High Fidelity Cables CT-1designed by Rick Schultz

In December 2011,I wrote that High Fidelity cables led by cable designer Rick Schultz was putting together a new cable.The cable came to market as CT-1.The CT-1 has FINALLY made it into my system!I had obtained a version of the prototype that Rick had been working on.It blew my previous reference Genesis by Virtual Dynamics.I thought I had finally found my end with this cable.This prototype delivered to my ears "Nirvana".Could I be at the end of my quest for the ultimate sound?
No. I received two pairs of CT-1 to replace my prototypes.They went into the system this past Friday.Unable to dedicate time until Sunday listening,I stole a few moments,ducking away from company with anticipation.My guest could tell even with the music set for"ambiance"something was intriguing and I was in for a treat!
The experience:
First off,CT-1 was very user friendly.Installation was simple;the cable is very nice and light.The female RCA fit beautifully unlike any I had found in other cable.It was secure and reliable.It seemed much thought was dedicated to developing a designer fit to an aesthetically stunning RCA connector.Install entailed a few wiggles to ensure what seemed like a compression fit on my RCA.
It was 2-3 hrs. for the 1st step of break in to be complete.At that point I had something different!Today,although they only have 10-12 hrs. on them,I can`t put into words how much my system has transformed.Believe me,I loved my prototypes.However....there is simply no comparision.
The clarity and sound is so natural.
The soundstage is like nothing I ever heard.Resoulution is breathtaking and inner detail is simply hard to believe possible.
The sound has transended and now it simply does not seem as thought I have speakers.
My system is musicians playing music.
I am told with time they will improve and I trust that as it was revealed with the prototypes.I wanted to share my thoughts with you that now.
Unequivocally,a testament to High Fidelity,as the name declares.
High Fidelity Cables for me,the last word on it,after 12 hours!
Truly Amazing


If you're pulling 10 amps with an amp, that would be some major kilowatts happening!! With 250 watt monoblocks and my full system in play including all peripherals, I only measure around 3 amps total pull at 85 db levels. I'd like to experience a system pulling 10 amps - call me for a demo!! :)

Not all watts are created equal, class A or AB, design ... You have to find someone armed with an engineering degree for more details.

According to the owner's manual, each one of my tube mono can draw up to 10A.   My Hegel H30 uses a 15A fuse.   Can't even power up with a CT-1 PC.  If powers up, play ~20 seconds, shuts down and CT-1 connectors get very very hot.   So we can safely assume it's drawing more than 5A or 6A.

I don't want to damage my components or burn house down so if you want a demo, buy a new amp.  :-)
If you're pulling 10 amps with an amp, that would be some major kilowatts happening!! With 250 watt monoblocks and my full system in play including all peripherals, I only measure around 3 amps total pull at 85 db levels. I'd like to experience a system pulling 10 amps - call me for a demo!! :)
Next, is there a reason why you do not plug your amp into the Hemisphere, other then the Hemisphere is plugged into the P10. I would understand not wanting to plug the amp into the P10. 
If so, when you do try the Hemisphere by its self, try plugging the amp into the Hemisphere.
Again, I would be surprised if you do not hear an improvement in sound quality. 
I believe Hemisphere has a 10A max so might not work some amps.

I have an Essence power amp and preamp that use a power cord with a custom round military connector, so I cannot use an HFC power cord with these.  They use a power cord with electronics and are called power bridges, which I plug into my HFC URH power conditioner.
@ Ddraudt, Calvinj, Tbg, Rlawry and any other major user of HFC;
What power cord are you using on your amp and/or monoblocks?

Hi hifial
Will be waiting for your post on the Hemisphere. I will be going to The Newport Show and when i return i will remove the P10 form my system and give the Hemisphere a listen and report here.
enjoy Pete

Well, I ordered a MC-6 Hemisphere today. HFC are waiting on a couple of parts to arrive. So it will be about 10+/- days till it ships. That it includes the days for the parts to arrive, assembly and testing. Casey at HFC said he wants to give it a really good shake down before shipping. I told him that is fine with me and as much as I want the Hemisphere sooner then later I do not mind waiting so they have the time they need.

Once I have it and have some time in my system I will give my impressions.

I have had some well regarded Power Conditioners at one time or another.

Shunyata - top of the line
Synergistic - top of the line
Running Springs - one step below top of the line

There were a few others but these were the best of the ones I had.

Of these three, IMHO, in my system, the Synergistic was the best.

We will see how the HFC MC-6 Hemisphere compares. 

Anyone using the MC 0.5 with Nordost QX4?

I wonder if it would improve upon the QX4.

I wouldn't listen to my system without the QX4.
Hello Al
My amp is on a dedicated 20 amp line.  The P10 is on a nondedicated 15 amp line. the P10 only (at this time) has The Hemisphere plugged into it. The Hemisphere has my preamp,disc player, Tv and sat. box along with 2 MC O.5 in it. None of the power cords of the items plugged in are 20 amp cords. the power cord that feeds the Hemisphere from the P10 is not a 20 amp power cord. The only 20 amp power cord i own feeds the amp. So i could remove the P10 out of the loop,but at this time could not get the amp into the Hemisphere.  Both sockets that feed the amp and the P10 have 3 each MC O.5 on them.
I will post when i remove the P10 form the loop in the near future. 
enjoy Pete

Hello all, I have been following this thread for the last 6 months.
I have never liked power conditioning at all, voltage regulation only.
5 weeks ago, I ordered a 2 pack for my system. I put one in the wall that supplies my regulator and one on my source outlet, 4 weeks later I felt they were settled in, they transformed my system so much, and I am sure some or a lot of you did the same thing, I bought 4 more. They have been in now for 6 days. Like others
I used a 3 way splitter at the wall then filled in my empty slots on my regulator. One thing I have noticed, is the break in with 2 already seated in has been less dramatic with the darkness.  

I also saw it mentioned they perform better with less vibration,
Has anyone tried anything adventurous? Iv e tapped the housing
which has a high pitched ring. I was considering a few coats of
AVM or Acoust-X, covered with shrink tube. I have both on hand,

Pete, Thanks for the info. My I make a few suggestions.

First, yes, please try taking the P10 out of the system (and allow some time for the Hemisphere to settle back in). I would be surprised if you did not find a gain in sound improvement. Not that the P10 is not a fine PC but it may be holding the Hemisphere back a little.

Next, is there a reason why you do not plug your amp into the Hemisphere, other then the Hemisphere is plugged into the P10. I would understand not wanting to plug the amp into the P10.
If so, when you do try the Hemisphere by its self, try plugging the amp into the Hemisphere.
Again, I would be surprised if you do not hear an improvement in sound quality.

Again, thanks and please let me know when you try any of the above.

Cheers, Al.
Hello hifial
I have the Hemisphere and the PSaudio P10. I use them both in my system. The P10 feeds the Hemisphere and everything but my amp is plugged into the Hemisphere, alone with 2 MC O.5. I like what they both do. I have never used one and not the other after getting the Hemisphere. Adding the Hemisphere to the system did take it up a couple of notches. The sound stage became much bigger and more detailed.
Out of the case the Hemisphere sounded good. But with about 6 to 8 hours on it , it became dark and drawn in a little. After 120 hours plus it started to open up. Its still  getting better all the time. I have better than 300 hours on it now and it has not yet topped out. The changes are not as big as after the 120 hour mark, but they are still noticeable.
Some time in the near future i will take the P10 out of the loop and give it a listen. But right now i am very happy with the way my systems sounds.
Enjoy Pete 
Who here has the MC-6 Hemisphere and can you please compare it to any other power conditioner you have had.

Thanks in advance.
Just powered  up my system, after being shut down for 11 days. It has lost some of the sound stage and imaging that it had to prior shut down. After about 6 hours it started to come back but its not their yet. So the High Fidelity Products will regress a little when you shut the power off for a week. But they seem to come back in a short amount of time with use. So i am looking forward to my next High Fidelity purchase.
Enjoy Pete

Any body posting here on High Fidelity thread Going to THE NEWPORT BEACH SHOW 2016?

I am not sure about the Adapter but I know they have an XLR version of their interconnect cable available. Last I looked it was not up on the web site but when I spoke to Rick a few weeks ago he told me it is available. So just call and ask.

PS Rick said its sound quality blew him away. And he did not expect that much of an improvement.


Does anyone know when High Fidelity will release a XLR version adapter?

Anyone know when the High Fidelity XL version of the adapters will be available?
There are two general types of posters on most online forums:  those who are interested in advancing current knowledge, and those who undermine current knowledge with ulterior selfish motives.  When the latter types begin dominating  forums is when I stop wasting my time reading them and move on to something more refreshing.  The nice thing about this thread is that most people seem genuinely interested in advancing the knowledge of these state-of-the-art products, from which I have benefited greatly.  Thanks to all of your for this. 
Now it makes since. The only reason why comments were made about the high fidelity adapters is because Tara Labs is supposedly coming out with some. Everyone knows that you know who is a big fan of those.  I just wish people would post just about high fidelity and the product. Like it or don't like it. For those who haven't tried the adapters. Take a shot I think you will hear the difference.  I hate the negativity and trickery. Let's stay on topic. Thanks. 

Agreed! The review that is most important is your own!  You have to enjoy it or at least say what you like and don't like. Why someone reads somebody else's review and then take it as the gospel is just flat out weird. Anyway hope the thread doesn't get infected again! 
Most reviewers I have met (except Norm), even well respected ones, have little or no knowledge of how electronic items work. Most don't have a system even close to what some of us have. In a way, trusting a reviewer is like trusting a doctor just because he has MD in his title. 
These are flawed human beings like the rest of us.
A guy named Art described perfectly what MC-0.5s sound like Before they break in.
Art is a nice guy who can well describe what he hears with pretty words.
I am aware that he doesn't have the knowledge of magnetic conduction
products or how to use them properly and I mentioned that to him. 
The system he has would not impress or even interest me but Art is a good reviewer. It's just that reviewers, like all humans, are limited by personal circumstance and experience. I have reviewers over to hear my system and I help some improve their systems. They are all likable people, most have modest systems that don't satisfy my ears because they can not create  what I am used to hearing. (except Norm).
AS for the latest uproar... trolls be trolls! ;-)
Enjoy the Music!!! D

Benjie, I agree that demagnification products may help with unwanted electrical charge created magnetic interference, and that the permanent,
purposeful, magnetic arrays in HF products would not be negatively effected over time.
I used to demagnify the whole system with a disc demag unit and could hear the improvement but now, with all the magnetic stuff I have now, demagnifying doesn't seem necessary. I believe that with the magnetic control HFC stuff, it eliminates unwanted noise like IF and RF.

Benjie wrote,

"Hello, I have a question about degaussing my system. I use the Cardas Frequency Sweeps record to do this. I think it works great to clean my cartridge stylus and degauss the rest of my system. Now that I am using High Fidelity Cables throughout my system do you think it will have a negative effect on the cables ?

The reason I ask this question is because the reason why we degauss our system is to remove unwanted magnetism that has built up in our system. Since HFC products introduce magnetism to our signal path is degaussing good or bad for optimum performance of HFC products."

Most likely the demag disc would have no effect on the magents involved with High Fidelity Cables since they use permanent  (rare earth) magnets. The conductors of HF cables are mu metal IIRC and should also not be affected. 


Agreed that the MC-0.5 are indeed sensitive to vibration and had success having some wood to counter resonance to give a slightly more natural sonic on just 1 of the MC0.5's.

I looked into the home circuit and found that even my dedicated line is connected from the main breaker in parallel further upstream. So even playing CD's, your MC0.5 plugged in will most probably have some effect as well, provided that it is in the same phase of your electric circuit.

There can be single to 3 phase used for mains which depends what was installed to your home.
Guys, I have been spending most of my time doing a HFC Pro review. I agree with what has been said about recovery of the system after no use. I should note that I find it very difficult to compare HFC cables with other cables as the effect of system magnetic influence lasts a while making me taking a long time to undo its influence. Then when I put the HFCs in it takes a while to recover. 

One thing that I might add about MC-0.5s-they don't like vibrations! I have tried an old Syn. Res. power strip and thought to use Star Audio Points and got a great improvement. Similarly, putting them under a HFC MC-6 with six MC-0.5s plugged into it on the Audio Points and again got a big improvement.

I have also noticed that putting a single MC-0.5 on a dedicated circuit with only my turntable putted into it. I heard a benefit? This is only an electric motor on the turntable!!

Finally, one warning. Don't listen to the HFC Pros if they are beyond your financial reach.
audiolabryinth:  No amount of posts guarantees superiority of thought, i.e. quantity does not guarantee quality.  Nor is any one review the gospel truth.  There is no arguing in matters of taste, correct?  Do you remember the Stereophile review of the infamous Light Cables where the reviewer proclaimed them a sonic revolution, where subsequent tests indicated they were essentially massive harmonic distortion generators?  This issue then went quietly away, obviously due to well-deserved embarrassment.  I for one would greatly prefer that you stick to the intent of this thread and discuss HFC cables. Personally I do not need reviews to tell me the sonic virtues of products.

Benjie:  I also have wondered about the use of degaussing of systems.  When I demagnetize my phono cartridge I disconnect the HFC URH cables at the turntable end and insert some nonmagnetic interconnects to it and my phono demagnetizer, then re-introducing the HFC cables after demagnetizing.  Not sure about degaussing the entire system since the intent IS to magnetize your system, and whenever I disconnect HFC products the sonic levels diminish until the system re-magnetizes.  If you decide to use degaussing methods I would not think that it would have any permanent effect on the magnets used in HFC products, but I also think it would have little effect on demagnetizing the system as well.  Maybe someone else could weigh in here.
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audiolabyrinth3,969 posts05-17-2016 10:58pm
Rlawry, you are a newbie to me!,  your posting's are 346 compared to my 3,966, that said,  you are not qualified to even voice your opinion to me! You have no clue of audio in it's entirety!,

Rlawry has a life!

I'm not hijacking nothing,  I want art dudley respected!

It's nothing to do with respect, you're missing the point as usual.

Calvinj,  there is no Absolute Sound or stereophile review of high fidelity products other than art dudley's that was recently in stereophile.

if not Art Dudley, there will be someone else. 
Calvinj,  there is no Absolute Sound or stereophile review of high fidelity products other than art dudley's that was recently in stereophile.
Wow, this is why I don't post as much. Audiophiles think that Stereophile is the Bible of audio. It's a great publication but I don't take my sole advice from a magazine. I listen to as much as I can on my own.  I form my own opinions and I don't put too much emphasis on who is the King of the Audiophile kingdom. Lol.  I listen to my jazz and enjoy. This is the High Fidelity Thread. Not the Stereophile thread or Art Dudley Thread or the other magnetic thread etc. etc.. I have enjoyed the product so much. I'm not here to argue about a short demo done from a magazine. I have personally spent time with a lot of the High Fidelity products. I enjoy them. I spent a couple of months at a time with each for the most part. I will also continue to read Stereophile and re up my subscriptions for the next three years. I love Art Dudley and his articles.  I disagree on his High Fidelity evaluation.  Is this a real opinion or is someone just stirring the pot of doubt again. Man why does someone say this is the only professional review when there is more than 20 to 30 out here. I hope this thread doesn't go south with rants that have nothing to do with the product or the music. I'm out for a while because this one is headed in that direction.  Back to my lowly High Fidelity stuff. I guess I can't trust my own ear and enjoy anymore. This is funny.  Here comes the blah blah blah next!
Rlawry, you are a newbie to me!,  your posting's are 346 compared to my 3,966, that said,  you are not qualified to even voice your opinion to me! You have no clue of audio in it's entirety!, you need to be more opened minded to  there is more to audio than high fidelity cable's!, , I  have sold all my high fidelity cable's,  as a matter of fact,  I wanted to listen to the origins of high fidelity cable's,  I  have a virtual dynamics nite series 2 if your interested in buying it!, this cable also has magnetic conduction, I'm not hijacking nothing,  I want art dudley respected! 
audiolabyrinth:  you have completely missed my original intentions.  First, you infer that the Art Dudley Stereophile review is the first "professional" as well as accurate real-world review of HFC cables, when obviously this is false.  There are hundreds of user, internet, and professional publication reviews that almost all disagree with Mr. Dudley's findings.  I, for one, don't hold any one review as the end-all truth, especially if it is in the vast minority.  I have been reading Stereophile regularly for 26 years and Mr. Dudley has eclectic tastes in music and gear, so perhaps the HFC products do not improve the sound of this type of vintage gear, my main intent in raising the issue.  He also gave no indication that he followed the advice given on most of the 3000+ posts on this thread:  HFC products require significant break-in time to sound their best, something corroborated by my own experience.  Or he simply did not like the changes wrought by HFC magnetic adapters--no arguing in matters of taste, no?  So, yes, I am questioning his review, for what I feel are pertinent reasons.  Personally I have no problem with your posts on this forum but it comes across as if you wish to disparage these cables admired by so many with little or no indication of your personal experience with them, and appear to have ulterior motives such as hijacking the thread with superfluous statements as evidenced in your multiple posts above.
benjie,  before I go,  the post are about there are great vintage gear out there, to undermine a well seasoned reviewer such as Art Dudley of stereophile magazine because he likes some vintage gear doesn't have any reason to question his review of the March 2016 issue of high-fidelity magnetic adapter's 😎
audiolabyrinth..please look at the topic at hand ..Your inane posts are exactly that...Go somewhere else..
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I'm impressed with these jewel among the ruff find for speaker's,  the above mentioned rig sounds incredibly musical,  wow! 🖒
I'm having a morning cheers with some Texas music,  Kermit  Ruffins- the big butter & egg man.
Mmmm, I must be wrong, these speaker’s do have pretty good bass, I did dig the shunata anaconda cable’s out the closet  bend of, oh what’s this, didn’t know I had that, the cable’s must be re-burning in, I did just get the Altec lansing 892a mandera speaker’s this past Saturday 😛
Hi rlawry, recently I’ve decided to listen and own the origins of high end audio to expand my knowledge of audio, Lord knows I’ve got experience with the latest and greatest equipment, so I decided to do the blast from the past thing, so I picked up some Altec Lansing 892a mandera speaker’s, two way studio monitors, I’m useing magico q3 speaker’s as shelf’s for the speaker’s, useing the furutech gtx-rhodium outlet’s, although on my modern system I have the new NCF furutech gtx-rhodium outlet’s on that system, also, on the mandera speaker’s I’m useing shunata anaconda speaker cable’s and interconnect’s on a Rega osiris integrated amp, with the modright oppo 95 that has the tubed out board power supply, the oppo unit has two 6sn7 tubes coming out the top of the unit, I done a series of speaker placement test, as it turns out, the speaker’s are to be used on their side’s with woofer’s on the inside of the sound stage, now remember, there is the magico q3 speaker’s under the mandera speaker’s, so I fully understand  what mid-range sounds like, the outcome of the evaluation was that these vintage speaker’s are magical!, seems they cross over at 3khz, nearly all the sound is coming out the 10inch driver, these speaker’s also have a 5inch or so horn, they really don’t have much bass,but oh boy do they do musical right!, likely one of the best mid-range sound ever, they have no brightness, the speaker’s have a switch on the back that to my surprise, works well, the switch is as follows, normal, -3 db, -6 db., it seems this sounded so good, I’m going to pick up the sherwood  7100 receiver made in USA circa 1973 this coming weekend , the Alec Lansing 892a mandera are circa 1968!, I’m not sure why something is wrong with art dudley liking vintage equipment, is this stuff extreme transparent, the last word in frequency extension in both directions, holographic as modern systems, of course not, but musical with mid-range at this point just kicked the crap out the magico q3 speaker’s! 😎
Well I read the stereophile review but I think all of us need to hear things for ourselves.  Art Dudley has years of experience and probably has a well trained ear.  I have enjoyed the product immensely. I think all of us should listen and make the choices for whatever we like.  
There are numerous reviews on HFC products:  the internet, publications, user reviews.  The Stereophile review by Art Dudley seems flawed at best:  there is no indication he allowed the adapters to break in and he has a penchant for vintage gear.  And Stereophile is on the internet.  But who cares, anyway?  Whether someone else hears what I hear with these products, and there are many who report so, is of no consequence to me.
First time ever that I'm aware of, a professional review of high fidelity products that is not on the Internet,  one of the newest stereophile magazine's,  March I believe,  any way,  I enjoyed reading the review of the magnetic adapter's😆
Yes, I agree that the sound is dramatically better with 8 MC-0.5s
at the wall where the power to the system comes from than with 5 at the wall and 3 in the distribution box. Much better in my system.
Mesmerizing here too.
Still testing different splitter combinations.

Yes, I did take 4 MC-0.5s from the unused AC outlets in my HFC URH power conditioner and place them into a YellowJacket power block that is connected to an unused AC outlet parallel to the conditioner:  2 each into the powerblock itself, and 3 in a right-angled AC adapter that goes from one to three AC outlets (I had taken one from the AC wall outlet to make 5 total).  And I can confirm that the closer to the wall, the better the magnetic effect, and that these waveguides work their magic better upstream of the power conditioner than in the unused AC conditioner outlets.  Music was simply mesmerizing with the dimensionality and immediacy improvements wrought by these things.
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