Have a problem with my JOB INT - how to contact company for service...

Hello to all...

Have a problem with my JOB INT amp - can't find any info regarding company and/or service: can anyone suggest a reliable tech to do some diagnostics and a repair for me? Zip 11566 Merrick NY - within one of the WuhanVirus Centers in the USA...
(LUCKY ME: also have a vintage Gershman speaker problem to deal with...)

I am so sorry for the terribly late reply. I never saw a notification you responded. 

I received the Job INTegrated repaired. It's perfect. I think they replaced both internal boards. Total cost plus shipping both was a little more than  $800, possibly around $850. 

It sounds better than I remember and was absolutely worth it. I would do it again if necessary but hopefully will not have to ever send it back.


...back around mid-June - you were awaiting your repaired JOB INT back from a factory repair in Switzerland:
How has it worked out?
Are you happy with the repaired unit? 
Would you put the effort in again to repair it?
What was you total cost (shipping and all)?

I have not sent mine out yet - but thru the Goldmund Rep have a tech in the Chicago area he's referred me to...

Please reply when you can - "... Inquiring Minds want to know ..." Thanks.
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Yeah, watched the whole thing and it was AWESOME!
Did you catch the stuff before hand? All the blacks so eager to vote TRUMP! All those patriotic Trump voters no social distancing, hardly a mask to be seen, just not frightened at all. My kind of people.
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My repaired Job INTegrated will be delivered on Wednesday via DHL.

Can't wait.
My repair should be completed next week and shipped out. I’m waiting for the final update and bill. Fingers crossed. I miss that thing.
Oh, I misunderstood. 

I had the 225 amp as well... Twice actually. 

Should have kept it... Twice. Lol.

Love my Hegel though. My system has changed so many times since the last Job product I had so it would be impossible for me to make a comparison against the Hegel. But I would love to try.


Goldmund has a new integrated out. It’s called the Telos 7.

I’m not aware of any new or reissued Job gear. I think that ship has sailed.
My understanding is, the TELOS 7 integrated is a Goldmund product, not a JOB product ( yes, I am very aware of the product lines of each ). I am unaware of JOB being back with new products. I'm just sayin'. 
********************************TO ALL: ********************************* Gideon at Audioarts asked that you call him at 212-260-2939 (office/showroom #) - or gideon@audioartsnyc.com please... thanks.

JOB is back, in the respect that NONE of their previous products (amps, preamps, integrated or anything previously manufactured) are available as new products again... Audioarts/Gideon is handling any service on previous products (PLEASE SEE ABOVE FOR CONTACT INFO)

AND YES: All New Integrated is called The TELOS 7 - now available to demo and purchase in the USA !!!
I sold my INT a while ago. I currently have a Hegel Rost which I love. 

I'm curious though...

1) Job is being resurrected?
2) Job has a new integrated out?
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IMHO: I’d call Gideon and ask him to "intervene", even if it was only for info and an update...

Gideon also mentioned to me what he recommends is the BEST POWERCORD for use with the JOB INT: an ENSEMBLE DALVIVO !

Thank you so much for the follow up. I have already sent in my unit to Switzerland with an appropriate RMA. While I'm getting a little impatient, I'll give it another week or two before reaching out to them again. They received my integrated on May 11th. I'm looking at a possible repair cost of $500 as per our initial correspondence. 

I would absolutely love a new Telos 7 integrated but retail is $10K. Looks like a great unit.

Please keep me updated on what you find out.

Did abit of research (after sending info to the email address you suggested) and came up with some other info:

Anyone needing servicing for Goldmund or JOB products should contact the Goldmine Importer here in the USA:
Gideon at Audioarts in NYC



We had a lengthy conversation about the emergence of JOB and its history, reasons for its recent discontinuation of products, and its resurrection with a new integrated (now available in the USA) after glowing reviews in Europe.

Awaiting an email with more specific info, and will add that to the forum after I receive it...

joeinid - contact him directly, if you can, to facilitate resolving your problem...
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If Goldmund won't help. Nuforce is now using the same boards in their  Nuforce STA200  hopefully they will help you.

Cheers George

I’m also on Long Island in NY. I sent my Job INTegrated in to Goldmund service about 3 weeks ago.

Here’s the email address:


I’m waiting to hear back from them.