High Fidelity Cables CT-1designed by Rick Schultz

In December 2011,I wrote that High Fidelity cables led by cable designer Rick Schultz was putting together a new cable.The cable came to market as CT-1.The CT-1 has FINALLY made it into my system!I had obtained a version of the prototype that Rick had been working on.It blew my previous reference Genesis by Virtual Dynamics.I thought I had finally found my end with this cable.This prototype delivered to my ears "Nirvana".Could I be at the end of my quest for the ultimate sound?
No. I received two pairs of CT-1 to replace my prototypes.They went into the system this past Friday.Unable to dedicate time until Sunday listening,I stole a few moments,ducking away from company with anticipation.My guest could tell even with the music set for"ambiance"something was intriguing and I was in for a treat!
The experience:
First off,CT-1 was very user friendly.Installation was simple;the cable is very nice and light.The female RCA fit beautifully unlike any I had found in other cable.It was secure and reliable.It seemed much thought was dedicated to developing a designer fit to an aesthetically stunning RCA connector.Install entailed a few wiggles to ensure what seemed like a compression fit on my RCA.
It was 2-3 hrs. for the 1st step of break in to be complete.At that point I had something different!Today,although they only have 10-12 hrs. on them,I can`t put into words how much my system has transformed.Believe me,I loved my prototypes.However....there is simply no comparision.
The clarity and sound is so natural.
The soundstage is like nothing I ever heard.Resoulution is breathtaking and inner detail is simply hard to believe possible.
The sound has transended and now it simply does not seem as thought I have speakers.
My system is musicians playing music.
I am told with time they will improve and I trust that as it was revealed with the prototypes.I wanted to share my thoughts with you that now.
Unequivocally,a testament to High Fidelity,as the name declares.
High Fidelity Cables for me,the last word on it,after 12 hours!
Truly Amazing

HI benjie,

Just to clarfiy your findings on placement of the mc 0.5s

The placement you found best is at the wall or after the conditioner?

In closer to source, do you mean the further from the equipment or closer to the equipment.

Calvinj, Glad you are getting some listening in again!
At this point my system is more alluring the the rest of my life so I am listening or thinking about listening all the time.
My system is on 18 hours as day a background music and listen closely
5 hours of those hours when I have time.
I too, love that inner detail stuff the HFcables give me.
I hope you get to hear my system and Norms sometime.
Enjoy the Music!! D

benjie, Thank for you collaborative findings on the placement of the
MC-0.5s. I hope others try this and report their findings.
It make sense to me that filtering the power before the power cords might work better... but the sound must tell the story.
I've got about 70 hours on my six way splitter at the wall outlet.
It has progressively improved to a more refined, more live sound.
The clarity and detail were shocking right away as well as the power.
I now have to listen 3 to 6 db lower in volume to get the same level of sound as before. I think another week will really make it sing!
I'll report back soon. Thanks to those who have PM'ed me with questions and ideas! Cheers D

I was listening today and making comparisons between the high fidelity and some other cables and they just pull the music out more. They get they decay right and there is more air and space in the music. I slowed down on my listening for a while but went back tonight and it's just a great product.  I find myself ticking the volume up a little but the inner detail of this product as a whole is pretty amazing. I have high fidelity ultimate interconnects. 

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Rlawry, Thanks very much for your report on the sound of MC-0.5 power filters BEFORE the power cords and distribution.
In my system that move was astounding.
With many days of break in yet to happen, it was shocking to hear such an amazing improvement.
I got a real education in quiet background as I thought my system was “black hole" quiet.
It was not! Not compared to this… I though I was hearing the performers suspended in space but compared to what I heard yesterday,
they were suspended in slight haze. Now there is nothing but the performance sitting there in front of me... WOW! NEVER heard this anywhere before!
The Bass, detail and dynamics are much better also.
Highs started out hard but improved nicely during my 8 hours of listening
Difficult aural pieces were so much clearer and more defined.  I could hear individual choir members and there diaphragms. SO beautiful are the harmonies now. I can feel the Bass more too.
I well report later about the refinement after break in.

Rlawry, I built a splitter today using Furutech power cord wire (1 ft.)
Furutech latest best outlet NFC, a copper cord plug from ATL, 
a shallow outlet box. To this I added two 3 way splitters ( the kind that don't block the other outlet) orange from Lowe's with one straight out and one to either side. Just screw this to the wall and add six MC-0.5 mag filters.
They don't make 20 amp splitters that I could find because we can't connect several appliances to one line. But I was able to use very good quality parts to the splitters. This allows me to use all 8 of my MC-0.5s
at the wall outlet. more with a right angle splitter from Lowe's. I can always make one or two more split systems and add 6 more .5s for each one.
The Sound, after 5 hours of listening, with 8 mag filters at the wall outlet it seems to sound more real and 3D then with 3 in the power distribution box. Still early as the splitters can take 5 days to sound good. Also comparing absolutely ridiculous to absolutely ridiculous is harder that one might think.
It May be psycho-acoustics from a psycho-audiophile. But I will have a more definitive answer in a week. Will try to pm you some pics.
Cheers D
Ps. I would try to avoid parts that have surge protectors in them so I can have 12AWG wire straight thru for better connection.

Perhaps, but the outlets still maybe too close together its hard to tell.

Try this one.

ozzy, thanks.  I can't use those multi-way plugs since it would block another AC outlet in my 4-outlet box (quadplex).  However, there are some others I might try including an angled multi-way plug and even one of those 5-outlet adapters shaped like a starfish that I could plug into the power block.
rlawry, I still think the closer you can get the MC-0.5s to the wall the better they perform. Just try (3) MC- 0.5s with one of those orange 3 way taps from a Home Improvement store that plug right into the wall outlet.
HI Pete,

I have a full loom of HFC cabling. It has taken me awhile to get to this upper level, and lots of cash...mostly purchased used...but it is as follows:. 3 Helix power cords; 2 UR and 1 Ultimate interconnect; and a set of UR Helix speaker cable.  The audio with Rick's cables does seem to improve with age, so it was disconcerting to return home after having everything unplugged and find the magic gone.  Tonight, though, hours of playing and all is how it should be.
Hi, Dave:  I actually have two of these lighted 12 gauge power block cords that convert from one AC connector to three using a 2 foot cord.  One is a YellowJacket #2882 by Coleman Cable, which has a fan-shaped connection block, and the other is a UtiliTech Pro #0067995 that has a flat connection block.  I plugged the UtiliTech into the AC outlet upstream of my power conditioner and the YellowJacket into one of the 3 ports, so I now have a total of 5 of the MC-0.5s plugged into the 2 power blocks.  It seems these make a bigger difference here than plugging the waveguides into the unused AC outlets on the conditioner.  So it may be that the waveguides are required to magnetize the cords but at least they are short.
Rlawry, Hi Roger, I was looking for the YELLOWJACKET splitter you mentioned but  could not find online. 
Thanks for what you reported on your experimenting with The MC-0.5s.
I will try moving some of mine. I have 5 before the distribution and 3 in the distribution box.
One problem with daisy chaining these is the weight of all those 0.5s.
I have to support a 3 way splitter with three .5s so it dose not pull on the outlet.
I am thinking that using power cords to get to the outlet seems to limit the effect due to distance.
I have seen some "short cord" plugging strips that may work,.
I saw some 8 inch long "splitter power cords" which split into two that one could plug two 3 way outlets and 6 MC.5s.
I could make my own short splitter cord with better wire, and better plug and iec ends. maybe a 3 way cord splitter combo that holds 9 of the MC-0.5s!!
I only have 8 of the MC-0.5s now and I'm just paying off a new amp and DSD system so I have no money, but I hope to get my next 4
in a month or so.
Enjoy the music!!!     D

Hi siddh
Thanks for the info, I put the question to Rick and he said just what you did. It would loose some but it would only take a few hours to get it back. What High Fidelity products are you using?
Enjoy Pete
68pete and siddh, I would say for the most part yes.

If there is no signal (but is still plugged in) for an extended period of time then it will need some play to sound its best. Though we are talking about small changes. Unless it is for a very long time, a month or more. But still not as bad as being unplugged for the same amount of time.

If unplugged (the longer the worse) it most definitely will need time to get back to its best. Here the longer the disconnect the bigger the difference in sound. And the longer it will take to get back to it best.

However, it is all system dependent. In some systems it could be a smaller difference in sound and shorter time to get back vs another system,  that were both disconnected the same amount of time.

Also it will be different depending on what type of cable. Interconnect, speaker, power.

At least this is partly of my own experience and partly talking to Rick about this in the past.
Mmmmm, why was jmcgrogan2's post removed? , I went all the way to page 55, got tired of looking for his post,  I was curious because it seemed a few member's were talking to them self's for many, many pages before I discovered who they were talking too, any way,  wanted to say hello to everyone,  enjoy the music. 
Interesting question, Pete.  I just returned from a 7 day trip, in which I had unplugged all power cords.  I have been running the system for approximately 3 hours and it is finally beginning to sound its old self. I was bit concerned, as the soundstage had shrunk; bass was a bit bloated; and very hi-fi-ish.  I am compelled to unscientifically attribute the change to sitting idle/unplugged.

Does anybody know if you power down your system to complete off for a week or more does it affect the High Fidelity products? Do you need to build hours back up again to resume the great sound they are providing?
Thanks Pete

If its the one I just researched. It seems the size would prevent the use of the other outlet in a duplex outlet.
I just ran across this on the web. Was wandering if any one has tried it or could offer any info on it. The Power cube it basically offers a 5 to 1 plug adapter (not a strip) that plugs into the wall outlet. Would be used for adding 4 MC O.5 to a single wall outlet instead of 3 MC O.5 on the adapter from Lowes. Although it would hold 5 MC O.5 i do not think you could get your power cord plugged in with the 5th MC O.5 in place. It says it is 15 amp rated with a resettable fuse. Would the resettable fuse cause a problem for the MC O.5s?? Could you still use it on a 20 amp dedicated line? Any info at all
thanks Pete

68pete, Thank you, your welcome.


I think the initial 4 had the most impact. Probably because that first set introduced the magnetism. So, if that was a 9 out of 10 the next set of 4 was another 5 and the last set perhaps 3.

lak, and rlawry,

As long as I can keep paying for the new equipment with selling off my old stuff I am ok. But...sooner or later...

My wife says I am not trainable but every once in a while I shock her.  I can just see her rolling her eyes as I tell her what I paid for audio cable containing magnets.  The audiophile nightmare:  coming home from a business trip and my wife tells me she sold all of my audio equipment for what I told her I paid for it.
Sometimes I wounder if we are all crazy and I include myself in the crazy group ;-)!

ozzy2,190 posts05-07-2016 12:53pm68pete, At the moment, with just about 20 hours on the extra MC 0.5's being plugged in I would say no. I think the biggest bump was the intial set. But, perhaps with more hours on them it will improve.
ozzy, You have 12 MC 0.5s.   When you say initial set, do you mean 1st 4 MC 0.5s?

I bought one of those YellowJacket AC splitters ($15 at my local hardware store) with the 2 ft cable and expanding one outlet to three.  After disconnecting the single MC-0.5 magnetic waveguide that I previously had in the only unused AC outlet that is in parallel with the outlet that powers my HFC URH power conditioner, I plugged into it the splitter.   I then stole 2 waveguides from the unused outlets of the power conditioner to fill the other 2 expansion slots in the splitter, along with the waveguide I disconnected.  This made a huge difference in the magic midrange that HFC products improve, i.e. huge soundstage, more immediacy, transparency, speed, dynamics, detail, tactility, ease.  So two conclusions:  the use of a cabled splitter works as others here have posted, and the MC-0.5 makes a much greater difference upstream of the power conditioner than downstream.

So I was wondering:  Has anyone daisy-chained splitters?  I was thinking of using a splitter in the parallel AC outlet, into which I would plug in three more splitters of some configuration, giving a total of 9 outlets into which to place MC-0.5s.  For the math wizzes out there, each added level would increase by a factor of 3 (i.e. cube) available AC outlets.  I suppose there is a limit to this idea but wondering whether anyone else has thought of this or tried it.
I wonder if they are more effective on plain brass based outlets over the higher copper content outlets since we are now dealing with magnetism.

Has anyone asked rick?
68pete, At the moment, with just about 20 hours on the extra MC 0.5's being plugged in I would say no. I think the biggest bump was the intial set. But, perhaps with more hours on them it will improve.
Hello ozzy
It sound like a great set up on the 3 dedicated lines. How much of a improvement is adding the last 4 MC O.5 to the system? Was it as big  a bump as when you add the original MC O.5s?
enjoy Pete

I too have noticed that getting the MC-0.5s to the outlet is the best way to go. I tried running a power cord to a Quad box but I noticed I lost some of the resolution. On Video you could really tell, the image was not quite as "jump out at you" as before on my 85"UHD Samsung.

Luckily, when I ran my 3 dedicated lines using 10 gauge wire, I installed a quad and a duplex on each line. Of course all outlets are the Furutech GTX-R with the Oyaide outlet covers. (overkill perhaps, but I will not have to change anything in the future).


I have the AQ adapter. The outlets are too close together to fit 3 plugs. Best you can use with it is 2.

It is not that it would not work. It is just that it would not work as well as what I mentioned.

Ideally you would want to be as close to the connection/outlet as possible.

By using a long power cord you are that much further away. The adapter brings you right to the source, so to speak.

So think of it this way. The way I described you get 90-95% vs plugged directly into the wall outlet. Your way you get 80-85% at best.

Both work but one performs better.
hifial, thanks.  Looks like a cheap alternative although not really sure why the power cord/AQ adapter wouldn't work.  Guess I will try what has been already tried first.
In my opinion (and Rick's) it is not the way to go.

Just go to Lowes or Home Depot and get a three outlet industrial plug. Single to triple. Below are some examples.


There are also single to triple with a short cable. Again industrial style. I have two in black. They work VERY well. And I a few of the above style version. Also work Very well.

But that is just my opinion and experience.
As far as expanding AC outlets, I was noticing on the Audio Advisor website some Audioquest 3 outlet power cord adapters for $34.95 each.  This adapter appears to be more robust than cheap power strips.  It fits on the end of a 15 amp power cord that could then be plugged into an AC outlet, providing 3 AC ports that could each hold a MC-0.5 magnetic waveguide.  Seems like an inexpensive way to hold a couple of extra waveguides.  I may give this route a go as I have some decent extra power cords around to fit the AQ adapter.
Wow, thats great let us know how they effect your system sound. How are you deploying them in your system? Do you have any other HF equipment or cables?
Enjoy Pete

Well I just ordered 4 more of the MC-0.5s. That will make a total of 12 spread over my 3 dedicated circuits.
shill is some involved in a swindle. no swindle here. just enthusiasm.
I see reactions from folks even though no one was mentioned in my post

IF You actually read into what I said as something aimed at you,
May I suggest that it may helpful for you to ask yourself why you thought that.
As for using my name in a post full of lies, I report abuse.
There are folks that go from thread to thread calling people shills and other names for the fun of it. You know what they are called.
ME, I'm listening to beautiful music as I type. Thanks to all of those who love music! Cheers D

benjie, thanks for the question! I have had most of the HF cables my system and have heard them in my friends systems many times as well.
These friends are mostly audio industry people who have great desire for the best audio.
THE Ct-1s were a real eye opener to a different sound, a cleaner more musical and lifelike than I'd heard before. That got me hooked!
I have spent most of my time and all of my money pursuing HF Magnetic products since this thread started.
 I have tried every level of HF products and agree with Roger
the the quality of each level is amazingly alluring. Each has taken me to a realm in audio I hadn't heard before. "Shockingly Superior" to quote a reviewer friend of mine.
In my system the power cords made the biggest improvement,
but that was comparing power cords from Ultimate to URH with cables of that same level. The Pro level is another story as the interconnects and speaker cables sound like they are from another universe!
Point is...each level up has bigger and more powerful magnets because of the theory that the more magnets you add, the more amazing the sound gets. I have friends who have more magnetic stuff than I and their sound is more amazing.
I have 8 MC-0.5s which sounds better than 4.
I know folks who have 9, 11 and 18 of them. They all claim amazement.

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Benjie:  Here is what I have found.  First, in my system the signal cables made a bigger difference than power cables.  IC>speaker cables>power cables.  And the closer to the source, the bigger the difference.  The MC-0.5s made a difference similar to upgrading a level of cables each time I added one but they are still breaking in, so I am not sure of their final effect.  I would imagine there to be a point of diminishing returns on HFC products but I haven't reached it yet.  Going up the line on signal cables seemed to accelerate the further up the line I went, at least to UR products, but others who have been lucky enough to hear URH and Pro signal cables say the change in sonics is even greater, as they should be with the accelerating prices.  I also heard a great effect in adding my URH power conditioner.  So I have found like the others that it seems the more the magnets, the better the sound, although their position also affects the effectiveness of the sonic improvements as I mentioned earlier.  I would venture that if you have experienced big improvements in your systems and like the effects, you will, like me, probably run out of money before reaching the point where the products stop improving the sound.
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Abraxis, I apologize, at least for myself anyway, that you find us posters on this forum to be fanboys or shills for HFC.  My intent has always been to post my personal experiences and I can assure you I have been a serious audiophile since before my college days over 40 years ago.  I have had a multitude of speakers, electronics, cables, tweaks, room treatments, analog front ends, you name it.  I always thought the limiting factors were with electronics but found myself at least partially wrong when I tried my first HFC cable.  At one point I had about $80K of NBS cables but went to other cables prior to HFC.  Like others here, I have paid way too much on HFC products, but when hearing what are almost certainly the biggest changes ever, it is hard not to keep pursuing the addition of these products to my system that keeps improving the sound ever more.  I would have to consider myself being dishonest if I were compensated by convincing others to buy these products.  I am in technical sales in the medical device industry and learned a long time ago not to operate this way.

My system consists of:  Essence solid-state power amp, Essence tubed preamp, Manley Steelhead phono stage, SME 20/2 turntable with Graham Phantom arm and Lyra Titan i cartridge, Homemade speakers with Audio Nirvana 12" single drivers with alnico magnets, JL Audio F113 subwoofer, NOS tubes, KL Audio ultrasonic LP cleaner, and 8000 LP's.  I also have a digital rig but rarely listen to it.  For HFC products I have 3 pairs of UR interconnects, U speaker cables, a URH power conditioner on a dedicated 20A line, a URH power cable to the Manley (my amp and preamp have custom power cords with round military connector), and 7 of the MC-0.5's plugged into the wall and into unused conditioner outlets.

I personally am not aware of any shills on this forum and hope there are not.  No one has steered me wrong yet.
Hi lak
I am sure you are right about the Furutech GTX Rhodium outlets adding to break in time. Rick all so told me the magnet set up in the Hemisphere is all so very different from the Distributor.
Enjoy Pete
Hello hifial
If it is the amp, i have never noticed it until the last couple of days.
As the sound stage improved is when i noticed it. My system consists of:
Esoteric CO3x pre amp
Esoteric KO3x SACD/CD player
Mark Levinson 335 amp (on a dedicated 20amp line)
PSaudio P10 and Power base (not on dedicated line)
8 MC O.5s and 1 Hemisphere High Fidelity
Transparent interconnects ReferenceXL MM2 XLR on all
Transparent speaker cables Reference MM2 (right below the XL line)
B@W Matrixs 800 speakers
Thanks for the info
Enjoy Pete 

Pete, thanks for the feedback.

Just a thought on your last comment.

Perhaps it is your amp needing to reach its operating temp that you are hearing. Even though it is in standby it may need to be"on" to reach its peak. Of course I am guessing because I do not know what amp or for that matter Preamp and Disc Player you are using. It could be any of them as some equipment needs to have a signal run through it to sound its best.
I would think it would be one of them before the Hemisphere but perhaps not.

Let us know how it progresses for you. 
Hifial and 68pete; I agree, Hifial asked a really good question and I also would like to know the answer to it.

On a different note, I'm thinking one reason the Hemisphere takes so many hours to break in is because I believe it uses the Furutech GTX-D Rhodium R outlets. I own and use 5 of them and they took about 500 each to fully break in and sound consistently good.