Happy listening in SoCal

Another reason we SoCal residents love our state.

Looks like all tube mega mono block guys might see a bump In the electricity bill?

Message on the SCE website

"Effective October 1, 2024, the Domestic Tiered rate will be consolidated from three to two tiers. The High Usage Charge (HUC) will no longer apply to customers on this rate plan."

Those marathon sessions gonna cost more!




@buellrider97 I got one too: in San Diego, city workers retire with a 100% of their salaries - if they stick it out. Those pensions are paid from taxes being collected in the present and the future (not Calpers). And because San Diego is so expense, they tend to move to AZ and NV. So we are paying to boost economies 300 miles east.

Meanwhile the city services are non-existent. Eastern Europe has better maintained village roads than major arteries in San Diego. 

   I’m in PG&E territory, if I’m not mistaken we have the second highest rates in the nation behind the San Diego area. My daughter lives in Pensacola and her power is 1/4 the rate of mine ( 12 cents per kwt Vs 49/59 ) . That said, the  $40K I spent on Solar with an extra $10K of fresh roof under the two arrays allows me to use my plasma TV, my tube stereo and run my pair of 3 ton units all I want. All I do is generate 15 megawatts per year. PG&E spent the last 40 plus years paying high dividends to shareholders instead of reinvesting in sound infrastructure. They killed people in San Ramone and Paradise. So now the customers are paying for that and the fluffy new woke advertising campaign they have telling us how they are investing in hardening the grid. I spent a lifetime watching the employees enjoy their cabins at Bass Lake. My employer never let me lease mountain property. I guess I’m just butt hurt because I can’t spend that much  on a stereo system. Life is full of choices , Mike 😎

(and with my simpleton brain, I would think; if one can afford all tube mega mono blocks , how would he notice a slight increase in the electric bill?)

Reality, yes. If you've got the setup, you don't care about the bill. A Bugatti owner isn't driving around for the best pump price!

I'm guessing those with the hi power SS Class A boxes are drawing a good amount of juice also.

with solar on my roof, I could charge 3 EVs and still not pay much. I would very much like to have the "all tube mega mono block " problem but for obvious reasons I do not :)

(and with my simpleton brain, I would think; if one can afford all tube mega mono blocks , how would he notice a slight increase in the electric bill?)

To reduce the background noise, I tend to turn off the a/c and fans when listening to music unless it becomes too uncomfortable.  The a/c units consume far more than the stereo.

We also have solar, but SCE still finds ways to screw us.

Don't panic until you see the actual tier structure. Consolidating three into two increases the structure (duration) of the tiers but to what extent, we won't know until the next billing cycle. 

What got my goat was an announcement a couple months ago about someone slipping in a $25 charge when going over into the next tier even if only slightly. It may even apply across the board no matter how little you use (I forget). No one noticed it as it was buried in the fine print and a lot of legislators were pissed about it. Whoever put that in needs to be exposed as it was a handout to the utilities providers.

All the best,

'The lowest rate tier was 9:00 PM to 5:00 AM. If they dropped anything it would be that one."


Not long ago, SCE dropped the medical device discount RATE and just upped the limit for KWH use.

They sure aren't going to lose $$ on adjusting.

I use a modest tube intg, tube phono and tube tuner and  see how a marathon session can drive the monthly  bill up.

Time to go Class D/off the grid-NOT!



Hair Gell Boy up in Sac will NEVER bring lower rates to our state, so don't get your hopes up. The lowest rate tier was 9:00 PM to 5:00 AM. If they dropped anything it would be that one. Thats the time for instance, when swimming pool owners run their pumps to filter their pools. Wouldn't it be swell if the cost of living was constantly being pushed down rather than up? 

I looked this up. I couldn't figure it out. They just removed a tier but I don't think the price of electricity is going down in California. They aren't producing anymore cheap energy and buy a lot of it out of state. Probably just a shift in billing but you end up paying the same. Time will tell.