High Fidelity Cables CT-1designed by Rick Schultz

In December 2011,I wrote that High Fidelity cables led by cable designer Rick Schultz was putting together a new cable.The cable came to market as CT-1.The CT-1 has FINALLY made it into my system!I had obtained a version of the prototype that Rick had been working on.It blew my previous reference Genesis by Virtual Dynamics.I thought I had finally found my end with this cable.This prototype delivered to my ears "Nirvana".Could I be at the end of my quest for the ultimate sound?
No. I received two pairs of CT-1 to replace my prototypes.They went into the system this past Friday.Unable to dedicate time until Sunday listening,I stole a few moments,ducking away from company with anticipation.My guest could tell even with the music set for"ambiance"something was intriguing and I was in for a treat!
The experience:
First off,CT-1 was very user friendly.Installation was simple;the cable is very nice and light.The female RCA fit beautifully unlike any I had found in other cable.It was secure and reliable.It seemed much thought was dedicated to developing a designer fit to an aesthetically stunning RCA connector.Install entailed a few wiggles to ensure what seemed like a compression fit on my RCA.
It was 2-3 hrs. for the 1st step of break in to be complete.At that point I had something different!Today,although they only have 10-12 hrs. on them,I can`t put into words how much my system has transformed.Believe me,I loved my prototypes.However....there is simply no comparision.
The clarity and sound is so natural.
The soundstage is like nothing I ever heard.Resoulution is breathtaking and inner detail is simply hard to believe possible.
The sound has transended and now it simply does not seem as thought I have speakers.
My system is musicians playing music.
I am told with time they will improve and I trust that as it was revealed with the prototypes.I wanted to share my thoughts with you that now.
Unequivocally,a testament to High Fidelity,as the name declares.
High Fidelity Cables for me,the last word on it,after 12 hours!
Truly Amazing

Do you know about how may hours you have on the MCo.5s?  Rick from High Fidelity told me they would go dark after a while then open back up better than before. He did not say what the hour range is. Did you find them dark from the start?
Plugged in Sat 11:30pm ... do the math.

With a new toy, 1st day focus on positives but did noticed hardness with some material.  One is Vanessa Fernandez - Use Me.   Subsequent listening sessions found more material ... Natalie Merchant Tigerlily ...

I tried different combinations and found 1 MC 0.5 in the open wall outlet shared with amp's Weizhi a good compromise.

Currently have them plugged into open outlet on a Weizhi and wall outlet shared with Weizhi's for TV, cable box ...  I bought several power cords so will revisiting MC 0.5 later.  Boy, TV picture quality is AMAZING so they do work.
Hi knghifi
Do you know about how may hours you have on the MCo.5s?  Rick from High Fidelity told me they would go dark after a while then open back up better than before. He did not say what the hour range is. Did you find them dark from the start?
Thanks Pete

After a week with MC 0.5, I find the sound a bit harder and darker.  I still enjoy the improvements ... tighter focus, dynamics, life like imaging, lower noise floor ...but overall I prefer the sound without the MC 0.5 in my system.

Like everything it's system dependent so I'm happy for owners that MC 0.5 works in their system.    I moved them to spare TV outlets with improved picture quality.
Would like to here from someone who has the MC 6 Hemisphere w/ the Furutech GTX-D plugs.  How long is the break in before you start to here a improvement ? Was it a long break in?  Did it do any thing for the soundstage? Any info at all
Thanks Pete

Yes these cables are very good as well as several  $2000+ cables.
I find a engineer  to make a great cable maybe for less $$ 
Myself and Many other believe it takes a genius to make a great cable at 1/2 that cost or less.something  the masses much more 
Can afford .I have had $80k systems in the past and spent more then a nice home. As I get older reverse engineer getting more
For less is what myself and many others now aspire to,
Enjoy your cables they are very good. Myself will keep looking 
For those Diamonds in the rough  !!
Hi All, I can hear that the MC-0.5's sound more refined after break in.
And that there are some places it has a grander effect.
The least effective on of the 4 I am using is still an improvement I would not want to be without. I have a full loom of Hi end HFC cables and like Norm over 60% if my system money is in HFC products. I could not be happier with their effects on my sound. However, Even With Great Equipment,,, If you room treatment, Power, grounding, and equipment racks are not great, you will never realize your systems' full potential.

Thanks Ozzy for the info. So far i have found the same the MCo.5 plugged into my dedicated line that i have amy amp on was huge improvement right out of the case. about 2 days later i plugged a MCo.5 into the outlet that has my P10 on it (not dedicated) the effect was not as grand as with the amp. My sacd/cd player and preamp  along with my tv and sat box all plugged into the P10. The picture did seam to be little sharper on the tv. I will leave it like that for a while longer to see if i can see or hear in more changes for the better.  I plan to add some more High Fidelity in the very near future.
Enjoy Pete

On the ten amp limit. If your plugs to the unit get hot, be concerned. Otherwise, forget it.

68Pete, Sorry it took a while to respond, I had some problems.

Anyway, I did try the Mc.05 plugged into my PS Audio P-10 for a while, but I think there is more effect with plugging them in to the dedicated outlet that the P-10 is plugged in.

When I was installing my 3 dedicated lines I used a quad box for each line with top of the line Furutech outlets and with Oyaide covers. This allows me now to use 3 of the MC.05 on each dedicated line. (I used to use the Nordost QV2's). The 10th MC.05 is plugged into the strip outlet for my Cable modem, router switcher etc.

The first place I  noticed big improvement was on my 85" UHD Samsung LED. Awesome picture!

Now days later, listening to my stereo there is such depth in the sound quality that I'm playing some tracks that I haven't listened to in years. I think it took longer on the Audio because of the heavier gauge wiring I used on my lines (10 gauge). But, now everything is very nice...

Awesome product!

As regards the 10A limit for the Hemisphere, adding together the current ratings of the fuses used in your equipment is not a way to estimate current draw under normal operating conditions.  The fuse value is chosen to deal with a worst case scenario, which includes a current draw that is never experienced in normal operation but only in the event of a catastrophic failure somewhere in the circuit.  Beyond that, each manufacturer probably has slightly different criteria for choosing the fuse rating for his particular product, but the value is chosen so as to avoid fuses blowing during "normal operation". 
Quick question.  I just received one MC 0.5 and only have one dedicated duplex outlet running off my breaker box and I'm using the duplex outlet to power my integrated amp and the other receptacle to power my PS audio P300 powerplant.  I plugged the MC 0.5 into my empty outlet in the back of my powerplant and have noticed all the improvements as stated above for the MC 0.5 and am very impressed.  My DAC and transport are plugged into my powerplant.
1.  I assume then that plugging in the MC 0.5 into a powerplant does have benefits even though I'm not sure why as the powerplant outlet I have the MC 0.5 plugged into is an output?
2. Would there be more benefit if the MC 0.5 was actually plugged into an unused wall outlet if on the same circuit which was then connected to the powerplant?

I received two MC-0. 5's Saturday and installed them in two different Furutech GTX-D (R) outlets. One powering my amp, the other my preamp. I left them in for two days, but I can honestly say I detected no improvement. I will say that I'm running a complete loom of HFC interconnects, speaker cables and power cords so maybe that has something to do with it. (See my main system).

Now I have the two MC-0.5's in my secondary system, installed them in two different Furutech GTX-D (R) outlets. This system only has two HFC power cords and one interconnect. (See system two) I immediately heard improvement.

Just saying...
I added a MC0.5 but haven't yet had the overwhelming positive advantages as others. I initially plugged it in to the unused half of the duplex used by my überbuss. My tone was shifted up so I heard more detail in the uppermost frequencies. I also got a real boost in the area around 7khz that was hard and unpleasant. My soundstage moved forward and flattened. As this was not a desirable change, I moved it to an unused plug in my überbuss. This minimized the effect and became much more listenable. Tonal balance is still tipped up but not painful. after 24 hours it is better but I don't really like the tone - it is no longer real but hifi. I suspect more burn in will help as it sounds flat and bright like a new cable. Absent a positive change from further burn in, I will definitely not add another and will likely remove the one installed. I am hoping it will settle down.
my rig is: bryston bcd1 - lampizator g4l4 - Eddie current balancing act with px4's and audeze lcd3 fazors. I would describe it as falling slightly on the dark side of neutral. I value tonality and micro dynamics. 
Rlawry, My sources (pre (4 amp fuse) + dac (3 amp fuse)) combined draw less than 10A. As matter of fact, one HFT CT-1 can powered both in an experiment.

I was considering a MC-6 Hemisphere for my amps but will not work with a 10A max. My SS stereo amp uses a 15A fuse and doesn’t even power up with a CT-1 PC. My tube mono uses a 7A fuse and according to owner’s manual, each mono can draw up to 10A instantaneous. One Weizhi PRS-6 works and sounds fantastic with them

Now considering 2 more MC-0.5 for the amp Weizhi open outlets.
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I agree with rlawry.  Also, if the device delivers its benefits based on "magnetic conduction" and is not a power regenerator or isolation transformer of some kind, then the 10A limit, if indeed that is the limit, probably reflects only the wire gauge.  Which means that one needs to be concerned mostly with quiescent power draw; brief musical peaks that might transiently draw more than 10A would probably be tolerated.

Brief reference was made above to a review by Art Dudley of one of the HFC products that may have just recently appeared in Stereophile.  I have searched the internet for a copy of his review but apparently it is too new to have been made available to the general (non-subscribing) public.  Can someone summarize what he wrote?  Thanks.
knghifi, I would be pretty surprised if your equipment were using a 10 amp draw.  At 120V, that is 1200 watts, i.e. 1.2 kW.  Front-end equipment and preamps use little current.  Unless your amps are heavily biased into Class A (they run full-out and dissipate the current into heat, diverting more and more into signal as the volume is increased), I seriously doubt you would draw 10 amps, even if you are driving some inefficient speakers.  I once had some Fourier OTL tube amps that ran fully into Class A and they drew 5 amps each at idle, making the amps space heaters--they put out prodigious amounts of heat .  You might want to check with your equipment manufacturers to see how much current they draw, or maybe this is in their specifications.  Of course, you could just go to the Hemisphere as it probably sounds better anyway.  Just a thought.
have you check out the product page in HFC? just curious why the MC-6 Hemisphere is spec at 10A max?

No, just asked Rick.   I'll check and if 10A max, not going to work.   
" According to Rick, it's not current limiting so will work with my high power current hungry amps" 
have you check out the product page in HFC? just curious why the  MC-6 Hemisphere is spec at 10A max?
My MC 0.5 arrived yesterday. I have 2 20 amp dedicated lines with Furutech GTX-D R outlets. One for amp and other for sources. Install one in each outlet last night.

Finally have time to listen tonight. Yep, it works as advertised. It lowers the noise floor so you hear more detail, air and vividness but not bright or analytical. Imaging is tigher, better focus, more distinct in the sound stage. It's not just more 3D but live, spooky real and musical. The improvements are NOT subtle.

I found tonight listening to a much higher volume than normal. I guess with less noise and harshness, need a higher volume to match sound pressure??

I've had the MC-6 for a while and broken in now. I use it on the sources. Lower noise floor, open, airy ... It well exceeded my expectations.

I considering buying a MC-6 Hemisphere next for my amps. According to Rick, it's not current limiting so will work with my high power current hungry amps. This stuff is addicting.
Guys, I have a small fortune invested in my HFC cabling and ac connections. I regret none of these expenditures although cabling is now over 60% of the cost of my system. I have tried both the MC 0.5 and the digital adapters and both further improve my sound. Recently in talking with Rick, I asked if one reaches a point where further improvement was smaller and smaller. Once again as with his six grades of cables, he said more magnets are better and only the impracticalness of the long waveguides and costs are the limitations. I didn't want to hear that, of course, but it seems true.

I don't really know whether there is a standard for judging the quality of ones ac supply, but I suspect that most of them have much noise running along with the 60 cycle ac and fall outside the 117 volt optimal voltage. At any rate I still think the power cables from HFC have more impact than the ICs and speaker wires.

Only three things rival the impact of the HFCabling in my system. In no particular ordering they are: the Star Sound Audio Points and Rhythm platforms, the TriPoint Troy SIgnature and Thor SE grounding wires, and recently the North American Products x-10 MkIII amp and probably their preamp.

I've got to stop writing always sincere but rave reviews. Today I am hoping to try the new Star Sound Tech 2.5 inch Audio Points versus some 3 inch points I have and the Star Sound original 1.5 inch Audio Points that they have sold over 300,000 of.
Hello Lak
I just have the 2 MC_O.5 . I have installed one of them on my dedicated line for my amp and the other has not yet been plugged in yet. the other will go on the line that feeds my Ps audio P10. That line is a 15 amp line not dedicated. My Esoteric C-O3x and my Esoteric K-O3x are plugged into the P10. Was hoping to hear from Ozzy, on his P10 and the MC 0.5.
Enjoy Pete
Do you have other HFC products in your system and if so what?
I ask because I also received two MC O. 5's yesterday and added them onto (two) of my independent dedicated circuit outlets. One for my amp and second for my preamp.
MC 6 power conditioner is fully burned in now. It has about 250 hours on it now.  Great power conditioner at this point. Very open and clear. I also agree with the immediacy description as for as how it makes the music sound.  
Hi Ozzy
The MC o.5 on your Ps audio P10 is it plugged into P10 or the plug that feeds the P10? I have one more to add and i could plug it into the wall plug with the P10 or into the back of the P10. What  was best for you any info?
Thanks Pete

Just add a MC O.5 to my system, plugged it into a dedicated 20 amp line that my amp is on. WOW right out of the case and it sounded like i had moved up the Esoteric line. The sound stage has not really changed, but everything base midrange and highs sound much richer with no bloat or thinning. Much more clean sounding detail. Going to listen to it for a couple of days, then add one more on a line that is not dedicated that feeds Ps Audio p10 which has my pre amp and sacd/ cd player on it. So far this is the best tweak i have heard.

I  now have 8 of MC-0.5's 

There are 2 each on my 3 dedicated circuits.

Extra 1 on my PS Audio P-10

And 1 on the outlet strip for my Cable modem, router, switcher, and the 8 way powered connector that my house RG6 cables are attached.

I just read the article in Stereophile regarding the HFC magnetic adapters. One thing I learned more then a year ago is you have to put any HFC product in place, and leave it there for let's say 25 hours and let it settle in and do whatever it is that it does within those 25 hours. I also suffered from the frustration of not being able to put a HFC product in and out to do a comparison test, but it just doesn't work that way. Personally I think that's the error that Art Dudley made. He described honestly what he heard but I don't think he realized what I described above. Just my personal opinion.

Have any of you compared Audio Magic  new Blue Dot Ground Disruptor to HFC MC-05? Currently using the Blue Dot and 4 Audioquest Quietlines with good success and may consider the MC-05.

I received my Stereophile monthly subscription yesterday and also noticed the review but didn't get the impression that he allowed the adapters to settle in for atleast 48 hours; that's the length of time it took mine to come around!

Sounds like many of us are receiving our MC-0.5's today (2/13) LOL!

 @hic, could possibly take several more hours of use (24).

Question for the group regarding any of the power conditioners:
It was always said to have digital gear on its own dedicated line. Does that happen when using one power conditioner, and does it make a difference in sound?
Just received my first HFC cable....UR Digital. After listen for 1 hour all I can say is WOW! I am speechless. How much longer for the cable to settle. Is a demo cable...so is already broken in. My MC-05 arrive Sat.  
I have 2 20 amp dedicated lines with Furutech GTX-D R outlets ... one for amp and other for source.   My house is fairly new construction in suburbs so have good power.   I always prefer amps plug directly to wall until I tried Weizhi PRS-6.   I don't hear any current limiting with my Hegel H30 or ARC REF250 plugged into one.    My neighbor is using 2 HB Cable Marble power distributors that I will explore in the near future.

I have a 2nd Weizhi PRS-6 for the sources and currently comparing against MC-6.   

I'll try a MC-05 on the amp spare Furutech GTX-D R outlet 1st ...
Calloway, There was one outlet that seemed have less of an effect for unknown reasons. Moving where two items were plugged in made it better.
I have one in the  wall outlet that I think made the most difference but quantifying this type of improvement is tricky for me.  
I have 3 MC-0.5's in my 8 outlet distribution box. (4 duplex ).
Uncanny presentation!
Cheers D

John, I agree on the current limiting.  I tried several conventional power conditioners and they all seemed to do the requisite audiophile thing:  better transparency and detail but sucked the life out of music and limited dynamics, perhaps through electrical phase changes.  My URH power conditioner was the first power conditioner that increased immediacy and dynamics.  I haven't heard the MC-6 but would imagine it to work in the same fashion.
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From my somewhat limited knowledge of electricity (I am a chemical and biomedical engineer and somehow survived EE class), 10 amps would translate to about 1200 watts.  From looking at the 3 pieces I power from my HFC URH power conditioner, it only draws a few amps at rest, and with the 93 dB/1 watt sensitivity of my speakers, I doubt my power amp is outputting more than a few watts.  So it seems as if 10 amps is quite a bit of current, but perhaps with inefficient speakers you could become current-limited.  Any more than this and you might trip your electrical panel beakers, which I have never done.  Is my thinking correct on this?
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jmcgrogan25,058 posts02-12-2016 5:50amSo on 1/27/16 I said:

Yes, but the HFC MC-6 is current limited, 10A. I’ll wait for Rick to release a high current version, maybe one using Furutech GTX-D outlets.
There has to be something to fill that void between $999 and $14,900 power conditioners, doesn’t there?

Ask and you shall receive. I see that Rick has now released the High Fidelity MC-6 Hemisphere Reference power conditioner for $2,800.
The new Hemisphere uses........Furtech GTX-D rhodium plated receptacles.

Are you buying one? Rick said it’s NOT current limiting.

BTW, my 2 MC-05s are scheduled to arrive Sat so should be an interesting wknd.

HFC is now using the Furtech GTX-D rhodium plated receptacles.
Very interesting ;-)! 
Doesn't surprise me, or you either...

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ddraudt...does it seem to make a difference where...which outlets... you add the MC's..?
More IS better some times!
And this is true for the MC-0.5's.
As a matter of fact, all HFC magnetic wonders.
I got my 3rd and 4th MC-0.5's today and the improvements are great!
Each .5 I added to my system gave me a better sense of space,  air, effortlessness, musicality, depth, solidity, tonal detail, shape, separation.
It's more than that... "Magical"! "Engulfing"! ... more than that...
New realms my friends, new realms!
Removing one  makes the sound less clear, smooth, quiet, clean...
Thinking of trying to connect one in my breaker box.
Cheers D

Lak, Thanks for you input on the adapters.

All, I should get my 3rd and 4th MC-0.5's this week and will let you know
my impressions. I know that 2 work better than one and that they have greater effects in some places than others. But all placements change the sound in astonishing ways.

Cheers D

I’m happy to say I received the High Fidelity Cables' Magnetic Digital Adapters, pair of (2) adapters - for digital source and destination.
These made a great improvement on my digital cable in my second system (which already sounded good). Now I hear more inner details that I was not hearing before. I put these digital adapters on my Pulsar AgTM RCA interconnect may be used for 75 ohm digital (SPDIF) OR shielded analog applications. A FINE (24 AWG), single SOLID pure OCC silver center conductor is surrounded by VH Audio's AirLok dielectric, and is double-shielded with foil and a silver plated OFHC copper braid.
In case anyone is wondering,these products really do work.
Calloway, thanks for you input on the .5's.
 looks like we are all very impressed!
I can't wait to get my 3rd and 4th ones!
This may be Master Ricks key to fame and fortune.
I'm sure they will sound great in impressive systems.
I wonder what they sound like in a modest system?
I have not tried one on my 4K tv yet.
Rlawry, Thank you for your findings on the MC-0.5's, I agree wholeheartedly! Astonishing Improvement on my system...
I also agree, that it is hard to describe The improvement of HFC's magnetic conduction designs over electrical conduction, in terms
adequate. So thanks for your descriptions.
My system already sounded ridiculously absurdly Great with the advent of a fortune in High Fidelity products... Just one of these .5's elevated the listening experience to undiscovered realms of musical magic!! I've never experienced such solid images in the soundstage. Glorious hoards of subtle clues combine to mimic reality in ways I could never have dreamt possible. Adding a second one lifted us to yet another plain of existence. I ordered two more and wait in line for them to be assembled.
Cheers D

Philipwu, I have worked on audio power for almost 40 years and have never heard standard AC power that was even close to being good enough for High End audio components to sound their best.
Off the top of my head, here are a few trouble spots inside the home:

Standard, to electrical code in the US, wiring is not good sounding. 10AWG wire sounds better than 12AWG.
properly oriented 10AWG sounds better then 10AWG romex.
aluminum wire totally sucks!!

 To Code, Thermal breakers use high resistance wire inside to heat up and throw the breaker. This high resistance wire, robs Dynamics and leading edge response time or SLAM.

There are many electrical devices and connections in a home that degrade the sine wave and add noise. Some devices add noise even if on a different circuit.

 Breaker Boxes add much distortion and vibration. A standard
duplex outlet, outlet box, cover plate adds more noise.

The audio system itself creates RF and IF noise as well as vibration that can effect the power.
All this, even if you have a local, small town power plant close by.

You may have exceptional power. That would be great.
I know many music lovers who are very in to audio but do not have expensive, reference quality audio systems. I have experience that some devices to do wonders in my system cannot be distinguished in theirs.
They are happy with their sound and i am happy with mine.
Cheers D
Hi calloway,
Given the ultra quality level of your system I must say that it is admirable a relatively inexpensive tweak has such noticeable positive impact.  I do find that impressive. 
I forgot to add that system is on a dedicated 20amp line and I live in the country with no buildings or significant power grids nearby. The MC- 0.5 made a significant improvement.