Has biwire speaker cabling become "old" ?

I notice some makers are not stocking biwire termination. Has biwire gone out of favor ? Was it sonically meaningless ?
Have speaker makers dropped it ? Do us owners of biwire built speakers need to resort to jumpers or aftermarket biwire cables now ?
Yes, Richard has done a great job with that site.  I don't know any others who have such a comprehensive Q&A page like that and Richard himself answers the questions.

Email, I can't wait to hear the you use in your system.  As you know the only thing is using the same length and type for each and every run.  
Thanks to whoever pointed out the faq on Vanderstein's  site.   A great read.  

Bare wire so much better than crimped/welded/soldered joints to plugs/spades.

no romance, how can you make a statement like that?  There is so much that goes into any cable that you can't just make a blanket statement like that as fact.  The real fact is that any bare wire will start to 'gas' over time and that will degrade the sound tremendously at this level.  If you have a strong cold weld like AQ makes along with a top of the line silver dipped spade, your connection is as good as anything else and you won't get the gassing, so it will continue to be a better connection. Other companies have done research on their connections and many are much better over time than bare wire.  Just saying 
Are we done kissing RV's tush?  Ok, let's all use our own brains and try different methods.  I've played the field and have found that Biwiring makes a huge difference if you use a cable that actually is designed for high end performance and not just for connecting electrical appliances together (read wire only).  Hopefully your speakers have the terminals feeding seperate crossovers for the low and high frequencies...otherwise forget it!  MIT has just such cables....enjoy.
Nice Dave.  I don't need to kiss anyones butt.  Been around audio plenty and there are some who's ideas I align with as they make sense.  Well before I even liked his speakers, I was into MIT cables. I loved them and even had my Quicksilver preamp fully wired with Brisson's wire and solder.  Loved what it did to the sound.

Are you upset that folks like his Q&A area on his site?  Seems like good business to me.  He likes to interact with folks and most like that.  I always enjoy meeting designers and listening to why they do what they do.  It's the only way to learn as long as you keep an open mind.  Doesn't mean I have to agree or like their product, but it's good business.  

I guess I don't fully understand your problem with folks liking  Mr Vandersteen.  He's a nice guy who has a passion for audio and he likes to share.  Most in our business seem to be that way.  
Sorry, I was out of line....I apologize.  Sometimes I think common sense and experimentation can yield verifiable results without relying to heavily on any one mans gospel.  RV is a good egg however, just need to balance sage advice with actual trial and error sometimes to determine if what does it for the adviser delivers for the advisee!
more expensive cable price, doesn't necessarily mean better performance.  You must hear the cable in your own system to know if it helps.  If it does...bi-wire if your speakers are designed for it.  Use seperate cables for the top and bottom... The cables that have 2 spades on one end and 4 on the other are far less effective.  Keep the cables seperated
MIT delivers otherworldly musical vistas for me...all else is just wire.  There are patents involved!
Biwiring is BS!   Most of the time, no audible improvement IMO.

Been there, tried it.
My Krells have crossover boards for each section and my MIT M1.5 Biwires have dedicated networks for high and low pass signals...BIG DIFFERENCE!!
First off we should all listen before buying.  I was all bout MIT when I had my Quicksilver/Proac system.  It was years. I'm actually shipping my 330 shotgun CVT cables out tomorrow as I finally decided to sell them.  Bruce B actually rewired my preamp with his internal wire many years ago.  He among others make some great cables.  No doubt, but I liked the AQ cables much better with my Vandersteen/Ayre system.  I did listen to bi wire vs single vs the bi wire within ONE cable.  I wasn't able to afford the second set of Castle Rock to do a true bi wire, but I'm about to pull that trigger. I noticed a nice difference, however I also feel that upgrading components usually makes a bigger difference than upgrading cables (dollar per dollar).  For those who make a claim that bi wiring is BS, you have no credibility.  For you it obviously didn't work, but some systems are designed to be bi wired and it does make a nice difference.  

Dave, it's all good.  I do listen to Richard a lot.  He makes a ton of sense and I trust him.  That said, I have my own ears.  He and I seem to like similar sounds.  It wasn't like that years ago and I didn't want Vandersteens.  I listen differently now than I used to.  I have heard differences for years IRT bi wiring.  I have heard lesser cables with a true double run sound much better than a 5k single wiring with jumpers.  That's just me, but I'm sure a ton don't hear a difference.  
ctsooner, you are far to reasonable a person....how are we going to have an argument if you keep up this "level headed" response garbage:)
Dave, sorry, lol.  I've been called unreasonable by way too many over my lifetime, lol.  I can argue if you want, lol.  I often just hang out on the boards to find ridiculous comments by folks who have never been in a certain situation, but are more than willing to offer their professional advice, lol.  I'm not a professional, but at least I get out often to many places and listen to components so I have an idea of what I like and what I don't.  I just try not to forget that we all hear so differently.

Nutty.....I have been looking for speaker cables that could really do justice with my system......my headphones always sounded way better.  I had Cardas, Audioquest, WmLowe Signature, Wireworld, etc....all top of the line editions.  For the halibut, I was  recommended Clear Day Cables.   When I talked to Paul at Clear Day, he sent me an audition pair without charge...."just give it a listen" he told me.   The instant I heard them, it was a deal.  I got a bi-wire pair of his double shotgun and am really happy with the openness, the solid bass, the huge dynamics...all the right stuff.  Call Paul - no pressure- it just might be the cables you're looking for.  I'm just a happy customer...no ties at all to Clear Day.
It's always better to read and accept the opinions of  experts regarding the sound of your gear rather than listening to the gear yourself and deciding what you like. What you like could be in fact not what many of the experts like, and thusly not good for you or the world in general. The safest thing to do is to NOT listen to your system at all as you could be at risk of enjoying something that isn't actually enjoyable, and that, clearly, is not worth the risk.
Nutty...I posted something to you, but it wasn't published.  Should you be interested in my take....sgreenp@msn.com