High Fidelity Cables CT-1designed by Rick Schultz

In December 2011,I wrote that High Fidelity cables led by cable designer Rick Schultz was putting together a new cable.The cable came to market as CT-1.The CT-1 has FINALLY made it into my system!I had obtained a version of the prototype that Rick had been working on.It blew my previous reference Genesis by Virtual Dynamics.I thought I had finally found my end with this cable.This prototype delivered to my ears "Nirvana".Could I be at the end of my quest for the ultimate sound?
No. I received two pairs of CT-1 to replace my prototypes.They went into the system this past Friday.Unable to dedicate time until Sunday listening,I stole a few moments,ducking away from company with anticipation.My guest could tell even with the music set for"ambiance"something was intriguing and I was in for a treat!
The experience:
First off,CT-1 was very user friendly.Installation was simple;the cable is very nice and light.The female RCA fit beautifully unlike any I had found in other cable.It was secure and reliable.It seemed much thought was dedicated to developing a designer fit to an aesthetically stunning RCA connector.Install entailed a few wiggles to ensure what seemed like a compression fit on my RCA.
It was 2-3 hrs. for the 1st step of break in to be complete.At that point I had something different!Today,although they only have 10-12 hrs. on them,I can`t put into words how much my system has transformed.Believe me,I loved my prototypes.However....there is simply no comparision.
The clarity and sound is so natural.
The soundstage is like nothing I ever heard.Resoulution is breathtaking and inner detail is simply hard to believe possible.
The sound has transended and now it simply does not seem as thought I have speakers.
My system is musicians playing music.
I am told with time they will improve and I trust that as it was revealed with the prototypes.I wanted to share my thoughts with you that now.
Unequivocally,a testament to High Fidelity,as the name declares.
High Fidelity Cables for me,the last word on it,after 12 hours!
Truly Amazing

Siddh, My experience with the UR breakin is similar to Tbg's.
They sound quick and detailed at first, but it takes 600 hours to get the full base, dynamics, effortlessness, air and realness.
Keith, thanks,
As far as outlets, Rhodium is detailed and gold is warm.
IMHO (ha!) ATL 2000 CU - copper outlets are more natural sounding. The mounting holes do need to be drilled out a bit to fit the Furutech plate/cover combo.
I've been removing gold coatings for 30 years because of the "halo of haze" gold creates.
Lak, I can understand why people are impatient, but one had better be patient, especially with the HFCs.
Siddh, as I have said before I have found the HFCs take increasingly longer to breakin with each new series. I find they always sound fast, but that the soundstage gets increasingly detailed and encompassing as they mature. Sometimes these improvements are big jumps often in the middle of a cut. I do think they breakin starting with the highs and ending with the bass.

I also think there is a symbiotic relationship among HFC cables where an all HFC loom sounds better than the sum of its parts.

I think what is going on with a full loom is that the entire connection from the source to the speakers is being magnetically conditioned.

Finally, I agree with Acman3, that you need more hours of breakin. I have often found that several weeks are needed, and as I said, my HFC URs really didn't settle down for over a month. I also should note that other than with my first hearing of them did I have but one HFC cable.

If you take them off of connecting one component and put them connecting another, you will probably have to wait overnight to hear them sound right.

Oh, and don't let any of the cables touch the carpet or wood floors.
Siddh, if you look at Jack Robert's review on Daago of the Ultimates he answers your question directly, and his observations seem right in line with what you are saying. Good luck!
Siddh, your question was not adressed to me ,but others have made the same complaint. I think the High Fidelity cables are neutral, and clean up the soundstage in a natural way, but other may see this as less body, and less mid bass. I think it is part of our different systems and what we are looking for in our systems. No matter what anyone tells you, no one cable is going to work in all systems.

I'd say, listen a little longer, say 30-50 more hours, and move on, if you still are unhappy. It sounds like you might already have found a interconnect you like.
So Tbg...what changes had you noticed in your system during break-in? After nearly 30 hours I have a rather hifi delivery. Lots of detail, but little body and less involvement, especially compared to the Hidiamond the HFC replaced.
Siddh, in my experience everything goes through breakin. Very often the HFCables are very good for an hour or hour and a half and then deteriorates for an increasingly long time that increases with the most recent and better series. So I thought my Ultimate References took over a month before they were at their best.

Also, these cables hate to be moved. When comparing interconnects, moving them out and later back in may set them back for several hours. But they are worth the delays.
You are so right. I'm glad that I'm this way. We should all accept it and enjoy the way we are. I'm listened to david kikowski and eric revis and jeff waites earlier this afternoon. The song is called grey areas. It is a great song and great album. I'm going to enjoy my music. It's our medication. Lol.
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Please share the changes the CT-1UR interconnect will go through. I am using it as phono cable...so not high current running through it, nor continuous hours of play time. The first 10 hours were quite good, but the more recent 30 have been flat.
Thanks, Steve
@everyone. We are all audio crazy when it comes down to it but nothing sounds as good as audio been played in the highest quality in your system. I got the ultimate comment the other night I got a phone call and someone said to me "Sounds like you are at a jazz club" as I answered.
Hi Ddraudt, I wanted to tell you it is an honor to know you and speak to you, never have you offended me, thankyou for putting up with me, LOL!
Oh and Calvin, latter I will be putting the Synerchistic sr-Reds fuses times four inside this amp to further the modds, it is said that these work better than the competition with a 30 day money back gurantee!
Hi Calvinj, You would never believe what I am about to say!, first off, Rick Shultz is a first class gentleman, I do not know if all of you know he reads this thread from time to time, some one said he is a christian, which gos along way in my personal Book, Rick just sent me an E-mail telling me that he would send me cables to listen to if I like, I will take him up on the offer!, However, I am going to E-mail him back and ask if he would let me do his offer after I get a grip on where I need to use The Furutech GTX-D Rhodium and Gold, Then after that determine the effects of this very exspensive state of the art Furutech wall frame and Rfi/EMI shielded metal with carbon fiber coating outlet cover, I have Hundreds of dollars just in two fricken outlet's!, so I hope you understand as to why I need audio return's here for my familly's money, I have not even started burn-in process yet, Calvin, you know my krell 700cx got modded caps inside, guess what?, It will be back here from krell next week after getting modded power supplies, My intention is to have the only one of these like this in the world!
If you are new to the high fidelity stuff make sure that you allow for break in. It is real. The longer you allow the cables to settle in the change and sound better.
TBG,Calloway,calvinj,jazzonthehudson, Gentleman, I am not concerned of what all of have said to me, I have been told worse in my life, I am not perfect, at times I may get some angry, if all of you take the time to get to know me, you will look over my passion for what I enjoy in audio, I did not mean no harm to any of you, I am sorry, and forgive me if I ever pissed any of you off.
Hi Ddraudt, well, there is a correction, Chris Van Hause sent my order two day air, very impressive!, I will have all the orders the 11-22-14, Awsome!, Steve Klein sent his order to me the same method, I highly recommend both audio vendors.
@everyone. Keep up the passion for everything that brings your ears joy. I recently got an ultimate power cord to go with the ultimate interconnect. It is bringing my music alive even more. This is the one I settled on after an exhaustive search that had me try cables from large companies and small. I tried cables from all over. I decided on this one. I am glad that people here on this thread have shared all of their views and impressions. There are times where we have all gotten sideways with each other but all is forgotten and forgiven. It all about making more music enjoyment. This brand has done the best job for my ears so far. It's going to get better and better. I have truly enjoyed all the passion that everyone has for going for the highest fidelity in sound quality. Whether you like high fidelity or not. It's been good to hear the honest opinions of those who tried them. I have had a great year listening and looking at this blog. @audiolabryinth. Welcome back. Lol.
Thankyou for your kindness Mr. Mcgrogan, I wish you and your familly the best of the Holidays, Happy Thanksgiving and Merry Christmas.
Thanks Dave, I am sorry that all this landed on this thread, seems John brought alot to mt attention that I was not aware of here, It does not matter, seemed to me we were talking just fine, until this intervention happened.
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whatever john, that is your sadistic view point!, I have helped many everyday with that thread,I am not here to have this negativaty on this thread!, these gentleman welcome me to talk to them for me to learn from them!
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HI Ddraudt-Dave, I was wondering where you have been, must be quite busy, it is good to see you, yes, I got a Furutech GTX-D Rhodium oulet only coming from Steven Klein of sounds of silence audio company that makes these air plithes for resonance control that goes under any componet, you should check his stuff out, very interesting indeed, and, I am getting the complete cooked Furutech GTX-D Gold outlet, wall frame, carbon fiber outlet cover from Chris Van hause there at vh-audio, Dave, I only use two recepticles, I am going to have to go through the motions of burn-in to get impressions with what works where and on what, the good news is that If I do not need the Gold, Chris is willing to swap it out for the Rhodium at no cost but my shipping back the version I do not want, I thought that was a fair deal he does not offer on the normal bassis, The rhodium will be here saturday, the complete package will be here latter next week, all of it is paid for right now, it's just I elected for free ground shipping from Vh-audio, Dave, latter I will get the frame and cover plate for the other recepticle, LOL!, out of money today from making these orders.
TBG, That is incredible views you got for the H-Cat pre-amp thread, likly, the most I ever heard of Norm, my Tara Thread is not doing to bad, 82,000 views in 8 months, climbing fast each day, it has done better the last three weeks than it has done in the last 3 months, all of you are welcome there, and thankyou for allowing me to talk to all of you here.
Audiolabrinth, Hi Keith, My experience with Gold, Rhodium, Copper for inlets and outlets is that.
1) I've never liked the sound of gold. I like more fine detail than gold allows.
2) I've always liked the pure sound of copper. Even though oxidation is an issue.
3) Rhodium on a few inlets or outlets can add some sparkle. But too many Rhodium parts gets too cold and harsh.
I tried the Rhodium and Gold Furutech outlets and liked the rhodium better. Now I am using ATL 2000 CU outlets (copper) from newcablestudio.com, because I find them quite superior. I have 4 in my WGPC, and 4 other cu 2000 outlets with furutech plate and covers in my system. much cleaner sound! Most of my power cords have ATL copper ends on them.
I have 4 ATL inlets in my system that are 4 layer (copper, silver, gold then rhodium), They add sparkle without getting too harsh.
I think that a lot depends on ones system and personal taste.
ENjoy the music!! D
Audiolabyrinth, I have an original post on the H-Cat preamp that had 6,985,105 views and 1087 posts, not that it was a fun thread, but it must be a high.

I original poster here had largely the same first experiences as I did. The Cable Company had sent me two HFC ics. One was the original CT-1 and the other the CT-1Enhanced. I got them three days before I left for CES. I put the original in and just gasped at what I was hearing. I've probably had forty different ics over 45 years and never heard anything like this. The top end was just amazing. I put the Enhanced in and was less impressed. I then realized that I had been told that the originals had been well broken in. When I returned from CES it was definitely superior.
Damn, I'm sorry to hear that, is their a possibilty to know the views of this thread?
I have often wondered where the op is of this thread?, I would like to ask him what the view count is?, I bet it has big numbers,IMHO.
thankyou for your reply TBG, This will take a while I am sure, I hate the bussiness of burn-in of anything.
Audiolabyrinth, I now have all rhodium GTX-Dr outlets in my HFC Waveguide p c and on four of my HFC Ultimate Reference power cords. But I have not had any gold counterparts with which to compare them, with the exception of the HFC Ultimate power cord, which frankly is not in the same league as the Ultimate Reference Rhodium internally, price, or sound.

I have compared silver versus gold ics long ago and some comparison of gold plated RCA jacks with solid copper jacks and always disliked the gold. So you can see that I have done some comparisons, but having done a good deal of scientific research over my career, I don't see any of this as well founded.

In short if you do all of these comparisons, please tell us what you think.
Yikes! I would have to spend a small fortune on the adapters and then buy another run of HF IC's to make one balanced IC. I think I will stay single-ended.

Thankyou Calvinj, I do enjoy reading your many journys of audio, Happy Listening.
Nglazer... If you Google "XLR High Fidelity Cables" you'll find pictures of the Purist Audit Design XLR adapters that High Fidelity suggests you use to configure XLR cables. In so many words, you use two pairs of RCA terminated cables and the Purist Audio Adapters to get XLR High Fidelity Cables.
I meant to say sdxc cards. I use those to store music on and play on the invicta Mirus. I am demoing a nu vista 800 musical fidelity integrated on my ultima studio 2 right now. I also will be trying an arc ref3 and manley tube Monoblocks soon. I'm using high fidelity ultimate interconnect and power cord.
Hi, Excuse me fellows, as this is the best place I know of to find TBG, TBG, as it turns out I am buying both the Rhodium and Gold versions of the Furutech GTX-D outlets, I am buying the Rhodium from Steve Klein who spoke highly of you on the phone with me yesterday, says he has known you for a few years, what ever the version that sounds best for my amp will go on that position, and it may turn out that I will run all Rhodium if it does better on my digital, chris at vh-audio said I can exchange the gold for the Rhodium if I liked it better, I am buying the complete package deal from him, the aluminum wall frame and carbon fiber face plate cooked on his cable burner for 6 days, this will take a couple of months to determine impressions because the Rhodium version is brand new with no cable burner cooked time, Steve said, 500 hours and more on the one he is selling me, and the Gold will only need 100 to 200 max hours since it has been pre-cooked, I believe It is best to install the Rhodium on my amp first, what do you think?
The only reason I ask is because I just bought a VTL 7.5 III pre and it has optional balanced outputs, which the mfr. recommends. My Krell amp has only balanced inputs and I use adaptors on them. May have to do it on HFC's as well. I have 1E's.


I just use a couple of Boulder XLR-RCA adapters on my Ayre MXR mono amps.
The HF CT-1E cables sound wonderful!!
Nglazer, they do not and I think it improbable that they ever will. I can just imagine what one of the XLRs would look like with 150 plus magnets within it. I will also say that I have never heard a balanced cable that rivals the best HFCables.
Does anyone know if HF does balanced terminations? I don't see this option on their website?
