at Lowes and just received 4 more MC-.05. I will cooked them 100 hours before adding to the system. I already have 2 so hoping for 200+% improvement with 6. LOL! Going to have 3 per dedicated line.
I have two dedicated 20 amp circuits with 10g romex and PS Audio Power Ports ( SR Black duplexes coming soon) into my listening room but I'm currently only using one of the circuits.
If using multiple dedicated lines, tie the grounds together at the distribution box or power distributor/conditioner.

I have 2 dedicated 20 amp line.   Recently had IECs and OUTLETs on my Weizhi PRS-6s replaced with Furutech NCFs. As expected, the sound is more organic, lower noise floor ... very happy with the results.

Also suggested to me was to add a ground post to each Weizhi. The most remarkable improvement is tying the Weizhis together with a ground cable. It removed layers and layers of veil. Passages that were once congested and muffled are now crystal clear. Sound is more 3D, airy, tighter imaging, resolving, vivid ... I can crank up the volume several notches without any harshness.

All my audiophile level recordings always sound great but with compressed only music, Eagles, Springsteen, Santana, Heart ... they never sounded better and at higher volume level. If you told me all the harshness is mainly from noise, I wouldn't believe it.
@lak , I'm using my TVs to break them in.  High duty cycle ...  My new power cables arrived the same day so killing two birds with one stone.

I have both 3 way splitters connected to a duplex, 2 MC-.05 each splitter, cable tuner connected to 1 splitter, PCs connected to 2nd splitter and HFC MC-6 on iec end of PC.   I have 2 TVs, VCR, tuner ... connected to MC-6.   Everything is running 24/7 except main TV.   The old Sony CRT is on 24/7.

Going to run MC-0.5 for 4 days, 100 hours, before use.  I want to avoid the darkness and hardness experienced on 2nd and 3rd day with 1st 2 MC-0.5.
I tied the ground at the Weizhis.   There're lots of good info on WBF forum.
SR Black duplexes coming soon
I suggest including, Furutech GTX NCF + NCF Cover + Wall Frame on the list of duplexes.   ZenWaveAudio was having a package deal so contact them if interested.  GL!
GL mac48025

After ~30 hours, 4 MC-0.5's are settling nicely.    No darkness or hardness following day after break in with TVs for 100 hours.

All I can say is WOW!   It's like turbo charger kicked in and everything explodes in all direction.   Sound stage expanded in all directions, trailing notes lingers and lingers ..., more decay, improved separation between lyrics, more air ... so far all positives.   Going from 2 to 6 is more dramatic than initial 2.

How many do you have 68pete??   I can't imagine SQ adding another 22.   Yikes!  Is there a law of diminishing returns to this madness?   

I'm going to add 2 new PCs from wall to Weizhis Wed so going to enjoy my system for a while before adding more MC-0.5s.   Highly Recommended!